Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3769: Collusion between officials and bandits

"I suspected that there was a private fight here, and that someone was openly violating the ban on Fengxian City, so I came over to take a look." Xuefeng, the captain of the city guard team, said, as if he didn't take the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Society at all. posture.

Immediately, he passed directly past the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association and came to Jing Feng and Jing Mumu.

At this time, the sword intent released from the tip of the broken sword held by Jing Mumu had begun to weaken, but the light that diffused was still bright and gorgeous.

Xuefeng's eyes casually glanced at the tip of the sword, and his consciousness subconsciously reached out. However, as soon as he approached the tip of the sword, his consciousness immediately felt a tingling sensation. He was so frightened that he immediately retreated and looked towards There was a hint of hidden deep heat in the sword-tip gaze.

"Sir, we purchase items normally, but this stall owner suddenly snatched them away. This person not only broke the rules of the Treasure Appraisal Association, but also violated the ban of Fengxian City." Jingfeng clasped his fists at Xuefeng and spoke in a very polite tone. .

"Is that so?" Xuefeng looked at the stall owner.

"No, no, that's not the case. Sir, it's clear that the two of them wanted to force it to buy it. The tip of my broken sword was an incredible treasure. As a result, the two of them wanted to buy it for a mere 100,000 top-quality fairy crystals. Of course I don't want to." Although the stall owner was pale and trembling inside, he still refused to give up.

"We, the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association, know exactly what happened. Do you have to give up if we produce evidence?" the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association said coldly.

Xuefeng understood the cause of the matter as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help but look at the tip of the broken sword in Jing Mumu's hand again, and said with emotion, "This thing is extraordinary at first glance. Although I don't know how much it is worth, it is definitely more than 100,000 top-quality immortal crystals. The loss is It’s so big, no wonder you lost your mind and did something that violated the rules.”

"That's all, because you are also a victim, I won't hold you accountable for some of the outrageous things you did before, but I won't do it again, understand?" After saying this, Xuefeng's expression suddenly became stern.

"I understand, I understand." The stall owner said with a dejected look on his face.

At this moment, the leader of the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked into the distance. Among the crowd, he immediately spotted a tall and thin middle-aged man in civilian clothes.

"Stone Immortal? He actually appeared here?" The leader of the law enforcers frowned. He glanced at Xuefeng subconsciously, with a hint of embarrassment and hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally, he was no stranger to Shi Zhongxian. Over the years, he and Xuefeng had cooperated with each other, and they had done countless shady things. As long as Shi Zhongxian and Xuefeng appeared at the same time, there would definitely be no good things going on.

"Well, if these two people don't have a strong backing, then this treasure may not be saved." The head of the law enforcer of the Treasure Appraisal Association looked at Jingfeng and the two with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

Xuefeng's backstage was the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Since Team Peak has interceded on your behalf, let's end today's business and let's go." The leader of the law enforcers seemed to know what was going to happen next. After saying these words, he hurriedly left with his subordinates.

"Captain Feng, Captain Liu seems a little dissatisfied."

After he left, a city guard from the Xuanxian Realm standing behind Xuefeng said with a smile.

"Forget it, just ignore him." Xuefeng waved his hand and didn't care. Then he looked at Jing Mumu and Jing Feng with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to both of you, you met like this by chance at the treasure appraisal meeting." Heavy treasure

, the luck of the two of you is truly enviable by Feng. "

Facing Xuefeng's congratulations, Jingfeng did not dare to show any slightness and immediately responded with fists in his hands and polite words.

After that, Xuefeng left the Treasure Appraisal Association with dozens of city guards.

As soon as he walked out of the venue, the Xuanxian Realm soldier who was following Xuefeng seemed to have received some news. He immediately took out a jade slip and looked it over with his spiritual sense. A relaxed smile appeared on his face and he said, "Team Feng, The origins of those two people have been found out, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal is named Jingfeng, and he comes from Luoyun City, and the strongest person in the family is an early stage Immortal Lord Realm."

"Only an early Immortal King?" Hearing this, Xuefeng showed a bright smile on his face and said, "That's nothing to worry about. You know what to do next, right?"

"I understand, I will send a message to Shi Zhongxian to create an opportunity for us." The Xuanxian Realm soldier smiled and immediately took out the jade slip of the message.

At the Treasure Appraisal Meeting, as the law enforcers and city guards left, the immortals gathered around looked at the tip of the dagger with a burning look in their eyes, and many people even looked directly at it with their spiritual consciousness. Upon inspection, the soul immediately felt pain like a knife, and everyone suffered a secret loss.

"Fellow Taoist, whether you want to sell the treasures in your hands or not, the price is whatever you want."

