Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3752: Demon Sword Sutra

Under the coverage of this terrifying sound wave like thunder, all the buildings standing on the ground, whether in the inner city or the outer city, swayed and shook off large amounts of dust.

As for the countless immortals operating in the outer city, without the protection of the formation, many low-level immortals were affected one after another. They were injured by the sound wave, either bleeding from their orifices, or rolling on the ground with their hands on their heads, wails of pain from their mouths.

"Ancestor Dongxu, Master Wukun, there are still many innocent immortals in this Immortal City who have nothing to do with this matter. As immortals, you are also the leader of a sect. You should have a high moral integrity. How can you do it because of us? The fight for opportunities in time has hurt thousands of innocent immortals in Fengxian City." In the city lord's palace, a figure slowly rose up, his whole body was filled with brilliant rays of light, the light of the avenue lingered around him, and his body was also filled with a The power of the Immortal.

But compared to the two people in the sky, the aura of this Immortal from the City Lord's Mansion was much gentler.

However, his breath was lost and his breath was sluggish, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

However, with his appearance, among the eight major forces in Fengxian City, auras of the Immortal Emperor realm erupted.

At this moment, among the eight major forces in Fengxian City, two powerful Immortal Emperor Realm masters each floated into the sky. They exuded bursts of energy and pressure, like stars over the moon, forming a wonderful formation and position, surrounding the immortals in the City Lord's Mansion. Surrounded by respect.

Each of the eight major forces in Fengxian City has two Immortal Emperors in charge, with a total of sixteen Immortal Emperors.

But these sixteen Immortal Emperors were obviously completely obedient to the Immortal Lord in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Okay, as you said, no innocent people will be harmed, let alone innocent people." The loud voice came again from high in the sky. Although the voice was still loud, it was obviously much gentler than before.

Immediately, the auras of the two immortals slowly converged, and the countless immortals in Fengxian City suddenly felt relaxed.

"Tan Yuxianzun, we have complied with your request. Can we hand over the Sky Sword Sutra now?" the voice said again.

"This Sky Sword Sutra, I spent a huge price to fight for it. This is my opportunity, how can I hand it over to others so easily." The Immortal Lord who walked out of the City Lord's Mansion said in a deep voice.

He is Immortal Lord Tan Yu, who is also at the second level of Immortal Lord Realm and is also the only Immortal Lord in Fengxian City.

It is because of his existence that Fengxian City is transcendent and has gained an extraordinary status. It is known as one of the three major immortal cities in Tang Yao Heaven Realm.

The three major immortal cities are all top forces with immortals at their command.

Of course, it can only be regarded as a fairy city-type force.

In Tang Yaotian, there are more top forces that exist in the form of families, sects, etc.

"Tan Yu Immortal, so you are not willing to hand over the Sky Sword Sutra?" One of the two immortals suspended outside the barrier spoke, his tone gradually becoming colder.

This person is one of the top forces in the Tang Yao Tian Realm, the ancestor of the Dongxu Sect, and is known as the Dongxu Ancestor.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to hand over the Sky Sword Sutra." The city lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, said with a decisive tone, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Tan Yuxianzun, if you don't take the initiative to hand over the Sky Sword Sutra, there will be a battle between us. And you are no longer a match for the two of us before you are seriously injured. Therefore, now you can only hide in the formation. Under the protection. But if we attack the formation, the aftermath of the battle will inevitably cause huge casualties. Are you just going to watch countless innocent immortals die because of you?" Ancestor Dongxu said coldly, his voice getting louder. of ice cold.

"Hahaha, Ancestor Dongxu, are you trying to threaten me with the lives of many innocent immortals in Fengxian City?" Tan Yuxianzun laughed loudly and said: "Don't forget that you are also the ancestors of a sect. How dare you take the lives of many innocent immortals in Fengxian City today? If Fengxian City threatens me, then in the future, someone will dare to threaten you with your Dongxu Sect and Kunshan Sword Sect."

"Besides, my Immortal City is different from your Dongxu Sect and Kunshan Sword Sect. All of your sects are your own disciples, but my Immortal City has brought together disciples from many forces in the Tang Yao Heaven Realm, and even There are many descendants from other top Taoist traditions in the heavens, including Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun, I would like to ask you if you dare?"

After hearing this, the faces of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun became gloomy, and there was a trace of concern in their eyes.

Because they both know in their hearts that Tan Yuxianzun is by no means an alarmist. Fengxian City is different from sects, clans and other forces. It is an open type of fairy city, especially as one of the three top fairy cities in Tangyao Heaven Realm, where there are even more people gathered here. Clan members from various factions, and many big families and powers have their own assets here.

Perhaps an immortal with a low level of cultivation that you meet casually here may come from a certain big force.

Although the Dongxu Sect and the Kunshan Sword Sect are also the top forces that dominate one side, if they are contaminated with more hatred, it will also have a huge impact on the development of the sect.

But after only a moment of silence, Master Wukun sneered: "Tan Yuxianzun, do you think you can stump us like this?"

Master Wukun paused, looked at the outer city of the Immortal City, and said loudly: "I am the ancestor of Kunshan Sword Sect in Tangyaotian Realm, known as Master Wukun. Next, I will join forces with the ancestor of Dongxu. To break through the protective formation of Fengxian City, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, all fellow Taoists are requested to stay away quickly."

The area of ​​Fengxian City is very vast, no less than a powerful empire, and Master Wukun's voice is like rolling thunder, reverberating between heaven and earth, spreading throughout the entire Fengxian City.

The immortals located in the inner city of Fengxian City could only stay in the inner city area because the inner city was completely closed. However, in the outer city without the protection of powerful formations, all the immortals retreated immediately, and many shops were closed one after another. It rose from the ground, flying into the distance with the brilliance of the formation flashing.

Many of these shops have been refined into powerful immortal weapons and are controlled by the major forces stationed in Fengxian City. If necessary, the entire shop can be moved away in an instant.

Soon, all the immortals gathered in the outer city of Fengxian City left, and many of the buildings standing on the ground had disappeared, revealing pieces of vacant land.

The Lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, had no choice but to watch the buildings flying away in the sky.

"Tan Yuxianzun, let's see how long your guardian formation can last." Ancestor Dongxu smiled coldly. He spread his palms, and a three-legged cauldron appeared out of thin air, and then moved towards the guardian below. The formation was thrown over.

As soon as he left his hand, the three-legged cauldron instantly expanded to the size of a thousand feet, emitting a blazing light and filling the air with the pressure of a top-grade artifact.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the tripod came down with a bright light and bombarded the protective formation of Fengxian City, erupting with a loud noise.

The guardian formation of Fengxian City suddenly erupted with extremely intense light, and the formation was operating at full speed to resist the attack of the Dongxu Ancestor.

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