Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3742: Kill at the door (1)

Behind this Immortal Lord, the more than thirty Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals standing in the air, looking down at the Jing family in a condescending manner, their eyes also became sharp. When scanning the many members of the Jing family, they were all full of expressions. There was a strong murderous intention. [Read the novel without errors, search on google]

Although the Jing family has an Immortal Lord in command and is considered a wealthy family in Luoyun City, in the eyes of the Huxiao family, the Jing family is nothing.

At present, regarding the death of two elders of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm of the Huxiao family, if the Jing family cannot clear their names, they will eventually be wiped out.

Because this matter is related to the majesty of the Huxiao family!

Many members of the Jing family were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they all felt that a disaster was imminent and that they were inevitable.

The evil reputation of the Huxiao family has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Who in Luoyun City is not afraid of it?

Jing Tianhao, the ancestor of the Jing family, although he looked calm on the surface, he was also very nervous inside. After some weighing, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble.

His expression immediately showed respect, and he bowed to Jian Chen in full view of everyone: "Senior, I wonder how we should handle this matter?"

The ancestor of the Jing family not only silently told the strong men of the Huxiao family that Jian Chen did all this, but at the same time tied himself, and even the entire Jing family, to Jian Chen. The deputy looked like he was obeying Jian Chen's words.

A group of people from the Huxiao family all looked at Jian Chen.

It's just that Jian Chen deliberately restrained his aura, so in the eyes of a group of people from the Huxiao family, Jian Chen looked like a mortal, extremely ordinary.

"Your Excellency, who are you? Why are you going against our Huxiao family?" the Immortal Lord of the Huxiao family said in a deep voice.

"Master, the Huxiao Family, the Huxiao Family is very powerful. I heard that they have an extremely powerful person sitting in charge." At this time, Jing Mumu couldn't care less about being sad anymore, holding Jian Chen's sleeves tightly with both hands, timidly. said.

Jian Chen showed a gentle smile and said: "Disciple, have you forgotten what Master told you just now? Don't worry, in Luoyun City, even if a huge trap is revealed, Master will still be there to help you. You bear it.”

The Immortal Lord from the Huxiao Family flashed his eyes, staring at Jian Chen, his voice was extremely low: "Master? Are you the master of the Jing Family's Little Sword Immortal? Do you know who this Little Sword Immortal is?" The person our Huxiao family wants."

While speaking, he had quietly taken out a jade talisman from his body, crushed it, and informed the people of the Huxiao family. Intuitively, he felt that Jian Chen was not a simple person, otherwise he would not have been treated with such respect by the ancestor of the Jing family.

"Of course I know that your Huxiao family has taken a fancy to my disciple's sword immortal body, so you want my disciple to make a furnace cauldron." Jian Chen looked at the Immortal Lord of the Huxiao family. He was originally calm. His eyes suddenly became sharp: "If you dare to take advantage of my disciple, I will have to settle the score with your Huxiao family for this matter."

The supreme elder of the Huxiao family sneered: "I want to settle accounts with my Huxiao family. Your Excellency, my Huxiao family is not that good."

"Noisy!" Jian Chen snorted coldly, held his hand in the air, and used the law of space to instantly imprison the supreme elder of the Huxiao family. The next moment, the supreme elder of the Huxiao family appeared in the sword as if teleporting. In front of the dust.

Jian Chen raised his palm and hit the Supreme Elder on the face with a "pop" sound. The crisp sound echoed in the courtyard. Looking at the Supreme Elder of the Huxiao family, half of his face was swollen.

A powerful man from the fourth level of the Immortal King Realm was actually so unbearable in front of Jian Chen. When this scene fell into the eyes of everyone, everyone in the room was stunned and stunned.

The group of Jiutian Xuanxian from the Huxiao family suspended in the sky were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

The dignified Supreme Elder, with such a noble status in the family, is being slapped in front of everyone. What a shame and humiliation.

"Senior, don't bully others too much." The supreme elder of the Huxiao family became so angry that his eyes were about to spit out fire and he made a sound of gnashing his teeth.

"Too much bullying?" Jian Chen sneered and said, "I can tell by looking at your aura that the exercises you practice are also like extracting yin and replenishing yang. They are very vicious. You can practice to such a state without knowing how to do harm. How many innocent fairies have you killed? Why don’t you say this to those fairies who were harmed by you?”

Immediately, Jian Chen looked at the more than thirty Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals from the Huxiao family, and said: "And you, the aura on your body is feminine and full of evil spirits. You are also a person who specializes in gathering yin and replenishing yang." I don’t know how many female fairies were used to make the cauldron.”

"It seems that the Huxiao family is not a well-known and decent family."

There was a chill in Jian Chen's eyes, and he had murderous intent in his heart.

"Senior, more than 80% of the people in the Huxiao family follow the method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang. Countless female fairies have died in their hands over the years. These female fairies are not only people from Luoyun City, but also more They come from other immortal realms. It’s just that because the Huxiao family is powerful and has the Immortal Emperor Realm ancestor sitting in charge, no one has been able to touch them.” After seeing Jian Chen’s strength, the Jing family ancestor became even more trembling. His tone became subservient when he spoke.

"Especially in Luoyun City, almost no one can escape the clutches of the wealthy women of the Huxiao family. In order to protect themselves, many wealthy families have no choice but to reluctantly part ways and send away women from their own clans in order to earn money. Get some peace."

"As for our Jing family, the reason why we married our little sword fairy to the Huxiao family this time is because the Huxiao family has taken a liking to her. We dare not resist at all. Otherwise, the good life of our Jing family will be ruined. That’s the end.”

Jing Tianhao said helplessly.

Jian Chen's eyes flashed with derivation, he would naturally not believe Jing Tianhao's words, but he also had his own way to verify whether this matter was true or false.

A moment later, when Jian Chen finished his deduction, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The Huxiao family has an Immortal Emperor sitting in charge. Under the same level, he naturally cannot understand too many secrets, but he does know that millions of female immortals died in Luoyun City, all related to the Huxiao family.

Over the years, the number of female fairies killed by the Huxiao family has reached such an appalling level.

"The Huxiao family, if you are allowed to continue to exist, it will really be unforgivable. Today, I will also do something for heaven and support justice in the world." Jian Chen said with no expression on his face. , and then he flicked his finger, and a wisp of sword energy penetrated the eyebrows of the supreme elder of the Huxiao family, shattering his soul and destroying both body and soul.

At this moment, several huge auras came quickly from the distance, and the reinforcements from the Huxiao family arrived. They were three powerful men in the Immortal Lord Realm, one of whom was in the fifth heaven realm, and the remaining two were both in the sixth heaven realm. .

In the Immortal Lord Realm, he is respected as the Supreme Elder in the Huxiao family!

From a distance, Jian Chen could tell through the auras of the three of them that these three immortals also practiced the method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang. It was very vicious. Once it was harvested, the female fairy would lose all her energy. And die.

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