Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3756: The man behind the scenes

A smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "After the matter is completed, I hope the city lord will not regret it."

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist, where are you? Fellow Taoist is capable of resolving such a catastrophe for me. How could I offend someone like fellow Taoist just because of a mere quota?" Tan Yuxianzun said with a smile. , he had already guessed in his mind that the mysterious man in front of him, who had hidden all his aura and cultivation, had an extremely impressive background.

"That's very good, but when the time comes, I still need the city lord to assist me." Jian Chen said.

Hearing this, the smile on Tan Yuxian Zun's face slowly faded, and he said seriously, "I wonder what you need me to do?"

"Simple, I need you to lead these people into a wilderness thousands of miles away, and then arrange a shielding formation around them." Jian Chen said.

"Deploy a shielding array?" Tan Yuxianzun looked startled. The situation seemed to be a little different from what he thought. The light in his eyes flickered a few times and said, "Please forgive me for asking, what specific method did fellow Taoist use to resolve the problem?" Is this disaster in our Fengxian City?"

"The city lord is also a person who has been here before, so why ask questions knowingly?" Jian Chen said.

Tan Yuxianzun's pupils shrank slightly. He instantly understood the meaning of Jian Chen's words, and his heart was filled with waves.

Immediately, the way he looked at Jian Chen changed subtly, and he said cautiously, "Fellow Taoist, you must have noticed that my injuries are extremely serious. I'm afraid I won't be able to be of much help by then."

"I don't need much help from you. I just need to set up a large shielding formation to cover it up. By the way, apart from those people in the formation, what other forces are involved this time?" Jian Chen said.

Tan Yuxianzun's eyes flashed slightly, he hesitated a little, and finally said, "The high-grade artifact activated by many powerful men of the Dongxu Sect is called the Soul-Eating Furnace, and it comes from the Huatian Dao Sect."

"And I just got the news that the saint of the Dongxu Sect has been married to an extraordinary disciple of the Huatian Dao Sect. This son is most likely a direct descendant of the Nirvana Ancestor."

When he heard about Huatian Dao Sect, Jian Chen frowned slightly, because this sect was the second-ranked existence among the many top forces in the Tang Yao Heaven Realm.

After pondering slightly, Jian Chen stared at Immortal Tan Yu with piercing eyes and said, "Then

What is the cultivation level of Nirvana Patriarch? "

"Fifth level of Immortal Realm, master the way of divine fire." Immortal Tan Yu's expression suddenly became solemn.

For him, a strong man in the second heaven of the Immortal Realm, the fifth heaven should have a huge deterrent effect.

At this moment, Jian Chen's heart moved, and a ray of consciousness entered Taichu Temple. He immediately heard the strange laughter of the Thousand Soul Demon Lord, "Jie Jie Jie Jie, Sect Master, I will use the soul searching method to find those you want." Information, the person behind this Immortal Emperor is the Nirvana Ancestor of the Huatian Dao Sect."

"The Nirvana Ancestor appears to be sanctimonious on the surface, possessing great righteousness and a decent demeanor of the Immortal Family, but in fact, he is secretly doing things that only us demons can do."

Jian Chen frowned slightly and said, "Let me tell you in detail."

"In the Huxiao family, the physical remains of any female fairy who has been drained of their essence by the method of gathering yin and replenishing yang will be collected by them, and then refined into a kind of nutrient using special methods. These nutrients are added every other day. It will be taken away by the people sent by the Nirvana Ancestor for a period of time." Qianhun Demon Lord said.

"Nutrition?" Jian Chen subconsciously thought of the ashes that had been transformed into mountains of corpses of countless female fairies.

"Could it be that the ashes turned into by those corpses are the so-called nutrients?" Jian Chen thought to himself.

Qianhun Demon Lord continued, "I learned from the memory of this Immortal Emperor of the Huxiao family that he didn't know exactly what the Nirvana Ancestor wanted these slough nutrients for, but I am also a person of the demonic path, so I can guess. You can guess that it is nothing more than used to nourish some kind of powerful demonic artifact."

"And such magical artifacts usually have certain unique functions and can restrain the powerful in the fairy world."

"In addition to the physical remains, the Nirvana ancestor also asked the Huxiao family to collect the souls of immortals for him. Once the female immortals imprisoned in the Huxiao family die, their souls will be absorbed by the soul-absorbing jade."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this soul-absorbing jade is rare.

