Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3771: Forced invitation

"These one million top-quality immortal crystals belong to you. From now on, the sword tip in your hand belongs to me, do you understand?" Xishan Yue looked arrogant and said in a commanding tone, not allowing Jingfeng to have any influence at all. Room for justification.

Jingfeng looked embarrassed and didn't know how to refuse without offending the young master of the Xishan family. However, Jing Mumu didn't think about it so much and simply refused, "We won't sell this sword tip."

Jing Mumu's voice was a little timid. She didn't see Xishan Yue's eyes that gradually became cold. She lowered her head and thought for a moment, and then added, "Besides, we don't lack these one million top-grade immortal crystals. If you don’t believe it, I can show it to you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Jing Mumu opened the space ring, and immediately saw a massive amount of top-quality fairy crystals pouring out from it like a flood, exceeding one million in the blink of an eye.

"Oh my god, this little girl actually has so many fairy crystals on her body."

"And all of them are top-grade fairy crystals, not even one of low quality. The number is probably no less than ten million."

There were screams of exclamation all around, and the eyes of many immortals became hot, revealing deep greed.

Xi Shanyue's face became more and more gloomy. He generously took out one million top-grade fairy crystals. In the blink of an eye, Jing Mumu took out tens of millions of top-grade fairy crystals. This was a naked provocation.

Xuefeng, the captain of the city defense army standing aside, was also shocked. He never expected that the girl from Luoyun City in front of him was so rich.

"We're in big trouble." Jingfeng's heart sank, and he racked his brains to think of how to avoid offending the eldest young master of the Xishan family in front of him. Fortunately, now, his precious granddaughter started to add fuel to the fire.

"It's really a penalty for not eating the toast." Xi Shanyue's tone was cold.

"Master Yue, this kind of ungrateful person deserves to be slapped. Please allow me to teach this girl a lesson for you." Beside Xishan Yue, a beautiful maid spoke, looking at Jing Mumu with full eyes. Chill.

>Xi Shanyue nodded slightly.

After receiving permission, when the maid was about to take action, an old man suddenly appeared next to Xi Shanyue, coming quietly, as if teleporting. However, his pair of old eyes full of vicissitudes of life were staring at Jing Mumu with piercing eyes, as if he wanted to see Jing Mumu inside and out.

"Third Grandpa, why are you here?" Seeing this old man, Xi Shanyue's expression changed and immediately became respectful, and the maid who was about to slap Jing Mumu also stopped subconsciously.

This old man's name is Xishan Yan Lie, a powerful person at the fifth level of the Immortal King Realm. He is one of the few supreme elders of the Xishan family and holds a high position of authority.

"This girl has the body of a sword immortal. If she is cultivated, she will become a good seed for an immortal king in the future." Xishan Yan Lie stared at Jing Mumu non-stop, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"What? She actually has the body of a sword immortal?" Hearing this, Xi Shanyue was shocked and showed a trace of envy.

He has been cultivating for more than 50,000 years, and finally achieved the level of Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm. Although he is only one step away from the Immortal Lord Realm, if there is not enough opportunity and good luck, even if it is given to him Even in a million years, he may not be able to step into the realm of the Immortal Lord.

As a result, the female fairy in front of him, whose cultivation was far from the Golden Immortal Realm, was born with the qualifications to enter the Immortal Lord Realm, which made him envious.

"Little girl, I wonder where your strength comes from?" Xishan Yanlie asked Jing Mumu.

"Senior, these two people are from a small force called the Jing family in Luoyun City." Xuefeng, captain of the city defense army, spoke first.

"Luoyun City? That's quite far away from our Fengxian City. I heard that there is a Huxiao family there. As for the Jing family, they have never

Know. "A meaningful smile appeared on Xishan Yan Lie's face. He looked at Jing Feng and said, "Are you the elder of this little girl? "

"Junior Jingfeng, when I meet my senior, I can tell you the truth. This junior is Mu Mu's biological grandfather." Jingfeng said with clasped fists, looking cautious, even though he knew that Jing Mumu's master was extremely powerful and was also a powerful Immortal Emperor realm. , but in this immortal city, he did not dare to provoke the Xishan family, one of the eight major forces.

Because behind the eight major families is the City Lord’s Mansion as their backer!

"That's very good. Since you, the elder, are here, I will formally propose a marriage with your Jing family and let this girl marry our Xishan family as the first wife of our Xishan family's eldest master Xishan Yue. As long as you agree. With this marriage, the Jing family of Luoyun City should also be protected by our Xishan family." Xishan Yan Lie said to Jingfeng.

"Third Grandpa, what are you?" Xi Shanyue looked startled, with a face full of astonishment.

"If you can practice dual cultivation with this girl, it will be much easier to break the shackles of the Immortal Lord Realm in the future." Xishan Yan Lie said to Xishan Yue.

Hearing this, Xishan Yue was startled at first, but then showed a look of ecstasy.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, but Mu Mu is still young and is not ready to get married yet." Jing Feng declined politely.

"It seems that the conditions proposed by our Xishan family are not satisfactory to you, but the authority of the old man is only so great. If the head of the family asks, he may be able to give you more. You two, please come to our Xishan family to talk. I The message has been sent to the head of the family. I believe the head of the family will receive you in person." Xishan Yan Lie turned to look at Xishan Yue and said, "What are you doing standing around here? Why don't you invite the two guests back to the family so that you can entertain them."

Xi Shanyue finally understood that this third grandfather not only wanted the weird sword tip, but also wanted the other person.

Xi Shanyue showed a bright smile on his face and said, "

You two, please! "

"Hmph, we won't go to that Xishan family with you. Grandpa, let's go and find Master to seek justice for us." Jing Mumu snorted coldly, biting the word "Master" very hard, obviously a kind of warn.

As soon as she finished speaking, she put away her fairy crystal, pulled Jingfeng and walked outside.

"If you two don't go to our Xishan family's invitation, it means you don't take our Xishan family seriously, which is not good. Therefore, you two should go to our Xishan family and sit for a while first. As for your master, Our Xishan family will send someone to invite you, and I believe your master will not refuse." Xishan Yan Lie said with a smile, and then he held the void in his hand, and the cultivation level of the fifth level of the Immortal King Realm was faintly revealed, and the scenery and scenery were harmonious. Jing and Mumu suddenly felt an invisible force imprisoning themselves, and their entire bodies were unable to move.

Xishan Yan Lie was obviously planning to take Jing Mumu and Jing Mumu back by force.

"The dignified Immortal Lord actually went to bully a junior who is only in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. He is really shameless. Could it be that the eight major forces in Fengxian City all have this kind of virtue?" At this moment, an indifferent voice came out of thin air. Beside Jing Mumu, Jian Chen's figure suddenly appeared, staring at Xishan Yan Lie expressionlessly.

With his arrival, the power that imprisoned Jingfeng and Jing Mumu immediately dissipated, and after regaining their freedom, they immediately ran behind Jian Chen.

"Master, grandpa and I were bullied by them." Jing Mumu tightly grasped the corner of Jian Chen's clothes, as if she had found a peaceful harbor in the storm, and suddenly became calm.

Jingfeng conveyed a message to Jian Chen with a solemn expression, introducing the Xishan family's backstage in detail.

"Your Excellency, who are you?" On the opposite side, Xishan Yan Lie's expression suddenly became serious, and he stared at Jian Chen sharply. The secret technique he used on Jing Feng and the two people was actually broken without leaving a trace. This He immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

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