Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3768: Treasure Appraisal Society

The soaring sword intent that emerged from the tip of the Broken Sword immediately alarmed all the immortals in the Treasure Appraisal Association. Even as this sword intent spread, there were many immortals in areas outside the Treasure Appraisal Association. Found out what's going on here.

"That location seems to be a treasure appraisal meeting."

"This sword intent seems to be coming from some kind of treasure. Could it be that some extraordinary treasure appeared at the treasure appraisal meeting?"

"Let's go over and see what's going on."

Suddenly, the area near the Treasure Appraisal Club was crowded with people. Many immortals rushed to the Treasure Appraisal Club out of curiosity. Even the city guards patrolling nearby were alerted.

At this moment, a group of city guards consisting of dozens of people also changed their direction, speeded up, and rushed to the treasure appraisal meeting.

The captain of this team of city guards is named Xuefeng. Although he is only in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, he is considered to be quite influential among the city guards of Fengxian City.

Because his master is the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, a powerful person in the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm.

In the power ladder of Fengxian City, the commander-in-chief of the city guard ranks second only to the eight major families. He is responsible for the security and order of the entire city and has great power.

As a disciple of the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, Xuefeng's status is evident. .??.

"The Treasure Appraisal Association probably had a private fight. We in Fengxian City strictly prohibit such acts. Once discovered, the immortal weapons on the body will be confiscated immediately and imprisoned!" Xuefeng, the team leader of the city defense army, sneered, with an inexplicable twinkle in his eyes. With his brilliance, he rushed over with dozens of soldiers behind him.

In this team, except for Xuefeng, who is in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, the rest are all in the Daluo Golden Immortal and Mysterious Immortal Realm cultivation levels.

"Private fighting should be impossible. After all, the rules of our Fengxian City are here. Who dares to mess around here? Team Feng, in my opinion, this is probably because someone was lucky and found something good." Behind the team leader A Xuanxian Realm soldier chuckled.

"Who says it's impossible? There is no shortage of people in this world who don't know the heights of the world. Otherwise, what do you think we city guards are for?" Xuefeng snorted coldly.

The Mysterious Immortal Realm soldier behind him seemed to understand, and chuckled, "What Captain Feng said is, in my opinion, what happened at the Treasure Appraisal Association was probably a private fight, and we need to maintain order."

"By the way, my subordinate will send a message to Shi Zhongxian and ask him to rush over immediately. He may be needed to cooperate."

"Don't be anxious. Go over and see what the other party is like. Recently, due to the disappearance of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun, there has been a mixture of dragons and snakes in Fengxian City."

In the treasure appraisal meeting, the tip of the broken sword held by Jing Mumu was blazing, like a bright light in the dark night, and it looked extremely dazzling in the treasure appraisal meeting.

More and more immortals gathered around her. Almost all the immortals stopped searching for treasures at the treasure appraisal meeting, put down everything in their hands, and gathered around her.

As for Jing Mumu, the instigator of this sensation, she froze on the spot, holding the tip of the broken sword in her hand and looking helpless.

Jingfeng's expression was solemn, and the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm was faintly exuding, and he was guarding Jing Mumu as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Next to them, the stall owner who sold the broken sword tip was crying, his intestines turning green with regret.

"I have been studying the tip of this broken sword for so long, even

I also asked a strong Immortal Lord Realm expert to help with the evaluation, and came to the conclusion that it was a fragment of a low-grade artifact. Cocoa, but now it seems that this is not a fragment of a low-grade artifact. Such a strong sword intention, so strong The treasure light, this is obviously a treasure of immeasurable value."

"What a shame, I actually sold such a precious treasure for 100,000 top-quality fairy crystals."

The stall owner's heart was bleeding. Although he still didn't know what level of treasure it was, but just looking at the momentum, its value was more than tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals.

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals, even in the eyes of some from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, are a rare and huge wealth. What's more, the strength of this stall owner is not as strong as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, and is only at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

At this moment, a look of determination appeared in the stall owner's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't sell this sword tip, and I will return one hundred thousand top-quality fairy crystals to you." As he said that, he directly put the space containing one hundred thousand top-grade fairy crystals into the space. He threw the ring to Jing Mumu, and then started to **** the tip of the dagger in Jing Mumu's hand with both hands.

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals, this is simply a huge wealth to him, not to mention that the number of tens of millions is only his current estimate. The value of the broken sword tip may also be higher than he imagined.

Under such a huge temptation, he no longer cared about the so-called rules of the treasure appraisal meeting.

