Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3753: Go to the City Lord's Mansion

Looking at the fiercely beating formation light curtain in the sky, the many immortals stranded in the inner city of Fengxian City burst out into an uproar.

Many of them have lived in Fengxian City for tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years. In these long years, this is the first time they have seen Fengxian City being attacked.

But what followed was a panic that almost filled the entire inner city. Many immortals who did not have strong backgrounds but were rooted in Fengxian City had worried looks in their eyes. Mixed with them, there was also a hint of worry. A trace of despair.

Fengxian City is very powerful, but after all, the two who came to the door this time are two powerful Immortal Realms.

The two Immortal Lords came in person, and the forced Fengxian City had to activate the protective formation to resist. This made many people worry about what kind of fate awaited them if the protective formation was breached.

On the top floor of Xingyao Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ling stood with his hands down, standing on the wide rooftop and staring at the scene in the sky with a somewhat solemn expression.

In addition to Elder Ling, there were two old men on his left and right sides, and the aura permeating their bodies was also that of the Immortal Emperor.

The three Immortal Emperors are the strongest force of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce in the Tangyao Heaven Realm.

Behind these three immortal emperors is Wang Miaomiao, the general manager of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce!

At this moment, Wang Miaomiao stood respectfully behind the three immortal emperors without saying a word.

"Oh, I didn't expect that a broken page of the Sky Sword Scripture could put the famous Fengxian City into such a situation. This is really unexpected." The old man standing on the left side of Elder Ling said lightly. He sighed, his face full of sighs.

This old man's surname is Zhou. Few people in the Yaotianjie branch of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce know his real name. All the senior officials call him Mr. Zhou.

As for the old man on the right side of Mr. Ling, he is known as Mr. Wang, and he is also the grandfather of Wang Miaomiao, the general manager of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce.

"The Lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, and the Dongxu Ancestor of the Dongxu Sect have forged an irresolvable grudge many years ago. It's just that because they are equally powerful, neither one can do anything to the other. All these years, Fengxian City and Dongxu Sect have had an irresolvable grudge." The Xu Sect has always been in peace. But now, Tan Yuxianzun has obtained the Sky Sword Sutra. The appearance of the broken pages of the Sword Sutra is very likely to allow Tan Yuxianzun to enter the third level of the Immortal Realm. The ancestor of the Dongxu Sect Naturally, they will intervene. Otherwise, once Tan Yuxianzun successfully breaks through and the ancestor of the Dongxu Sect still steps forward, the Dongxu Sect will be in catastrophe." Mr. Ling said slowly, the third member of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce Among the elders, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhou have been in seclusion for many years and almost never come out unless there is something important. He is the only one who is often responsible for some trivial matters of the Chamber of Commerce, so he has relatively comprehensive information.

"Old Ling, in your opinion, can the Lord of Fengxian City resolve this disaster?" Mr. Zhou asked.

Elder Ling half-squinted his eyes and considered: "In my opinion, with the power of Immortal Tan Yu, it is almost impossible to resolve the disaster of Fengxian City, unless he gives up Fengxian City, or gives up the remaining pages of the Sky Sword Sutra."

Having said this, a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Elder Ling's lips, and he said: "Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion to see if Tan Yuxian Zun is willing to do a business with our Xingyao Chamber of Commerce."

Mr. Zhou and Mr. Wang seemed to know what Mr. Ling meant, and couldn't help but shook their heads and said: "With the current situation, I'm afraid that Immortal Tan Yu doesn't have enough chips to do business with us."

Having said that, the three elders of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce still left the six-story tower and flew towards the city lord's palace Yukong at a leisurely pace.

In the sky, the sound of roaring could be heard endlessly. Ancestor Dongxu controlled the giant three-legged cauldron, which was continuously bombarding the protective formation of Fengxian City.

Master Wu Kun also took action. He sacrificed a high-grade divine sword, burst out a bright divine rainbow, and attacked the formation below with Ancestor Dongxu.

Under the joint bombardment of the two Immortal Realms, the guardian array of Fengxian City shook violently, the array light curtain flickered on and off, and the energy to maintain the array was being consumed at a terrifying rate.