"I can exchange it with you for a complete low-grade artifact."

Immediately, similar voices came one after another, and many immortals spoke up, intending to buy the broken sword tip.

Facing the crowd of people watching, Jing Mumu seemed a little at a loss, so she handed the tip of the broken sword in her hand to Jingfeng for safekeeping.

But just when Jingfeng took the tip of the dagger from Jing Mumu's hand, a sudden change occurred. A tall and thin middle-aged man wearing commoners suddenly appeared in front of Jingfeng, with a powerful weapon in his palm. The energy gathered together, with a force of law belonging to the peak of Xuanxian Realm, crashed towards Jingfeng, completely ignoring the prohibition of martial arts in Fengxian City as nothing.

"How dare you, this is Fengxian City, you dare to do something here?" Jingfeng's face darkened, what happened today? First, some irrational stall owners tried to rob, but not long after this incident, someone else showed up. Dare to take action openly, but these people are still very weak and have no ability to fight against the ban of Fengxian City.

Others dared to ignore Fengxian City's prohibition, but Jingfeng did not dare. Therefore, facing the common man's attack, he did not fight back. Instead, he instantly held up an energy barrier and used his powerful cultivation power to hit him hard. anti.


With a muffled sound, the civilian man's palm hit Jingfeng's energy barrier, instantly arousing a wave of energy that knocked several nearby stalls to pieces, creating a chaotic scene.

The palm of the clothed man not only did not break Jingfeng's energy protection, but instead seemed to be severely injured. His face turned pale on the spot, he opened his mouth and sprayed blood mist all over the sky, and his body flew out like a kite with its string cut off. He was extremely embarrassed. Fell to the ground.

Jingfeng looked stunned. He had only taken the most basic protective measures without any aggression. There was no way he could have injured an immortal who had reached the pinnacle of the Mysterious Immortal Realm to such an extent.

"No, it's a scam!" He reacted quickly and had a bad feeling in his heart. However, before he could do anything else, a group of city guards quickly approached. It was Xuefeng who had just left. A group of people.

"This is unreasonable. Who dares to fight in Fengxian City? Could it be that they don't know the prohibition here?" Xuefeng shouted loudly, exuding the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm from his body, and led dozens of city guards to attack Jingfeng and Jing Mumu all at once. The two were surrounded. "I suspected that there was a private fight here, and that someone was openly violating the ban on Fengxian City, so I came over to take a look." Xuefeng, the captain of the city guard team, said, as if he didn't take the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Society at all. posture.

Immediately, he passed directly past the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association and came to Jing Feng and Jing Mumu.

At this time, the sword intent released from the tip of the broken sword held by Jing Mumu had begun to weaken, but the light that diffused was still bright and gorgeous.

Xuefeng's eyes casually glanced at the tip of the sword, and his consciousness subconsciously reached out. However, as soon as he approached the tip of the sword, his consciousness immediately felt a tingling sensation. He was so frightened that he immediately retreated and looked towards There was a hint of hidden deep heat in the sword-tip gaze.

"Sir, we purchase items normally, but this stall owner suddenly snatched them away. This person not only broke the rules of the Treasure Appraisal Association, but also violated the ban of Fengxian City." Jingfeng clasped his fists at Xuefeng and spoke in a very polite tone. .

"Is that so?" Xuefeng looked at the stall owner.

"No, no, that's not the case. Sir, it's clear that the two of them wanted to force it to buy it. The tip of my broken sword was an incredible treasure. As a result, the two of them wanted to buy it for a mere 100,000 top-quality fairy crystals. Of course I don't want to." Although the stall owner was pale and trembling inside, he still refused to give up.

"We, the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association, know exactly what happened. Do you have to give up if we produce evidence?" the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association said coldly.

Xuefeng understood the cause of the matter as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help but look at the tip of the broken sword in Jing Mumu's hand again, and said with emotion, "This thing is extraordinary at first glance. Although I don't know how much it is worth, it is definitely more than 100,000 top-quality immortal crystals. The loss is It’s so big, no wonder you lost your mind and did something that violated the rules.”

"That's all, because you are also a victim, I won't hold you accountable for some of the outrageous things you did before, but I won't do it again, understand?" After saying this, Xuefeng's expression suddenly became stern.

"I understand, I understand." The stall owner said with a dejected look on his face.

At this moment, the leader of the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Association seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked into the distance. Among the crowd, he immediately spotted a tall and thin middle-aged man in civilian clothes.

