Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3773: dramatic twist

In the treasure appraisal venue, the bright sword light turned into a long silvery river, instantly pulled from the distant sky in front of Jian Chen. Before the sword arrived, the strong sword intent had already filled Jingfeng and Jing Mumu. Body is cold.

This supreme elder of the Xishan family masters the laws of swordsmanship and attacks fiercely. With his cultivation at the eighth level of the Immortal Lord Realm, the combat power displayed at this moment is already comparable to some ordinary ninth level experts.

He did not hold back, and used all his strength as soon as he took action, wanting to hit Jian Chen with a thunderous force.

In an instant, the dazzling sword light seemed to wrap around Jian Chen.

Jian Chen's expression was calm. Facing the earth-shattering blow from the Supreme Elder of the Xishan Family, he did not do anything extra. He just flicked his fingers, and a sword energy burst out from his fingertips.


There was only an explosion sound, and the sporadic sword energy that popped out from Jian Chen's fingertips seemed to contain this heaven-destroying power. When it collided with the Supreme Elder of the eighth level of the Immortal Lord Realm of the Xishan Family, it was as bright as a long river. The dazzling sword energy was as fragile as tofu and was easily smashed into pieces.

Immediately, the remaining force of the sword energy ejected from Jian Chen's fingertips was not reduced at all. When it came into contact with the low-grade divine sword in the hand of the supreme elder of the Xishan family, the extremely hard low-grade divine sword instantly shattered and turned into fragments flying everywhere.

"This is the Immortal Emperor." The supreme elder was shocked, and his originally careless expression instantly became serious. However, without any further thought, the sporadic sword energy pierced through his chest with residual power.

"Poof!" He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mist. His face instantly turned as pale as paper, and his body suddenly fell from a high altitude and fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep pit.

A transparent hole as big as the mouth of a bowl has appeared on his chest. All the flesh, flesh and internal organs there have disappeared, and strands of sword energy remain near the wound, like maggots on the tarsal bones, constantly eating away. His flesh and blood.

The expressions of the other Immortal Lords of the Xishan Family all changed greatly, and they all stared at the injured companion in horror, with disbelief in their eyes.

Xishan Yue, the eldest young master of the Xishan family, also turned pale at this moment and was trembling inside.

"You are actually an Immortal Emperor?" Xishan Yan Lie, who was standing next to Xishan Yue, was also shocked. It seemed that he never expected to meet a powerful Immortal Emperor here.

Moreover, it is so easy to seriously injure a strong person in the eighth level of the Immortal Lord Realm. This is no longer something that ordinary Immortal Emperors can do.

For a time, several supreme elders of the Xishan family fell into deathly silence.

"So what if the Immortal Emperor, we have to abide by the rules of our Immortal City even if we are in the Immortal Emperor realm." At this time, the man who was struck by the sword

The Supreme Elder who was injured by Chen stood up slowly. He took out a jade talisman and crushed it without hesitation. He stared at Jian Chen coldly and said, "I have sent a message to the ancestor. Soon, the elder will Ancestor will personally come to deal with this matter. Your Excellency, do you think that because you are an Immortal Emperor, you can do whatever you want in our Immortal City?"

"Senior, this is clearly a member of your Xishan family. They want to take us away by force first, so we have to defend ourselves passively. Even if there is, it is not just from our side." Jingfeng said bravely.

"No matter what the reason is, if you openly killed a captain of the city guard in Fengxian City, you should be punished by our Fengxian City." The Supreme Elder continued with a cold tone.

At this moment, a huge momentum suddenly approached and enveloped the entire treasure appraisal venue in an instant.

This was an aura that came from the Immortal Emperor Realm. When this aura filled the air, it was instantly sensed by many strong men in the Immortal City.

"This seems to be the aura of Xishan Zhanyun? What happened to alarm an ancestor of the Xishan family?"

"Could it be that someone has provoked the Xishan family, but in Fengxian City, who dares to go against the eight major forces? Especially now that Fengxian City is in its prime."

"It seems that a treasure appraisal meeting is being held recently at that location. Unfortunately, it is blocked by the formation and cannot be peeked into."

At this moment, many powerful people in the inner city of Fengxian City were looking in the direction of the Treasure Appraisal Association. The powerful Immortal Emperor Realm experts from Xingyao Chamber of Commerce were also paying attention from a distance, and immediately sent spies to gather information.

The formation set up by the four Immortal Lord Realm Supreme Elders of the Xishan Family automatically opened a portal, and immediately a burly middle-aged man was seen stepping from the outside.

"What happened here? You need to call me for emergency help!" As the middle-aged man entered the field, a rough voice buzzed.

This person is Xishan Zhanyun, one of the two ancestors of the Xishan family, with a fourth-level cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

With the appearance of Xishan Zhanyun, several Xishan family elders in the treasure appraisal venue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Bu, are you injured?" Xishan Zhanyun's eyes suddenly fell on the Supreme Elder who was injured by Jian Chen. His face immediately sank, and his eyes suddenly turned to Jian Chen and said coldly, "Your Excellency, why are you injured?" The supreme elders of our Xishan family? Where did they offend you?"

