Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3770: Western Mountain Moon

"Grandpa!" Jing Mumu was frightened. She stood behind Jingfeng and clutched the corner of her clothes tightly, looking nervous.

"What are you doing? He is the one who broke the rules of Fengxian City, not us. Even if you want to arrest people, you must at least know who did it." Jingfeng said in a deep voice, even though he knew that this might be possible It was a trap aimed at him, but he seemed calm in the face of danger.

"Take them all away. We will investigate who violated the ban." Xuefeng waved his hand, and several city defense troops immediately walked over and arrested the civilian man who fell to the ground not far away. .

The man in cloth didn't offer any resistance and was extremely cooperative. He just kept shouting, "Jingfeng, in the past in Luoyun City, I just accidentally offended you. I didn't expect you to chase me to Fengxian City." , you want to kill me here, you are really cruel."

Jingfeng frowned, he didn't recognize this person at all.

The immortals gathered around looked at all this in silence. Many of them naturally understood what happened, and also knew that the man in cloth was a slanderer, but they could only dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Those immortals who often hang out in Fengxian City all know that Xuefeng has a very strong backing.

"This treasure has obviously been spotted by Captain Xuefeng. Alas, I can only blame the grandfather and grandson for their bad luck."

"The cooperation between Shi Zhongxian and Captain Xuefeng has caused harm to many people over the years. A hundred years ago, a woman was wrongly accused and was never seen again after being captured."??.

"Well, after all, he is the apprentice of the commander-in-chief of the city defense army. Once he is captured, the right and wrong in the world will not matter."

All around, many immortals were talking and talking, all shaking their heads and sighing. People without a big background would not dare to stand up at such a time.

Several city guards have already begun to take action, approaching Jingfeng, preparing to capture Jingfeng on the spot.

Jingfeng's expression changed, he wanted to resist, but he was worried. after all

This is Fengxian City, a place where powerful people with the Immortal Realm sit, far from comparable to Luoyun City.

"Mu Mu, take this thing and leave quickly to find your master!" Jing Feng suddenly made a decision. He handed the tip of the broken sword back to Jing Mumu's hands, apparently giving up resistance.

The few city defense soldiers who were close to Jingfeng took out an iron chain with mysterious runes flashing on it, and **** Jingfeng in an instant.

This iron chain obviously has the ability to imprison cultivation. After Jingfeng was restrained by the iron chain, the strength of his whole body's cultivation suddenly seemed to be frozen and could no longer be used.

"Grandpa, hold on, I will definitely ask Master to save you." Jing Mumu looked anxious, sheathed the tip of her sword and ran outside.

"Stop!" Xuefeng's figure blocked in front of Jing Mumu. He looked at the sword tip emitting dazzling light. The heat in the depths of his eyes became more and more intense. He sneered, "Since you are together, then Please follow us, and when the investigation is clear, we will restore your innocence."

"take away!"

With a wave of Xuefeng's hand, a city guard immediately appeared behind Jing Mumu and was about to imprison Jing Mumu.

"Xue Feng, in front of everyone, you actually bullied a little girl whose cultivation level has not reached the Golden Immortal Realm. You are getting better and better." Suddenly, a voice full of ridicule came from outside the crowd.

The immortals gathered around consciously gave way to a path, and soon they saw a handsome young man wearing a gorgeous robe, surrounded by several beautiful and beautiful maids, slowly walking over.

Xuefeng's face became extremely gloomy at first, but when he recognized the young man's identity, he was shocked and the gloomy look on his face instantly

He disappeared in a moment, ran over with an apologetic smile on his face, nodded and bowed, his face full of flattery and compliments: "It turns out to be Young Master Yue, Young Master Yue, you are a rich man, with your noble status, how could you end up like this?" The place has come.”

This young man's name is Xishan Yue. He is one of the eight major forces in Fengxian City and the eldest son of the Xishan family. His father is the current head of the Xishan family, and his grandfather is an ancestor of the Xishan family in the Immortal Emperor realm.

In terms of identity and status, Xuefeng, whose division is the commander-in-chief of the City Guards, is naturally far from comparable to Xishan Yue.

"That exotic treasure can hurt my consciousness, which shows that it is extremely extraordinary. I have reserved this thing, Captain Xuefeng, do you have any objection?" Xi Shanyue first glanced at the tip of the sword in Jing Mumu's hand, and then turned his head Staring at Xuefeng, there was a trace of undisguised contempt in his eyes.

"Young Master Yue, what are you talking about? This thing can be valued by you, Young Master Yue, so that it won't be covered in dust. I'm not even happy enough, so how can I have the slightest opinion." Xuefeng smiled broadly and carefully said Serving Xishan Yue.

But in fact, his heart was bleeding, containing a surge of overwhelming anger and extreme unwillingness.

He specially arranged for Shi Zhongxian to attack Jingfeng at the treasure appraisal meeting, and then took the opportunity to take them both away on the grounds of violating the ban of Fengxian City. As long as he successfully brought the people to his territory, he could decide whether it was right or wrong. Calculate.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, a person who even he dared not provoke suddenly appeared, causing his plan that was about to succeed to fail.

"Let him go. The two of them are also indispensable for the discovery of such a rare treasure here today." Xi Shanyue spoke calmly, with an uncomfortable arrogance in his expression, showing an arrogant attitude of being superior to others.

"What are you still doing? Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what Yue Shao said? Why don't you let me go quickly?" Team Xuefeng

The commander turned his head and shouted to the city guards.

Hearing this, the city guards who were restraining Jing Feng with iron chains immediately stopped their hands, and the city guard who was about to capture Jing Mumu also stopped immediately.

As the chains were untied, Jingfeng suddenly regained his freedom, and his imprisoned cultivation power returned to normal.

However, he was not happy at all, because a master with a stronger background came and he was also uneasy and well-intentioned.

Xishanyue looked at Jingfeng, with a casual attitude, and said calmly, "I heard that you are from Luoyun City and a member of the Jing family, one of the major forces in Luoyun City? According to reports from the people below, there is only one Immortal Lord in the Jing family. For an ancestor who is in the early stage of the realm, such strength can be regarded as a bit of success in a place like Luoyun City, but in our Fengxian City, it is really not worth mentioning."

"I won't bully those of you from a small family. Did you buy the sword tip with 100,000 top-quality fairy crystals?"

"In this case, I will buy it from you for one million high-quality fairy crystals."

While speaking, Xi Shanyue waved his hand, and immediately a piece of top-quality fairy crystal separated from the space ring and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

This top quality fairy crystal is in the shape of a regular cube, exactly one meter cubed. If cut into standard size fairy crystals, it would be exactly one million pieces.

Looking at this cube of top-quality fairy crystals, many nearby immortals showed envy in their eyes. Some of the poor Nine Heavens Immortals may not be able to produce one million top-quality fairy crystals.

"As expected of the eldest young master of the Xishan family, he is indeed rich and powerful. He can easily produce one million top-grade immortal crystals." Many immortals around him sighed secretly in their hearts.

Jing Mumu curled her lips. Compared with the pile of fairy crystals as high as a hill that her master gave her, this one meter cube of fairy crystal was really nothing.

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