Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3755: Quota

The atmosphere in the entire palace suddenly became more solemn than ever before. If it were just the Dongxu Sect and Master Wukun, although Fengxian City would not be able to defeat them, they could still see a glimmer of hope, and they would come back in the future to avenge their shame. hope.

But if the Huatian Dao Sect gets involved, then they will lose any hope.

"Huatian Dao Sect's Soul-Eating Furnace is designed to restrain all formations. Now with the addition of the Soul-Eating Furnace, our Fengxian City's protective formation can only last for a month at most." Deputy City Lord He Luo said.

"The Huatian Dao Sect is so powerful that we cannot compete with it. Even if my eldest brother takes this opportunity to successfully break through, he is definitely no match for the Huatian Dao Sect."

"Can we really only rely on the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce?"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the hall, and the ancestors of the eight major forces were arguing fiercely. Some people had already taken the conditions of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce into consideration.

"Your Majesty the City Lord, the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce has sent someone to deliver a secret message!" At this moment, an Immortal Lord hurriedly came from outside, bent down and cupped his fists, and handed over a jade slip.

Tan Yuxianzun grabbed it with his palm, and the jade slip immediately flew into his hand. As his spiritual consciousness penetrated, his face suddenly sank, and he said slowly: "There is a letter from the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce, saying that they can no longer help us seal the immortal city."

As soon as these words came out, the already solemn atmosphere in the hall suddenly became extremely silent.

Both the two deputy city lords and the ancestors of the eight major forces felt extremely heavy.

"Alas, with the strength of the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce, even if it is as strong as the Huatian Dao Sect, it is no different than an ant. It's just that our grievances in Fengxian City have the involvement of the Huatian Dao Sect, so we can no longer provide enough weight. Even if we ask the strong men from the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce to take action, even if we are all here, we are not qualified to let the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce bear such a cause and effect." Tan Yuxianzun sighed softly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness. .

Immediately he waved his hand and said to everyone: "Everyone, please disperse, go back and prepare, and be prepared for the worst."

Immediately, the ten Immortal Emperors gathered in the hall stood up one after another, hugged their fists at Tan Yu Immortal Lord, and left with heavy hearts.

In the majestic hall, Tan Yuxianzun was the only one left sitting alone. He looked at the scene outside the formation, and his helpless eyes were filled with a strong unwillingness.

At this time, the old man from the Immortal Lord Realm who had previously sent the secret letter from the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce came in again. He looked a little strange and saluted the Immortal Lord Tan Yu with clasped fists: "For the record, Lord City Lord, there is an immortal who calls himself Yang Yutian. Come to visit and say that there may be a way to help the city lord survive this disaster."

The expression on Tan Yuxianzun's face, who was sitting on the city lord's throne, did not change at all, and he said softly: "Now that Huatian Dao Sect is involved, even if someone can really help us survive this disaster, we, Fengxian City, can't pay the price. Get up, missing!"

Hearing this, the old man in the Immortal Lord Realm standing below, who was still bowing, showed a hint of hesitation, considered it, and then said cautiously: "Lord City Lord, please allow me to say a few more words."

The old man paused, and seeing that Tan Yuxianzun showed no sign of impatience, he boldly continued: "In the eyes of old men, those who come to visit from outside, since they dare to say at this moment that they can help us seal the immortal city, If this disaster is to be resolved, it must come from a certain top force, and its strength cannot be underestimated. Even if they may be open-mouthed, we will simply refuse to accept it."

"But if we just turn away the guest like this, it will be disrespectful after all. If the other party has a grudge, it will undoubtedly make us unintentionally provoke another powerful enemy."

"The current situation in our Fengxian City cannot be objective. At this juncture, it is really not appropriate to offend a big force over a trivial matter."

After hearing this, Tan Yuxianzun nodded in agreement and said: "You are right. Since the other party is sure to resolve the disaster in our Fengxian City today, it must be a big deal. No matter what excessive demands the other party may make, But before that, we can’t lose our etiquette.”

