Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3772: Violate prohibition

"Who am I?" Hearing this, Jian Chen showed a faint sneer on his face, looked directly at Xishan Yan Lie, and said, "Didn't you hear that my disciples are calling me master? I am a dignified person in the fifth level of the Immortal Lord Realm. Strong man, your ears are so inoperable?"

When Jian Chen's words fell into Xishan Yan Lie's ears, they were no less than a thunderclap. Not only could he tell at a glance that he was an Immortal Lord, but he could also accurately see his realm. And what about him? , actually couldn't see through Jian Chen's strength at all.

In addition, with the appearance of Jian Chen, the secret technique he used dissipated quietly, which made Xishan Yan Lie unable to understand that the person in front of him was a being whose realm was far above his own.

"This person's realm is at least the seventh heaven of the Immortal Lord Realm, or even above the seventh heaven!" Xishan Yan Lie secretly guessed in his heart.

But the strong men in the late stage of the Immortal Lord Realm can only make him fearful. For the Xishan family behind them, that is nothing.

"Fellow Taoist, I am also a supreme elder of the Xishan family. You are a bit merciless when you talk to me like this." Xishan Yan Lie said in a deep voice.

"You are ready to take my disciple away by force, why should I show mercy to you?" At this point, Jian Chen snorted coldly and said, "Besides, who do you think you are, you still need me to show mercy to you?" noodle?"

Jing Feng, who was standing behind Jian Chen, sounded trembling with fear, as if he was afraid that things would become too big and he would not be able to contain them. .??.

After all, this is Fengxian City, one of the three major immortal cities in Tangyao Heaven Realm, and is far from comparable to Luoyun City.

With these words, Xishan Yan Lie's face turned livid, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

"Your Excellency, this is Fengxian City. No matter who you are or what background you have, you'd better restrain yourself in this Fengxian City. If you cause trouble in our Fengxian City, the consequences will not be as serious as usual. If you don't believe it, you might as well Go and inquire about the fate of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun." Xuefeng, the captain of the city defense army, suddenly spoke, his tone was neither humble nor arrogant. When the topic of Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun was brought up, his expression changed.

There was always a trace of pride that could not be concealed.

It seems to be a silent expression, look, this is our Immortal City, and even the powerful people in the Immortal Realm will not end well if they provoke us.

Jian Chen's eyes suddenly fell on Xuefeng. Under his cold eyes, Xuefeng's heart suddenly trembled, and a huge sense of fear came out of his heart for no reason.

But then he thought that this was Fengxian City, and he immediately became emboldened, straightened his chest, and shouted proudly, "What are you looking at? Do you dare to violate Fengxian City's prohibition and attack me? I'm not afraid to tell you that once you violate Fengxian City, Due to the ban in the Immortal City, even if you are a senior in the Immortal Lord Realm, our city defense army will still arrest you."

"Noisy! And just now, you were the one who gave the order to take my disciple away by force." Jian Chen opened his mouth and saw his palm pressing against the void of Xuefeng. The next moment, Xuefeng immediately felt a huge and irresistible stalwart. The force suddenly fell on him, and his knees suddenly fell to the ground. His kneecaps instantly shattered, and the severe pain made his face turn pale.

Xuefeng's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stared at Jian Chen with splitting eyes, burning with overwhelming anger, "How dare you?"

However, before he finished speaking, the body kneeling on the ground was forcibly dragged to Jian Chen's side by an invisible force.

Jian Chen didn't seem to even bother to look at Xuefeng, and said expressionlessly, "Jingfeng, slap me!"

Jingfeng's heart skipped a beat, this was the Immortal City, and Mu Mu's master didn't take it seriously?

But after only a brief hesitation, Jingfeng gritted his teeth, came to Xuefeng, raised his hand and slapped the latter on the face.


Just a crisp sound was heard, and Xuefeng's mouth was

The beating was **** and bloody, and there were broken teeth all over the place.

He couldn't stop being angry, and his red eyes were instantly bloodshot. He wanted to resist with all his strength, but was suppressed and unable to move.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding immortals were all silent and frightened in their hearts.

The squad leader of the city defense army was kneeled down and slapped in public. This was a huge deal in their eyes.

Especially the captain's master is also the commander-in-chief of the city defense army.

The subordinates brought by Xuefeng had already taken out their jade slips for interrogation.

"How dare you humiliate me like this? I will never let you walk out of Fengxian City alive." Xuefeng looked like he was crazy and made a hateful voice.

"A Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal dares to say such big words. It's really shameless. But if people like you continue to exist, it means that more innocent people will be brutally murdered in Fengxian City." Jian Chen said coldly. He said, with a flash of deduction in his eyes, and he instantly understood some of Xuefeng's actions over the years.

The next moment, a sword energy condensed on top of Xuefeng's head and instantly pierced his head, destroying his body and soul on the spot.

Looking at Xuefeng who had fallen to the ground, Jingfeng was stunned. Even Xishanyue on the opposite side was frightened at this moment.

For a time, the entire treasure appraisal venue became silent. Many immortals seemed to have had a premonition that a storm was coming, and began to quietly stay away, for fear of being affected.

"How dare you kill people in Fengxian City?" Xishan Yan Lie's face was also extremely gloomy. Their eight major families were also one of the authors of Fengxian City's ban.

"It's just a cancerous person who uses the power in his hands to harm innocent immortals. If it weren't for me, my disciple would have been poisoned by him. It is not a pity for such a person to die." Jian Chen seemed to have done an insignificant thing. Seemingly, he looked towards Xishan Yan Lie and others opposite.

The man said, "Now, it's time to talk about what's going on between us. Your Xishan family, relying on its own strength, wants to take my disciple by force and make her become the first young master of your Xishan family, Xishan Yue, to enter the Immortal Lord Realm." Paving stones. This matter makes me very angry, so your Xishan family must give me an explanation that satisfies me, otherwise, I will have to go to the Xishan family myself. "

Xishan Yan Lie laughed angrily and said, "Over the years, I have seen countless arrogant people, but this is the first time I have seen someone as arrogant as you do today."

As he spoke, he suddenly looked into the distance and said, "Elders, please show up."

Following the words, five figures appeared quietly in the void in the distance, all of them were in the Immortal King Realm. The strongest one among them had reached the eighth level of the Immortal King Realm.

The Xishan family's residence is very close to the location where the treasure appraisal meeting is held. They all felt the strong sword intent and came here specially from the Xishan family.

"Clear the scene!" The old man from the eighth level of the Immortal Lord Realm glanced at the bewildered city defense troops and spoke coldly.

The city defense troops were all trembling, and without any hesitation, they immediately began to clear the area.

At this moment, the law enforcers of the Treasure Appraisal Society who first appeared were of no use at all, and they withdrew with the flow of people.

Soon, the treasure appraisal venue was deserted and became empty.

"You dare to openly kill people in our Fengxian City. Obviously you don't take our Fengxian City's ban seriously. In this case, let me see if you have the qualifications to ignore our Fengxian City's ban." When everyone After the people left, the old man who was at the eighth level of the Immortal King Realm spoke coldly. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a sword light and shot towards Jian Chen like lightning.

At the same time, the remaining Supreme Elders deployed powerful formations to cover the entire treasure appraisal venue.

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