The treasure I saw is extremely precious in the demon world. Even when I was at my peak, I only had a few pieces on my body. They were truly priceless. How dare the Nirvana ancestor of Huatian Dao Sect give away such a precious soul-absorbing piece. If the jade is placed in the Huxiao family, aren't they worried that it will be taken away? "

"Soul-absorbing jade? But I didn't find this object in the Huxiao family." Jian Chen whispered.

"Jiejiejiejiejie, the sect leader doesn't know something. The soul-absorbing jade has been filled with immortal souls. It was a pity that the Nirvana Ancestor sent people to take it away ten years ago." Qianhun Demon Lord said.

Immediately, he seemed to remember something, the demonic flames in his eyes jumped, and said, "In the Tang Yaotian Realm, there are several forces like the Huxiao Family that serve the Nirvana Ancestor, and they all do the same thing as the Huxiao Family. The trick is to wonder if there are still soul-absorbing jade among these forces."

Having said this, the Qianhun Demon Lord gritted his teeth and said, "Sect Master, why not find some time to uproot these forces as well, so that they will not continue to do evil and kill innocent female fairies one after another."

"I'm afraid you are eyeing the soul-absorbing jade." Jian Chen glanced at the Thousand-Soul Demon Lord.

Being able to see through his thoughts at a glance, the Thousand Soul Demon Lord was not embarrassed. He chuckled and said, "Yes, I want the soul-absorbing jade. The sect master will do justice for heaven, punish **** and eliminate evil."

A wisp of Jian Chen's consciousness withdrew from the Taichu Temple, and the city lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, saw that Jian Chen had not spoken for a long time, and couldn't help but reveal a trace of anxiety in his eyes, asking, "Is it possible that fellow Taoists are afraid of Huatian Dao Sect? If so, , then fellow Taoist, you don’t have to worry, even though a saint from the Dongxu Sect is married to someone from the Huatian Dao Sect, the Huatian Dao Sect will not take the initiative to become our enemy just for the sake of a mere saint."

"So, we only need to target Master Wukun of the Dongxu Sect and the Kunshan Sword Sect. If we don't take the initiative to provoke the Huatian Dao Sect, we can live in peace."

Regarding the Huatian Dao Sect, Tan Yuxianzun was obviously very afraid of him.

Jian Chen calmed down and said with a smile, "City Lord, you are worrying too much. Since I have agreed to resolve this disaster for you, even with the participation of Huatian Dao Sect, nothing can be changed."

"go back

I still have to make some preparations after that, and I’ll do it in half a month, so I’ll take my leave today.”

Jian Chen turned around and left the City Lord's Mansion.

After he left, the two deputy city lords Qiu Wanqian and He Luo appeared quietly in the hall.

"City Lord, do you really believe this person? If this person is really powerful enough to be unafraid of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun, then if he wants to seize the Sky Sword Sutra from the hands of the City Lord, wouldn't it be like picking something out of a bag? Is it that simple?" Qiu Wanqian said with his fists clasped, a look of worry in his eyes.

"Brother Wan Qian is right, because I also have such worries. After all, under normal circumstances, everyone will achieve the greatest results in the least labor-saving way. In the current situation, if it is the most labor-saving way, it will undoubtedly be directly from the city lord. Seize the Sky Sword Sutra in your hands instead of going to great lengths and risking offending the Huatian Dao Sect to become enemies of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun." He Luo also expressed his worries.

"In my opinion, that person is most likely to be with Patriarch Dongxu and the others. As for his purpose, he probably wants to lure the city lord out of Fengxian City. After all, there are still many powerful people stationed in Fengxian City. I am also worried that forcefully breaking the formation will affect others, especially the top powers like the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce. If they are offended, even the Huatian Dao Sect will have to shed a layer of skin." Qiu Wanqian analyzed.

Tan Yuxianzun sat in the city lord's seat and listened quietly to the analysis of the two people. He had been silent for a long time before a voice finally came out, "So according to your opinion, Yang Yutian is not trustworthy?"

"City Lord, we have to be on guard, unless he is allowed to go out alone to deal with Dongxu Sect and Master Wukun." Qiu Wanqian said worriedly.

He Luo's eyes flashed and he said, "City Lord, how about I take action personally and go to test it out?"

"No!" Tan Yuxianzun immediately stopped him and said, "If Taoist Fellow Yang Yutian is not what you think, but is really capable of resolving this disaster for us, then if you rush forward to test it, wouldn't it be self-defeating. "

"There is no need to talk about this matter. Now that even the Huatian Dao Sect is involved, we have no choice but to retreat. In that case, why can't we take a gamble." Tan Yuxianzun said decisively.

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