Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3741: Tiger roar family

In a daze, the head of the Jing family felt that his whole body was being seen through, and he no longer had any secrets in Jian Chen's eyes.

When this feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart, the head of the Jing family immediately stirred up a storm. He really couldn't imagine how high a state he had to be in order to see through him at a glance.

After all, he is also a Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal.

"Disciple, the death of your parents is really related to your family grandpa." After thinking about it, Jian Chen still told Jing Mumu the truth so that she could better come into contact with the dangers of the world.

Upon hearing this, Jing Mumu was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Jing Tianhao, the ancestor of the Jing family, was equally shocked at this moment. As an Immortal Lord, he deeply understood that if he wanted to understand the secrets of a Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal by derivation, it would be absolutely difficult to do so in the Immortal Lord realm. The person in front of him is at least a powerful person in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

When he thought that Jing Mumu's master was an Immortal Emperor, Jing Tianhao felt excited. If he could have some relationship with such a powerful person, then the Jing family would have a strong relationship with Hu in Luoyun City. The Xiao family has the qualifications to be equals.

"No matter what, we must keep Jing Mumu and Jing Feng in the family." The ancestor of the Jing family quickly made up his mind, and immediately looked at Jing De with his eyes filled with anger, and shouted: "Jing De, You are so courageous that you even dare to harm your own people. If this senior had not seen through the mystery, I would have been kept in the dark even by you, my ancestor."

The head of the Jing family suddenly turned pale, but he refused to admit it and said sophistry: "Ancestor, there is absolutely no such thing. If there is no evidence, you can't frame me casually."

"Evidence? Are you still telling me evidence?" Jing Tianhao's face turned livid, he clasped his fists in the direction of Jian Chen and said: "This senior's words are ironclad evidence. Do you think that with this senior's lofty status, you can still Will he come to frame you, a little Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal?"

"Jingde, as the ancestor of the Jing family, I am now officially deposing you as the head of the family. From now on, Jingfeng will be the head of our Jing family, and he can fully represent me."

Jingde's body shook violently and he almost fell to the ground.

"Jingde, although you and I have had grudges before, it was only between the two of us. Why did you want to harm my son? Or, why did my son provoke you to make you so cruel? , Let him fall into a place of eternal destruction." Jing Feng said in pain.

Jingde smiled, but his smile looked a bit miserable.

Jing Mumu became a disciple of a strong man, and Jing Feng also followed suit. Even the ancestor of the Jing family who had been silently supporting her before ran to the other side. Without any backer, she could no longer escape. Today's calamity.

As for the evidence, let’s not say that the death of Jing Mumu’s parents was indeed related to him, even if it had nothing to do with him, even if he was wrongly accused, then in order for the ancestor of the Jing family to be able to climb up to a strong man like Master Jing Mumu, , and would choose to sacrifice him without hesitation.

Not to mention one Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, even ten Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals, the ancestor of the Jing family would abandon them without hesitation.

"Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing to hide. Jingfeng, I can only blame you for all this. You are always against me in the family. Your existence will threaten my status sooner or later. Since you are If you don't let me feel at ease, then I will have to completely destroy your lineage." Jingde laughed, with a hint of madness and resentment in his eyes.

Jingfeng's face was gloomy and he said: "You married Mu Mu into the Huxiao family not only because of the interests of the family, but you also put forward conditions for people from the Huxiao family to kill me, right? "

"Yes, the Huxiao family did promise me that if you are not dead after Mumu comes over, then they will invite an Immortal Lord Realm Supreme Elder to personally kill you." Jingde's face was full of unwillingness, He gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a pity that you are luckier than me after all and can find a strong backer."

"Grandfather of the family, I don't believe it. I don't believe that you are such a person. Tell me, this is not true." Jing Mumu cried sadly, not daring to accept that the grandfather of the family, who had always been amiable in her eyes, could actually He would be the culprit who killed his biological parents.

"Mu Mu, your grandfather is also helpless. If you really want to blame, blame your grandfather. It is your grandfather who has made me unhappy all these years." Jingde took all the responsibility Blame it on Jingfeng.

"How presumptuous, Jingde, you are still stubborn." The ancestor of the Jing family shouted angrily. He suddenly raised his hand, and the coercion of a strong man in the Immortal King realm exploded. He directly pressed his palm on Jingde's shoulder, and then used force suddenly, only to Hearing a "bang", Jingde's knees hit the ground heavily and he knelt there on the spot.

The ancestor of the Jing family suppressed Jingde there so that he could not move at all, and then said to Jingfeng: "Xiaofeng, I will leave this person to you. If you want to kill the important widow, it all depends on your wish."

Jingfeng didn't say anything, but directly took out a fairy sword and pierced Jingde's eyebrows without hesitation, causing his body and soul to be destroyed.

"Decisive in killing, well done, Jingfeng, our Jing family needs talented people like you to lead the family to glory. From now on, you will be the head of the Jing family." The ancestor of the Jing family did not even look at Jing De. At one glance, he showed admiration for the scenery.

"I am no longer a member of the Jing family." Jing Feng looked indifferent and refused ruthlessly.

"Grandpa, let's go. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay here anymore." Jing Mumu came to Jingfeng and cried very sadly.

She is still young, her mind has not yet fully matured, and she has not experienced the cruelty and intrigues of the world. What happened today had a huge impact on her.

"Disciple, this is how the world is. If you don't want to be manipulated by others and want to firmly control your destiny in your own hands, then you can follow Master and practice hard from now on." Jian Chen comforted him.

"Master Jing, I heard that your little sword fairy Jing Mumu is back. Why didn't you send someone to inform us of such an important matter?" At this moment, a deep voice came from far away.

From the distant sky and earth, a group of people came from the sky in a mighty manner, and soon appeared above the Jing family.

There were more than thirty of them in total. Except for the old man at the front who exuded the fourth level of the Immortal King Realm, the rest were all Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals.

"Senior, they are members of the Huxiao family." Jingfeng stared at the group of people in the sky with cold eyes, and said respectfully beside Jian Chen.

Jing Tianhao, the ancestor of the Jing family, had a slightly changed expression. He glanced back and forth at the Huxiao family and Jian Chen. For a moment, he felt a little undecided.

At this time, the members of the Huxiao family finally saw several corpses lying on the ground, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"You are so impudent that you dare to kill Jing Tianhao, the elder of my Huxiao family. What is going on?" The leader, a strong man from the fourth level of the Immortal King Realm, shouted loudly, and his eyes became extremely sharp in an instant. Staring at the ancestor of the Jing family.

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