Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3751: Changes in Fengxian City

After a simple polite exchange between the two parties, Jian Chen and Elder Ling sat down together. Between the two of them, a very delicate incense burner was filled with green smoke, making people feel relaxed and happy, and all their veins unblocked.

"Fellow Taoist acted chivalrously in Luoyun City, punished **** and eradicated evil, and wiped out the Huxiao family in one fell swoop. This move really makes me admire you. If more righteous people like Taoist friend emerge in the immortal world, then this bright and prosperous world will also It's a lot more open." Elder Ling personally poured a glass of fruit wine brewed from many natural materials and treasures for Jian Chen, his expression full of admiration.

"Since you define the Huxiao family as evil, why don't you stop it? The Xingyao Chamber of Commerce is the most powerful. It must be easy to punish a mere Huxiao family." Jian Chen said casually.

Hearing this, Mr. Ling sighed softly and said as if he was suffering: "Friend Taoist, you don't know. Our Xingyao Chamber of Commerce never participates in the grudges of all parties. The principle we pursue is to only do business. As long as it is within the scope of our capabilities, we will not do anything. Business can be done.”

"Of course, except for some unscrupulous things."

"For example, if someone from the Huxiao Family asks our Xingyao Chamber of Commerce to take action at a high cost, then our Xingyao Chamber of Commerce will accept the commission and take action."

"To be honest, in the past few years, many big forces rooted in Luoyun City have sent people to our Xingyao Chamber of Commerce, wanting us to kill the Huxiao family, but no one can afford the price."

"Because when accepting a business for a certain big force, we have a special department to conduct an investigation and will offer a corresponding price based on the other party's strength, difficulty, relationship and background. The price for the Huxiao family, even if it is the It’s not enough to build the entire Luoyun City into it.”

"Who is the force behind the Huxiao family?" Jian Chen asked.

Elder Ling narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "This news requires five hundred thousand colorful fairy crystals!"

"Half a million colorful fairy crystals? I'm afraid even some Immortal Emperor Realm experts can't get this wealth, right? Just to find out the strength behind the Huxiao family, does it require such an expensive price?" Jian Chen showed surprise. color.

Mr. Ling smiled mysteriously and said: "The other party hides it very deeply, so the price required will be higher. After all, the more secretive the information, the more valuable it will be."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Ling took out a space ring and handed it to Jian Chen, saying: "Fellow Taoist, this is the treasure of heaven and earth that you need. Our Xingyao Merchant Alliance used almost all our strength to finally get it together." There are more than 5,000 sets, and there are many other incomplete sets of natural materials and earthly treasures. If fellow Taoists need it, we can provide it to you."

"In addition, we have notified other branches in the heavenly realm and are continuously transferring goods. As long as we wait for a few more days, our Xingyao Merchant Alliance will definitely collect more than 100,000 sets for fellow Taoists."

Jian Chen took a look at the list of unmatched heavenly materials and earthly treasures he got from Mr. Ling, and found that these unmatched items were those that were easy to cultivate and had a large yield. And he still had many of these unmatched heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Out a lot.

At this moment, both Jian Chen and Elder Ling's expressions changed, and they both raised their heads to look up at the sky. Their gazes seemed to have penetrated the many architectural obstacles of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce, and looked directly at the scene outside.

The next moment, a powerful wave of energy suddenly emerged in the inner city of Fengxian City. The huge formation guarding Fengxian City began to operate at full strength at this moment, arousing a monstrous energy frenzy in the world.

In the inner city of Fengxian City, a huge energy barrier was seen hanging down from the sky, covering the entire inner city in an instant.

When this energy barrier was formed, Fengxian City seemed to be divided into two areas.

The core area is protected by an energy barrier formed by the formation, and the outside area is completely uncovered.

At this moment, the inner city and the outer city of Fengxian City were completely isolated, and no one could enter or exit.

"This is the strongest protective formation in Fengxian City. Every time it is activated, a huge amount of energy is consumed. Maintaining the operation of this formation also consumes a lot of money. Unless there is a huge crisis, this formation will never be activated easily."

"It seems that Fengxian City has provoked a powerful enemy."

Elder Ling looked solemnly at the huge formation covering the inner city and made a low voice.

Jian Chen also frowned, Xingyao Merchant Alliance was in the most prosperous area of ​​the inner city, and the guardian formation of Fengxian City was operating, also trapping him inside.

Not only him, but all the immortals stranded in the inner city are not allowed to enter or leave. Even all the teleportation arrays distributed in the inner city are closed.

The light in Jian Chen's eyes flickered for a few times, he accepted the more than fifteen thousand sets of heavenly materials and earthly treasures purchased from the Xingyao Merchant Alliance, said goodbye to Mr. Ling, and left in a hurry.

"Master, what happened?" As soon as she returned to the temporary manor, Jing Mumu ran to Jian Chen. She looked at the huge formation that enveloped the sky. The vast pressure commanded She felt uneasy.

Jingfeng also appeared in front of Jian Chen, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Don't worry, just practice well." Jian Chen comforted Jing Mumu, and immediately stared in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

The core of this formation is the City Lord's Mansion.

In addition, there are eight formation bases around the city lord's palace. These eight formation bases are not only important support points for the formation, but also eight important energy sources.

The eight formation bases are located within the eight major forces in Fengxian City.

"It seems that the city lord of Fengxian City is in trouble." Jian Chen secretly thought in his heart. He couldn't help but think of the aura of the Immortal Lord that suddenly appeared and finally disappeared into the city lord's palace three days ago.

The aura at that time showed a sense of weakness, which was clearly caused by a severe injury!

At this moment, outside the protective formation of Fengxian City, two huge auras were flying over at an incredible speed from far to near, hovering above Fengxian City in an instant.

They were two figures with dazzling brilliance blooming all over their bodies. They were suspended between heaven and earth, like two scorching suns across the sky. Their dazzling brilliance made some immortals with low cultivation dare not look directly at them.

At this moment, the two figures were filled with a monstrous power that shocked all directions and made countless immortals in the Fengxian City below feel fear.

In the inner city, in a quiet manor, Jian Chen stood in the courtyard, staring at the two figures blocked by the formation barrier, and murmured in a low voice: "They are two immortals, both of whom are at the second level of cultivation. sky!"

"What, Immortal Immortal?" Hearing Jian Chen's murmur, Jingfeng's eyes suddenly widened and he couldn't help but **** in a breath of cold air, a chill that reached from head to toe.

For a Jiutian Xuanxian like him who has no big background, the Immortal Emperor Realm is already like a person standing in the sky. He can only look up to him, but not reach high.

As for the Immortal Lord, that only exists in legends.

But now, two immortals suddenly appeared, which naturally shocked him.

As for Jing Mumu, she seemed calm after all. In fact, in her heart, she really had no idea about the Immortal Lord.

"Tan Yuxian Zun, hand over the Sky Sword Sutra, otherwise, your Fengxian City will be overthrown today!" A mighty voice came down from the sky above Fengxian City, and the pressure filled the void, and the terrifying sound waves turned into billowing sky. Thunder echoed continuously in Fengxian City.

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