"The beginning of the matter

Finally, you will know if you ask them. "Jian Chen said calmly and calmly.

"Grandpa Zu, he killed Xuefeng of the City Guards. This Xuefeng was a disciple of the Commander-in-Chief of the City Guards." Xishanyue said quickly. He knew what he and others had done, so he could only capture Xuefeng. Will not let go.

Xishan Zhanyun turned his eyes and found Xuefeng's body not far away. He immediately frowned and said, "Your Excellency is also a strong Immortal Emperor Realm expert, but now you are taking action against a Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal. This is unavoidable." Have you lost your identity?"

"You should ask why the captain of the city guard died. In addition, should you know more about the young master of your Xishan family and the immortal king standing next to him? What did you do?" Jian Chen's tone was still calm.

Xishan Yue's face suddenly turned pale, and the expression of Xishan Yan Lie who was standing next to him also changed. Seeing Xishan Zhan Yun look over, Xishan Yan Lie quickly opened his mouth to explain, and said in an evasive way, "Ancestor, the situation is like this, I see This little girl has the body of a sword fairy, so she started to love talents. Her original intention was just to invite them to visit our Xishan family. Unexpectedly, instead of being unwilling, they actually killed the city guards. "

Xishan Yan Lie did not mention the tip of the broken sword at all.

"That's not what happened. You clearly want to take my grandfather and me to your Xishan family, and force me to marry the eldest young master of your Xishan family." Jing Mumu said loudly, and then she came out of the space ring. He took out the tip of the broken sword and continued, "In addition, you also want to take away the treasure I just bought. If the master hadn't appeared to save us, my grandfather and I would have been captured by you."

Xishan Zhanyun's eyes subconsciously fell on the tip of the sword in Jing Mumu's hand, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Ancestor, it is no longer important to say these things. They have already killed people in Fengxian City, and they are also a captain of the city guard. If this matter is not handled according to the rules, then the majesty of our Fengxian City will be seriously affected. ." The Supreme Elder who was injured by Jian Chen said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Bu is right, ancestor, we should unite with the people from the other seven major forces to suppress this man with thunderous force and defend the pressure of our Immortal City!" Xishan Yan Lie said.

Xishan Zhanyun nodded slowly and said, "You two are right. No matter what the whole story is, if you kill the people who guard our Fengxian City, then we, Fengxian City, have to give an explanation for this matter."

Xishan Zhanyun's eyes gradually glowed with a strong fighting spirit, and he cast two sharp gazes on Jian Chen and said, "Your Excellency,

I will fight with you, and if you can defeat me, then we in Fengxian City will forget what happened today. "

"Zhan Yun, don't be rude!"

However, as soon as Xishan Zhanyun finished speaking, a loud shout exploded out of thin air, and immediately the formation covering the treasure appraisal venue was forcibly torn apart by a strong force.

Xishan Zhanyun, as well as several Supreme Elders present subconsciously looked up at the sky, and immediately saw Qiu Wanqian, the deputy lord of Fengxian City, with an ashen face, hurriedly coming from outside.

"Brother Wanqian, why are you here?" Xishan Zhanyun asked with surprise and confusion.

"I have met the Vice City Lord!" Several elders of the Xishan family clasped their fists together.

"Deputy City Lord?" Jing Feng's face, who was standing behind Jian Chen, changed wildly when he heard the names of those Supreme Elders.

However, Qiu Wanqian paid no attention to Xishan Zhanyun and the others. He ducked in front of Jian Chen, and under the incredible gazes of several supreme elders of the Xishan family, he bowed to Jian Chen with the dignity of his deputy city lord. , said in a respectful tone, "Senior, please forgive me. It was the junior who failed to take good care of the senior's disciples, and caused the senior's disciples to be frightened."

Qiu Wanqian's almost groveling attitude in front of Jian Chen not only shocked all the elders of the Xishan family, but even the ancestor of the Xishan family, Xishan Zhanyun, was stunned on the spot, with extreme astonishment on his face. color.

Especially Xishan Yue and Xishan Yan Lie, they felt as if a bolt from the blue suddenly flashed through their minds, and they were all stunned.

What kind of person is Qiu Wanqian? That was the deputy city lord of Fengxian City, the right-hand man of Tan Yuxianzun, and his status was extremely high.

As a result, even these people showed such a respectful attitude at this moment, which made them immediately understand that the master and disciple in front of them were not someone they could provoke in Fengxian City.

Jingfeng was also shocked. Even the deputy city lord of Fengxian City was respectful to Mu Mu's master. So what is the identity of Mu Mu's master?

"It seems that you already know what happened here." Jian Chen said, with no expression on his face and his tone was extremely calm.

Qiu Wanqian keenly sensed the unhappiness in Jian Chen's heart, and quickly said, "Junior just found out what happened here, and rushed over immediately, but please don't worry, senior, our Fengxian City will definitely give it to senior for what happened today." A satisfactory explanation.”

After finishing his words, Qiu Wanqian turned to look at Xishan Zhan Yun and shouted, "Zhan Yun, come over and apologize to senior quickly. If you can't eliminate the fire in senior's heart, the city lord will be the first to spare you."

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