"Now that this item has been sold, it belongs to us. How can you regret it if you want?" Jingfeng's face darkened, and the momentum of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fairyland exploded, like a majestic mountain pressing down on the stall owner. , which immediately made the stall owner’s expression change drastically.

But immediately, a look of madness appeared in his eyes, and he hissed, "I don't care, the fairy crystal has been returned to you anyway." As he said that, he gritted his teeth and resisted the pressure from Jingfeng, and went to grab Jingfeng desperately. The tip of the sword in Mu Mu's hand.

"The Treasure Appraisal Association follows the rules of the Treasure Appraisal Association. You can't mess with it." Jing Feng shouted in a low voice. He ducked in front of Jing Mumu and stopped the stall owner with his bare hands.

The stall owner who only has the peak cultivation level of Xuanxian Realm has no power to compete with the scenery of Jiutian Xuanxian Realm.

"Where are the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association? Some people openly broke the rules and tried to rob them by force. Such behavior has violated the discipline of the Treasure Appraisal Association." Jingfeng said loudly. He has been to Fengxian City more than once. For treasure appraisal, Naturally, he knows the rules of the club very well.

Soon, several law enforcers in black came over. Except for one Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, the rest were all Immortals from the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Seeing the law enforcers from the Treasure Appraisal Association, the stall owner finally seemed to calm down, and his face instantly turned pale.

"We already know what happened!" The law enforcer from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm said expressionlessly. He led several followers and walked straight to the stall owner, and was about to pronounce the stall owner's crime.

"What happened here? Who is having a private fight here? Don't you know the rules of our Fengxian City?" At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance, and I saw a city composed of dozens of people. The guards entered the treasure appraisal meeting.

Seeing Xuefeng, the leader of the team, who was walking at the front, several law enforcers from the Treasure Appraisal Association suddenly looked solemn. The law enforcer from Jiutian Xuanxian Realm also didn't care about dealing with the stall owner. His selfless face suddenly turned into a smile. He quickly walked forward, cupped his fists and said, "It turns out to be Team Feng. I didn't expect that what happened here would even alert you."

Facing Captain Xuefeng, law enforcers at the same level as him had to smile and be polite. As for the law enforcers in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, they all clasped their fists and saluted with awe on their faces. The soaring sword intent that emerged from the tip of the Broken Sword immediately alarmed all the immortals in the Treasure Appraisal Association. Even as this sword intent spread, there were many immortals in areas outside the Treasure Appraisal Association. Found out what's going on here.

"That location seems to be a treasure appraisal meeting."

"This sword intent seems to be coming from some kind of treasure. Could it be that some extraordinary treasure appeared at the treasure appraisal meeting?"

"Let's go over and see what's going on."

Suddenly, the area near the Treasure Appraisal Club was crowded with people. Many immortals rushed to the Treasure Appraisal Club out of curiosity. Even the city guards patrolling nearby were alerted.

At this moment, a group of city guards consisting of dozens of people also changed their direction, speeded up, and rushed to the treasure appraisal meeting.

The captain of this team of city guards is named Xuefeng. Although he is only in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, he is considered to be quite influential among the city guards of Fengxian City.

Because his master is the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, a powerful person in the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm.

In the power ladder of Fengxian City, the commander-in-chief of the city guard ranks second only to the eight major families. He is responsible for the security and order of the entire city and has great power.

As a disciple of the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, Xuefeng's status is evident.

"The Treasure Appraisal Association probably had a private fight. We in Fengxian City strictly prohibit such acts. Once discovered, the immortal weapons on the body will be confiscated immediately and imprisoned!" Xuefeng, the team leader of the city defense army, sneered, with an inexplicable twinkle in his eyes. With his brilliance, he rushed over with dozens of soldiers behind him.

In this team, except for Xuefeng, who is in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, the rest are all in the Daluo Golden Immortal and Mysterious Immortal Realm cultivation levels.

"Private fighting should be impossible. After all, the rules of our Fengxian City are here. Who dares to mess around here? Team Feng, in my opinion, this is probably because someone was lucky and found something good." Behind the team leader A Xuanxian Realm soldier chuckled.

"Who says it's impossible? There is no shortage of people in this world who don't know the heights of the world. Otherwise, what do you think we city guards are for?" Xuefeng snorted coldly.

The Mysterious Immortal Realm soldier behind him seemed to understand, and chuckled, "What Captain Feng said is, in my opinion, what happened at the Treasure Appraisal Association was probably a private fight, and we need to maintain order."

