Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3733: Mass Production God King (2)

The remaining disciples' eyes were focused on the high-grade God King Pills in their hands, with doubts and expectations in their eyes. They immediately gritted their teeth and began to swallow the high-grade God King Pills one after another.

Suddenly, in the large square on the main peak, a ball of blazing energy rose into the sky, shining like a scorching sun on the entire Zixiao Sword Sect.

More than 10,000 disciples swallowed the Superior God King Pill at the same time. The commotion caused was so great that it instantly alarmed all the disciples of the Zixiao Sword Sect. Pairs of eyes came together with surprise. Many old disciples flew from all directions and headed straight to the main peak, wanting to find out.

With a thought from Jian Chen, a space barrier was quietly formed, covering the entire main peak.

In the eyes of countless disciples of the Zixiao Sword Sect, they watched helplessly as the main peak disappeared from their sight. The group of old disciples who flew straight to the main peak were all blocked by a force of space, and no one could approach it. It is impossible to see the inside scene.

"I seem to see many low-level disciples gathering on the main peak. The sect master is doing something earth-shattering there."

"Ever since the old sect leader Chen Shuzhi fell and the new sect leader took office, I feel that our Zixiao Sword Sect has become different from before."

"Yes, think about how scarce resources were in the Zixiao Sword Sect in the past. Many disciples could not even obtain a low-grade immortal crystal for several years, and were reduced to a situation where they had to rely on funding from other forces. And look at it now. Our sect’s resources are so abundant that we can’t even use them all.”

"All of this changed only after the Sect Master appeared. It would have been better if the Sect Master had appeared a few years earlier."

"The sect master has brought too many miracles and hopes to our Zixiao Sword Sect. I wonder what surprises the sect master can bring to our sect this time."

"With such a big motive, even the main peak is hidden, it must be a shocking secret."

Outside the space barrier, some old disciples were suspended in mid-air, sighing one after another. The eyes of those pairs of people looking towards the main peak were also full of expectation and novelty.

At this moment, on the main peak, Jian Chen continuously used Space Law and began to rewrite the spatial order on the main peak. As the Space Law surged violently, gradually, the energy waves that filled the main peak began to slowly disappear.

I saw the more than 10,000 disciples who had taken the God King Pill. Each of them was surrounded by a layer of space barrier. The small barrier contained another world. The space inside was distorted and rapidly enlarging, as if it had turned into A small world.

At this moment, the more than 10,000 low-level disciples on the main peak seemed to be in a small independent space, without interfering with each other during the breakthrough.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the void, his tyrannical consciousness always paying attention to each disciple, personally protecting them, and being ready to intervene at any time.

Behind him, Dan Chenzi from the Alchemy Hall and several Immortal Emperors who assisted him in refining the God King Pill stood side by side, staring attentively at the more than 10,000 disciples who were making breakthroughs.

Although they have been assisting Dan Chenzi for decades and are very familiar with the medicinal properties and functions of the superior God King Pill, as long as they have not seen it with their own eyes, they will inevitably have some doubts in their hearts.

After all, Jiutian Xuanxian is no longer an ordinary immortal. If placed in any top force, he can be regarded as the mainstay.

In the fairy world, unless you are the most gifted geniuses, or some lucky people who have great opportunities and fortunes, it often takes hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years to cultivate to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fairyland. years, or even longer years.

Now, the leader of the Zixiao Sword Sect wants to use a special magic pill to mass-create the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm in a very short period of time. This will naturally attract the great attention of these immortal emperors.

In their opinion, this is simply a miracle!

"Many of these disciples have just started and have not yet become immortals. Can they really break through multiple realms in a short period of time and become Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals?"

"Such a magical pill will cause endless troubles, because it completely violates the ethics of heaven and reverses the rules of nature."

"There are more than 10,000 disciples. I don't know how many will succeed. What will happen if they fail?"

Including Dan Chenzi, all the Immortal Emperors were secretly guessing that after all, their understanding of God King Dan was not as good as Jian Chen, let alone the people in the Holy Realm.

Time passes quietly, and everyone has been waiting here for three years!

For three years, Jian Chen has always maintained a posture of sitting cross-legged in the void, with his eyes slightly closed, and his consciousness transformed into ten thousand things, paying close attention to the changes of each disciple.

Due to the isolation caused by the space barrier, the auras and energy fluctuations of all the disciples were covered up. Several Immortal Emperors in the field were unable to feel the changes in those disciples. Only Jian Chen knew about the situation.

According to Jian Chen's perception, in the past three years, many of the disciples have broken through several major realms and entered the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Some of the best among them are even approaching the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Or because they are affected by their own strength and talent, or because of factors such as race, the promotion speed of these disciples after taking the superior God King Pill is far less than that of the tribesmen in the Dark Star Realm.

"They still have a lot of power of the divine elixir in their bodies. If this continues, they will definitely step into the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, but it will take a little longer." Jian Chen thought to himself.

This phenomenon undoubtedly shows that this superior God King Pill will have the same effect on warriors in the holy world or immortals in the immortal world.

The several Immortal Emperors behind him have been staring at the disciples intently. For the Immortal Emperors who have lived for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, three years is just a blink of an eye.

Soon, another six years passed. On this day, among the more than 10,000 Zixiao Sword Sect disciples who had taken the superior God King Pill, someone finally entered the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm.

The medicinal power of the superior God King Pill has been completely dissolved in his body, and not a drop is left.

With a thought in Jian Chen's mind, the space barrier around the disciple disappeared in an instant, and his aura was completely exposed to the eyes of Dan Chenzi and other Immortal Emperors.

The Immortal Emperors of the "Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm" all opened their eyes wide, staring at the disciple who was the first to break through with disbelief on their faces, as if they were looking at monsters.

"It's really the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal. It's unbelievable, unbelievable."

"In less than ten years, a disciple at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm has broken through one after another and entered the realm of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal. It is really amazing."

Witnessing the birth of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal with their own eyes, all the Immortal Emperors, including Dan Chenzi, looked amazed.

The first disciple to make a breakthrough, before taking the Superior God King Pill, was only at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, equivalent to the Saint Emperor Realm in the lower realm.

A high-quality God King Pill allowed him to directly skip the three major source realms and squeeze into the highest realm among the four major divine realms - the God King Realm!

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