Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3734: Mass Production God King (3)

This made everyone who witnessed this scene gasp in amazement.

Among them, the two people who suffered the greatest impact were undoubtedly Elder Nong and Chen Shifang.

It took millions of years for the former to reach the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm. As for the latter, despite his good talent, it also took tens of thousands of years.

But now, they were watching helplessly as a disciple with extremely low cultivation reached the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm in less than ten years. One can imagine the shock in their hearts.

The first disciple to break through the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm immediately came to Jian Chen, knelt down on his knees, and said with excitement, "This disciple has lived up to the expectations of the Sect Master and has successfully been promoted to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm. Thank you very much, Sect Master, for your gift. Thank you very much for your gift, Sect Master." "

With a smile on his face, Jian Chen nodded and said, "The development and growth of the sect cannot be separated from the mainstays like you. I hope you can make more contributions to the sect in the future."

"Everything that a disciple has is a gift from the sect master and the sect. From now on, the disciple's life completely belongs to the sect master and the sect. I swear to live and die with the sect." The disciple immediately swore an oath, full of loyalty.

Looking at the sincere look on this disciple's face, Jian Chen's heart was filled with emotion. He had already seen that a high-quality God King Pill helped this disciple successfully advance to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, and at the same time, it also completely He bought his heart and gained his 100% loyalty.

In just ten years, a low-level disciple who is equivalent to the Saint Emperor Realm has entered the Divine King Realm. This is definitely an incredible blessing. Anyone who has some conscience and knows how to repay kindness will take this opportunity. Keep the kindness in mind.

"You go down first to familiarize yourself with the current realm!" Jian Chen said.

"Yes, Sect Master!" The disciple said respectfully, and then his expression suddenly changed, with a hint of fear and panic in his eyes.

"It's not good, Sect Master, I sensed my own heavenly tribulation. This is why it is so heavy." The disciple's expression changed instantly.

"To go from the Earth Immortal to the Celestial Immortal realm, you need to go through tribulations, and from the Celestial Immortals to the Golden Immortal realm, you need to go through tribulations. Every major breakthrough in the following realms requires going through tribulations."

"During each tribulation, there is a hundred-year buffer. As a result, I broke through the realm one after another in just ten years. At this time, multiple tribulations were added up, and the power became unimaginable." The face of the disciple Everything turned pale, and the ecstasy brought about by the breakthrough suddenly turned into despair.

"Don't worry, there are so many strong men in the sect, and the Heavenly Tribulation can't help but you." Jian Chen said nonchalantly, he already knew that the Immortal World and the Holy World were somewhat different.

When a holy warrior breaks through the realm, there is no such thing as a catastrophe.

But if the immortals in the immortal world break through to the great realm, they all need to go through a heavenly tribulation.

Successfully survive the catastrophe, and live freely on the earth from now on.

If you fail to survive, you will end up in ashes.

The Immortal-Destroying Divine Thunder was made by a strong person using the lightning tribulation of an immortal.

As for overcoming the tribulation

The Zixiao Sword Sect has accumulated rich experience over the years in terms of methods and know-how.

"Sect Master, I am good at refining weapons. Perhaps when these disciples are going through their tribulations, I can refine their tribulations into the Immortal-Destroying Divine Thunder!" At this time, an Immortal Emperor standing behind Jian Chen spoke.

"Okay, then I will leave it to you to be responsible for these disciples' overcoming the tribulation. You must ensure that they can successfully overcome the tribulation." Jian Chen said to all the Immortal Emperors behind him, and then told Dan Chenzi to be responsible for the fate of these disciples. Prepare some healing pills to overcome the tribulation.

Elder Nong is responsible for distributing the best immortal weapons to these disciples who take the God King Pill.

Next, time passed year after year. In the next few years, a large number of disciples successfully advanced to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm every year.

Looking at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal who walked out of the space barrier, Elder Nong, Chen Shifang, Dan Chenzi and others all became a little numb.

Today, fifteen years have passed since the superior God King Pill was distributed. Among the more than 11,000 disciples who have taken the God Pill, more than 6,000 have successfully achieved breakthroughs, and all of them have become the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, and no one has failed.

Except for Jian Chen Cong Cong Cong, everyone standing behind him was deeply shocked by this success rate.

In the end, it took twenty years for more than 11,000 disciples to achieve breakthroughs.

The Zixiao Sword Sect suddenly added more than 10,000 members of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, and its strength completed a qualitative leap in a very short period of time.

Of course, this is just a surge in the core strength, and the high-end strength remains the same.

Jian Chen did not choose to announce the appearance of this group of Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals to the sect. Instead, he hid all these people in the snow and took them to another area of ​​Taichu Temple alone for special training.

After that, he mobilized all the Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperor Realms in the Zixiao Sword Sect, even the Immortal Lord Realm elders in the Alchemy Hall, and asked them to teach this batch of newly promoted Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals in a targeted manner. Be familiar with the use of energy in the body.

These disciples suddenly gained powerful powers, and almost all of them could not be used perfectly. Naturally, it would take some time to adapt.

In addition to these, there are also combat skills, the use of fairy weapons, etc. They all have to start from scratch.

Jian Chen did not take care of these trivial matters personally, leaving them all to the Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperors.

"There are currently more than 11,000 people in the Zixiao Sword Sect in the Jiutianxuan Immortal Realm, more than 20 people in the Immortal Lord Realm, and the Alchemy Hall. Eight people were rescued from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, plus Elder Ganong and Elder Chen, a total of more than 30 people. people."