"Stone Immortal? He actually appeared here?" The leader of the law enforcers frowned. He glanced at Xuefeng subconsciously, with a hint of embarrassment and hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally, he was no stranger to Shi Zhongxian. Over the years, he and Xuefeng had cooperated with each other, and they had done countless shady things. As long as Shi Zhongxian and Xuefeng appeared at the same time, there would definitely be no good things going on.

"Well, if these two people don't have a strong backing, then this treasure may not be saved." The head of the law enforcer of the Treasure Appraisal Association looked at Jingfeng and the two with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

Xuefeng's backstage was the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Since Team Peak has interceded on your behalf, let's end today's business and let's go." The leader of the law enforcers seemed to know what was going to happen next. After saying these words, he hurriedly left with his subordinates.

"Captain Feng, Captain Liu seems a little dissatisfied."

After he left, a city guard from the Xuanxian Realm standing behind Xuefeng said with a smile.

"Forget it, just ignore him." Xuefeng waved his hand and didn't care. Then he looked at Jing Mumu and Jing Feng with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to both of you, you met like this by chance at the treasure appraisal meeting." Heavy treasure

, the luck of the two of you is truly enviable by Feng. "

Facing Xuefeng's congratulations, Jingfeng did not dare to show any slightness and immediately responded with fists in his hands and polite words.

After that, Xuefeng left the Treasure Appraisal Association with dozens of city guards.

As soon as he walked out of the venue, the Xuanxian Realm soldier who was following Xuefeng seemed to have received some news. He immediately took out a jade slip and looked it over with his spiritual sense. A relaxed smile appeared on his face and he said, "Team Feng, The origins of those two people have been found out, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal is named Jingfeng, and he comes from Luoyun City, and the strongest person in the family is an early stage Immortal Lord Realm."

"Only an early Immortal King?" Hearing this, Xuefeng showed a bright smile on his face and said, "That's nothing to worry about. You know what to do next, right?"

"I understand, I will send a message to Shi Zhongxian to create an opportunity for us." The Xuanxian Realm soldier smiled and immediately took out the jade slip of the message.

At the Treasure Appraisal Meeting, as the law enforcers and city guards left, the immortals gathered around looked at the tip of the dagger with a burning look in their eyes, and many people even looked directly at it with their spiritual consciousness. Upon inspection, the soul immediately felt pain like a knife, and everyone suffered a secret loss.

"Fellow Taoist, whether you want to sell the treasures in your hands or not, the price is whatever you want."

"I can exchange it with you for a complete low-grade artifact."

Immediately, similar voices came one after another, and many immortals spoke up, intending to buy the broken sword tip.

Facing the crowd of people watching, Jing Mumu seemed a little at a loss, so she handed the tip of the broken sword in her hand to Jingfeng for safekeeping.

But just when Jingfeng took the tip of the dagger from Jing Mumu's hand, a sudden change occurred. A tall and thin middle-aged man wearing commoners suddenly appeared in front of Jingfeng, with a powerful weapon in his palm. The energy gathered together, with a force of law belonging to the peak of Xuanxian Realm, crashed towards Jingfeng, completely ignoring the prohibition of martial arts in Fengxian City as nothing.

"How dare you, this is Fengxian City, you dare to do something here?" Jingfeng's face darkened, what happened today? First, some irrational stall owners tried to rob, but not long after this incident, someone else showed up. Dare to take action openly, but these people are still very weak and have no ability to fight against the ban of Fengxian City.

Others dared to ignore Fengxian City's prohibition, but Jingfeng did not dare. Therefore, facing the common man's attack, he did not fight back. Instead, he instantly held up an energy barrier and used his powerful cultivation power to hit him hard. anti.


With a muffled sound, the civilian man's palm hit Jingfeng's energy barrier, instantly arousing a wave of energy that knocked several nearby stalls to pieces, creating a chaotic scene.

The palm of the clothed man not only did not break Jingfeng's energy protection, but instead seemed to be severely injured. His face turned pale on the spot, he opened his mouth and sprayed blood mist all over the sky, and his body flew out like a kite with its string cut off. He was extremely embarrassed. Fell to the ground.

Jingfeng looked stunned. He had only taken the most basic protective measures without any aggression. There was no way he could have injured an immortal who had reached the pinnacle of the Mysterious Immortal Realm to such an extent.

"No, it's a scam!" He reacted quickly and had a bad feeling in his heart. However, before he could do anything else, a group of city guards quickly approached. It was Xuefeng who had just left. A group of people.

"This is unreasonable. Who dares to fight in Fengxian City? Could it be that they don't know the prohibition here?" Xuefeng shouted loudly, exuding the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm from his body, and led dozens of city guards to attack Jingfeng and Jing Mumu all at once. The two were surrounded.

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