"Go ahead and invite the guests in!"

Tan Yuxianzun immediately gave the order.

The Immortal Lord Realm old man took the order and retreated. Soon after, he walked into the city lord's hall with Jian Chen disguised in the mask of the Illusory Demon Clan.

"Yang Yutian, I have met the city lord!" Jian Chen stood in the center of the hall and calmly clasped his fists at Immortal Tan Yu.

Tan Yuxianzun's eyes fell on Jian Chen, and he found that he could not see through Jian Chen's strength at all, and could not even feel the slightest breath.

"It seems that you have a rare treasure on your body, or you have mastered an extremely clever breath-condensing technique, which even I can't see through." Tan Yuxianzun said calmly.

"What the city lord said is true. There is indeed a rare treasure on my lower body that can cover up my own aura." Jian Chen admitted generously.

"In Tang Yao Tian Realm, there are countless immortals named Yang Yutian. Even in my Immortal City, there are many immortals with the same name. However, among the top forces that I know, there is no strong person with the same name. This is the name, I wonder which force you are from?" Immortal Lord Tan Yu said, as an Immortal Lord and having been in a high position for a long time, he naturally carries a sense of pressure.

"It doesn't matter which force I come from. What's important is that I may be able to resolve the catastrophe of Sealing Immortal City for the city lord." Jian Chen said.

Tan Yuxianzun's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but look at Fan Jianchen carefully, and said: "Fellow Taoist, do you mean to rely on your own abilities to resolve the current disaster in our Fengxian City?"

"Yes, I will resolve the disaster for you in Fengxian City, but I also have a condition." Jian Chen said.

A gleam of light flashed in Tan Yuxianzun's eyes, and he said slowly: "Our Fengxian City is only so big. If the conditions offered by fellow Taoists are too harsh, then we will have no choice but to disappoint fellow Taoists."

"A broken page of the Sky Sword Sutra can allow three people to enter the small world opened by the Sky Sword Master. I wonder if the quota for the broken page of the Sky Sword Sutra mentioned by the city lord has been filled?" Jian Chen said.

"The quota is full, because I have already promised to give away the other two quotas, and they were given to the Lord Chihuo, the Lord of Yixian City, and the Lord Yimiao, the Lord of Qingxia City." Tan Yuxianzun said.

Jian Chen naturally knows that Yixian City and Qingxia City are three top-level fairy cities in Tangyao Heaven Realm, and these three fairy cities are all guarded by Immortal Master Realm experts.

They are Fengxian City, Yixian City, and Qingxia City!

The three immortal cities are no different from the three eternal kingdoms. They cover an astonishingly large area and are intertwined with many large and small forces.

At this time, Tan Yuxianzun continued: "Your Excellency asked about the Sky Sword Sutra, is this why you came here?" When saying this, a trace of vigilance flashed in Tan Yuxianzun's eyes.

Jian Chen nodded and said: "I want a spot in the Sky Sword Scripture. If the city lord is willing, then I will resolve today's disaster!"

"Just one place?" Tan Yuxianzun showed a surprised look. He thought that the other party would open his mouth, or ask him to hand over the Sky Sword Sutra on his own initiative, but he never expected that the other party's request would be so simple, just one place. .

This made him somewhat unexpected.

"Yes, I only want one quota. Apart from the quota for the Sky Sword Sutra, there is probably nothing else in this Immortal City that I would like," Jian Chen said.

A bright smile appeared on Tan Yuxianzun's face. Although he didn't know what confidence Jian Chen had to resolve today's disaster, a quota was really too simple for him.

"Although I promised the city lords of Yixian City and Qingxia City to give them a quota each, but now our Fengxian City is in catastrophe. Under such circumstances, it is understandable for me to take back one quota in order to save Fengxian City. Therefore, fellow Taoist, That quota is not a problem." After saying this, Tan Yuxianzun stood up from the city lord's throne and said: "My Fengxian City's protective formation can't last long. From now on, it all depends on my fellow Taoists."

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