"As for the Immortal Emperor, there are Lin Sen from the Shenmu Clan, Dan Chenzi from the Alchemy Hall, and others from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

The seven people rescued inside made a total of nine people. "

"The Immortal Lord, there is the Thousand-Soul Demon Lord, the Immortal-Eating Demon Flower"

"I wonder what kind of power can be exerted by setting up the Array of Gods with such a lineup."

Jian Chen returned to the secret room alone, secretly calculating his current strength in his heart, and he was ready to move.

He opened his palm, and saw an ancient scroll appearing out of thin air, floating three inches high in his palm, filled with a vast aura, and an aura of vicissitudes, as if it had experienced endless years.

This scroll has obviously existed for a long time.

This is exactly the divine formation of the gods that he got from the Qingtian City Artifact Spirit.

Next, Jian Chen began to comprehend the array of gods.

Since the All Heavens Divine Formation fell into his hands, he has studied its mysteries more than once, carefully studied the orientation of the formation, etc. It can be said that he has mastered it by heart.

But now, the All-Heavens Divine Array was about to be truly revealed. In order to prevent some unexpected mistakes when setting up the formation, he once again took out the All-Heavens Divine Array and studied it carefully and deduced it in his mind to prevent any omissions.

This research lasted three years.

Three years later, the more than 10,000 disciples who took the superior God King Pill and advanced, under the guidance of several great Immortal Emperors and more than 30 Immortal Lords, have basically mastered the skyrocketing power of cultivation in their bodies.

Moreover, each of them wears at least two top-quality immortal weapons, one for offense and one for defense.

To these people, Jian Chen was also extremely generous. All top-quality immortal weapons were given out for free, unlike other disciples of the sect, where all important resources had to be exchanged for the sect's contribution.

After three years of seclusion, Jian Chen also walked out of the secret room and appeared in front of the more than 10,000 disciples.

At this moment, all the disciples were neatly arranged in a square formation. In front of them were more than thirty immortal monarchs and nine immortal emperors from the Zixiao Sword Sect.

At this moment, everyone faced Jian Chen and stood quietly.

Jian Chen glanced around the more than 10,000 disciples, nodded slightly, then looked in another direction and said, "Thousand Soul Demon Lord, it's time for you to leave seclusion."

As soon as Jian Chen finished speaking, there was a sudden surge of demonic energy in the distance between the sky and the earth. Immediately, he saw the Qianhu Demon Lord turning into a huge black cloud, sweeping up the monstrous demonic energy and approaching quickly.

The coercion of the Immortal Realm filled the air, and the faces of the more than 10,000 Jiutian Xuanxian Realm disciples suddenly turned pale.

"Condens your pressure, there are still so many sect disciples here." Jian Chen shouted lowly.

The next moment, the Thousand Soul Demon Lord instantly restrained all pressure and aura, and the demonic energy in the sky disappeared, revealing his true face.

This is a middle-aged man who is three feet tall, with a face full of

Hengrou had a strong evil aura about him, especially his eyes, which seemed to contain a world of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, which made people dare not look directly.

"Hey, where did so many Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals come from? Sect Master, where did you find these people?" Thousand Soul Demon Lord came to Jian Chen, a pair of soul-stirring eyes filled with surprise.

"How are you recovering now?" Jian Chen stared at the Thousand Soul Demon Lord and asked.

"My physical body has been reshaped, but the time is too short, and my strength has not been fully restored to its peak. It has probably only been restored to the fifth level." Thousand Souls Demon Lord said, his eyes still staring at the more than ten thousand Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals who were constantly looking at them. , he seemed to have seen some clues, and a look of disbelief and disbelief gradually appeared on his face.

The more than ten thousand disciples lowered their heads involuntarily. Even though the Thousand Soul Demon Lord had restrained all his aura and looked like an ordinary person, they still did not dare to meet the Thousand Soul Demon Lord's eyes.

"Dan Chenzi, how are the elders of your Alchemy Hall recovering?" Jian Chen looked at Dan Chenzi again.

"Reporting to the sect master, the elders of our Alchemy Hall have basically fully recovered thanks to the sect master's generous gift. Even if some elders have not yet recovered, the impact is not significant." Dan Chenzi said with his fists in hand.

Immediately, Jian Chen glanced at the remaining Immortal Emperors. Among those Immortal Emperors, except for Lin Sen from the Shenmu Clan, the remaining seven were still showing signs of fatigue.

They were imprisoned by the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, and their treatment was not as good as that of the Danqi Immortal Sect, so it was difficult for them to return to their full glory in a short period of time.

However, Jian Chen obviously couldn't wait that long. With a wave of his hand, the formation diagram of the Divine Formation of the Heavens immediately appeared in the air.

Jian Chen made secrets with his hands and used secret techniques to unfold the formations of the gods in the heavens.

Suddenly, as the rolled-up formations slowly opened, a vast and majestic pressure filled the air, filling the entire world in an instant.

"What is this?" Qianhun Demon Lord's face changed continuously, revealing a look of fear. His eyes were fixed on the formation diagram in the sky, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

Within this formation, he keenly felt a suffocating pressure.

All the Immortal Emperors of the Zixiao Sword Sect and all the powerful Immortal Lord Realm experts were staring blankly at the formation diagram of the All-Heaven God Array, greatly shocked.

The pressure of this formation diagram is really too strong, far exceeding that of some Immortal Realm experts, especially the vast aura that permeates it, which is shocking to the heavens and the earth, making ghosts and gods cry.

"This is the Divine Array of All Heavens. For a long time to come, the Divine Array of All Heavens will serve as the treasure of our Zixiao Sword Sect. However, this formation is extremely mysterious. If you want to exert the power of this formation, you must You are familiar with this formation, now, everyone joins the formation!" Following Jian Chen's low shout, a screen of light suddenly projected down on the formation diagram of the All-Heaven God Formation, and each formation was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

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