"By the way, my subordinate will send a message to Shi Zhongxian and ask him to rush over immediately. He may be needed to cooperate."

"Don't be anxious. Go over and see what the other party is like. Recently, due to the disappearance of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun, there has been a mixture of dragons and snakes in Fengxian City."

In the treasure appraisal meeting, the tip of the broken sword held by Jing Mumu was blazing, like a bright light in the dark night, and it looked extremely dazzling in the treasure appraisal meeting.

More and more immortals gathered around her. Almost all the immortals stopped searching for treasures at the treasure appraisal meeting, put down everything in their hands, and gathered around her.

As for Jing Mumu, the instigator of this sensation, she froze on the spot, holding the tip of the broken sword in her hand and looking helpless.

Jingfeng's expression was solemn, and the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm was faintly exuding, and he was guarding Jing Mumu as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Next to them, the stall owner who sold the broken sword tip was crying, his intestines turning green with regret.

"I have been studying the tip of this broken sword for so long, even

I also asked a strong Immortal Lord Realm expert to help with the evaluation, and came to the conclusion that it was a fragment of a low-grade artifact. Cocoa, but now it seems that this is not a fragment of a low-grade artifact. Such a strong sword intention, so strong The treasure light, this is obviously a treasure of immeasurable value."

"What a shame, I actually sold such a precious treasure for 100,000 top-quality fairy crystals."

The stall owner's heart was bleeding. Although he still didn't know what level of treasure it was, but just looking at the momentum, its value was more than tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals.

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals, even in the eyes of some from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, are a rare and huge wealth. What's more, the strength of this stall owner is not as strong as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, and is only at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

At this moment, a look of determination appeared in the stall owner's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't sell this sword tip, and I will return one hundred thousand top-quality fairy crystals to you." As he said that, he directly put the space containing one hundred thousand top-grade fairy crystals into the space. He threw the ring to Jing Mumu, and then started to **** the tip of the dagger in Jing Mumu's hand with both hands.

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal crystals, this is simply a huge wealth to him, not to mention that the number of tens of millions is only his current estimate. The value of the broken sword tip may also be higher than he imagined.

Under such a huge temptation, he no longer cared about the so-called rules of the treasure appraisal meeting.

"Now that this item has been sold, it belongs to us. How can you regret it if you want?" Jingfeng's face darkened, and the momentum of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fairyland exploded, like a majestic mountain pressing down on the stall owner. , which immediately made the stall owner’s expression change drastically.

But immediately, a look of madness appeared in his eyes, and he hissed, "I don't care, the fairy crystal has been returned to you anyway." As he said that, he gritted his teeth and resisted the pressure from Jingfeng, and went to grab Jingfeng desperately. The tip of the sword in Mu Mu's hand.

"The Treasure Appraisal Association follows the rules of the Treasure Appraisal Association. You can't mess with it." Jing Feng shouted in a low voice. He ducked in front of Jing Mumu and stopped the stall owner with his bare hands.

The stall owner who only has the peak cultivation level of Xuanxian Realm has no power to compete with the scenery of Jiutian Xuanxian Realm.

"Where are the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association? Some people openly broke the rules and tried to rob them by force. Such behavior has violated the discipline of the Treasure Appraisal Association." Jingfeng said loudly. He has been to Fengxian City more than once. For treasure appraisal, Naturally, he knows the rules of the club very well.

Soon, several law enforcers in black came over. Except for one Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, the rest were all Immortals from the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Seeing the law enforcers from the Treasure Appraisal Association, the stall owner finally seemed to calm down, and his face instantly turned pale.

"We already know what happened!" The law enforcer from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm said expressionlessly. He led several followers and walked straight to the stall owner, and was about to pronounce the stall owner's crime.

"What happened here? Who is having a private fight here? Don't you know the rules of our Fengxian City?" At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance, and I saw a city composed of dozens of people. The guards entered the treasure appraisal meeting.

Seeing Xuefeng, the leader of the team, who was walking at the front, several law enforcers from the Treasure Appraisal Association suddenly looked solemn. The law enforcer from Jiutian Xuanxian Realm also didn't care about dealing with the stall owner. His selfless face suddenly turned into a smile. He quickly walked forward, cupped his fists and said, "It turns out to be Team Feng. I didn't expect that what happened here would even alert you."

Facing Captain Xuefeng, law enforcers at the same level as him had to smile and be polite. As for the law enforcers in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, they all clasped their fists and saluted with awe on their faces.

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