"Master, will we die here?"

In a quiet manor in the inner city of Fengxian City, Jing Mumu's pretty face was so frightened that she turned pale, her hands tightly grasping Jian Chen's sleeves, her expression tense.

Although Jingfeng standing aside did not speak, his expression was also worried.

Although Jingfeng knew that Jian Chen was very powerful and could kill the Immortal Emperor effortlessly, he was facing an Immortal Realm expert at this moment, and there were more than one of them.

This made Jingfeng feel unsure, wondering if he and others could escape safely from the storm once the formation was broken.

"Don't worry, this is just a small scene. It doesn't threaten us. Even if the formation is broken, we will be safe and sound." Jian Chen said with a smile, giving the grandfather and grandson a reassurance.

"Senior, are you also a powerful person in the Immortal Realm?" Jingfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but ask, with an eager light shining in his old eyes.

Jing Mumu's eyes were also bright. Although she had no idea about the Immortal Lord, at this moment, she really felt the power and terror of the Immortal Lord. The terrifying scene that could destroy the world at every turn made her young It leaves an indelible mark on the soul.

Jian Chen shook his head and said: "I am still a long way from the Immortal Lord, and I am only in the Immortal Emperor realm."

After saying this, Jian Chen paused slightly and said: "You guys stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll go to the City Lord's Mansion." Jian Chen turned around and left the manor. Like a mortal, down-to-earth, he walked towards the city calmly. Walk towards the city lord's mansion.

And in his mind, information about the Sky Sword Sutra emerged involuntarily. This information came from the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce.

This Sky Sword Sutra was left behind three million years ago by the most powerful person in the immortal world, the Sky Sword Master.

Motian Sword Master is a swordsman who has reached the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. He stands at the top of the world and his reputation spreads far and wide.

However, three million years ago, during a battle with the powerful powers of the Holy Realm, the Sky Sword Master suffered irreparable and tragic injuries. Finally, tens of thousands of years after returning to the Immortal Realm, he perished, destroying both body and soul.

The Sky Sword Lord lives a lonely life, wandering the immortal world alone with one sword, without any family, no sect, and no heirs to inherit his mantle.

Therefore, in the later years of the Sky Sword Master, he spent thousands of years and painstaking efforts to build a small world and placed his life's wealth in it.

In that small world, there are not only all the resources left by the Sky Sword Master in his later years, but also various inheritances collected by the Sky Sword Master throughout his life, and these inheritances are enough to make many top forces in the fairy world jealous.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What is truly precious is that at the end of his life, the Sky Sword Master used his innate magical power to burn out his soul, and forcibly threw away part of the laws of swordsmanship he had comprehended, transforming Made nine kendo races to stay.

The nine kendo seeds contain extremely pure kendo insights, which involve extremely high levels and are of great benefit to even those who are powerful in the Immortal Realm.

In the three million years since the death of the Sky Sword Lord, the small world he left behind has been opened several times, and more than half of the nine kendo seeds left in it have been taken away. Every kendo seed has been used in Some strong men in the early stages of the Immortal Realm.

As a result, the six kendo seeds enabled four powerful men in the first and second heavens of the Immortal Realm to achieve breakthroughs.

Although the remaining two immortals at the third level of the Immortal Realm failed to break through, they still benefited greatly.

Of the nine kendo seeds, three still remain.

And the Motian Sword Sutra is the only key to entering that small world!

There are one hundred and eight pages in the Sky Sword Sutra. Only when all the remaining pages are collected can the door be opened.

And each broken page can bring three people in.

These are all that Jian Chen knows about the Sky Sword Sutra.

"The Motian Sword Sutra in the hands of the Lord of Fengxian City should be a broken page, but I don't know if there are any extra three quotas in his hand." Jian Chen thought to himself, he was not interested in the resources and other wealth left by the Lord Motian Sword. I don't care, because that small world has been opened six times. You don't need to think about it to know that many resources have been moved away by the people in front.

The only thing he is interested in is the kendo seeds left by the Sky Sword Master back then.

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