Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3774: Benefactor first

Xishan Zhanyun looked surprised and uncertain. Although he was very curious about Jian Chen's identity and background, seeing that Deputy City Lord Qiu Wanqian was acting like this, he had no choice but to put away his airs and dignity, slowly walked up to Jian Chen and saluted with his fists. The tone was neither humble nor arrogant, "If our Xishan family has offended our seniors in any way, please forgive us."

"Zhan Yun!" Qiu Wanqian saw Xishan Zhan Yun's reluctance, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Brother Wanqian, what is the origin of this person? Does he need us to be so respectful?" Xishan Zhanyun asked cautiously via voice transmission, but no one could hear him except Qiu Wanqian.

"This senior is the benefactor who resolved this catastrophe in our Fengxian City. If this senior hadn't helped, Fengxian City would have been razed to the ground, and the rest of us would be in dire straits." Qiu Wanqian replied via the same message.

"What? Is the mysterious senior who saved our Fengxian City the person in front of me?" Hearing this, Xishan Zhanyun looked shocked, and a huge wave instantly set off in his heart.

"Yes, how could you be so rude when your benefactor is here?" Qiu Wanqian shouted to Xishan Zhanyun through sound transmission.

Xishan Zhanyun took a deep breath, and his attitude immediately changed drastically. Full of guilt and self-blame, he bowed deeply to Jian Chen and said, "Our Xishan family has unintentionally offended our seniors. Please give our Xishan family an atonement." Opportunity."

Seeing that their ancestors were all groveling, the faces of several Immortal Lord Realm elders from the Xishan Family turned pale.

Especially Xishan Yan Lie and Xishan Yue, they were even more anxious and worried. They never thought that the trouble they caused here would eventually cause their ancestors to bow down and apologize.

"Atonement? How are you going to atone for your sins?" Jian Chen asked in an indifferent tone.

Xishan Zhanyun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look at the Supreme Elders of the Immortal Lord Realm, and shouted in a deep voice, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come over and apologize to your seniors!"

The supreme elders all looked gloomy, and they all lowered their heads and came to bow in front of Jian Chen. They were no longer as arrogant as before, claiming to be the rule makers of Fengxian City.

"I was blind and offended my senior, please punish me."

"Senior, please surrender

It is a crime, and the junior is willing to accept all the punishments proposed by the senior."

Several elders of the Xishan family were all groveling and in low spirits.

Xishan Yan Lie also had a look of remorse on his face, apologizing to Jing Feng and Jing Mumu, and then shouted to Xi Shan Yue who was already dumbfounded, "You evil son, what happened today is all because of you." , you have committed such a catastrophic disaster, why don't you kowtow to your elders and apologize."

Xishanyue's legs and feet were trembling, and she walked tremblingly in front of Jian Chen, then knelt down with a plop and begged for mercy.

"I have offended fellow Taoist Yang Yutian. This matter cannot be solved by just apologizing." At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in the field, and the next moment, the Lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, appeared quietly. Beside Jian Chen.

"I've met the city lord!" Deputy city lord Qiu Wanqian and several elders of the Xishan family immediately clasped their fists and saluted.

"Brother!" Xishan Zhanyun's face was full of grievance and innocence.

Jingfeng was shocked, and his old eyes suddenly widened. In the eyes of an immortal like him in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm, the Lord of Fengxian City was already a legendary figure, but now he appeared in front of him at such a close distance. , which had a strong impact on his heart.

"You guys, oh, you really disappoint me." Tan Yuxianzun glanced at several members of the Xishan family, with an expression of hatred for iron.

"Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, it was all because of Tan's neglect of discipline that this farce happened today, which made fellow Taoist laugh." Tan Yuxianzun blamed himself.

"If they just offend me, I don't care at all, but they should never, never bully my disciple. Bullying my disciple is much more serious than directly offending me." Jian Chen's face was expressionless. Expression said.

"I know the cause and effect of the matter. Please calm down, fellow Taoist. Tan will definitely give a satisfactory explanation to fellow Taoist about this matter." Tan Yuxianzun promised, patting his chest, and then the expression on his face changed, and he looked at the Xishan family with cold eyes. How many

Named Taishang Elder, he said, "Xishan Divination, Xishan Wuji, Xishan Guiri, Xishan Ming, Xishan Tan, the five of you have offended fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, and I will punish you five with a ban on cultivation and imprisonment in an extremely cold ice prison for a thousand years." time."

Hearing this, the faces of the five elders of the Xishan family who were named suddenly turned gloomy.

"Thousands of years, Lord City Lord, is this too serious? After all, it is an extremely cold ice prison. Once the cultivation level is sealed, even the Immortal Lord will suffer the pain of purgatory inside." Xishan Yan Lie was so frightened that the five Supreme Elders who were punished only offended Jian Chen, and ended up in such a miserable situation.

Based on the intensity of this punishment, he really couldn't imagine what consequences were waiting for him.

"Is this serious? It seems that you have not realized how big a mistake you have made. The time for the five of you to be imprisoned in the extremely cold ice prison has been changed to five thousand years!" Tan Yuxianzun snorted coldly.

Hearing this, the five supreme elders trembled violently, and they subconsciously looked at Xishan Yan Lie, all of them filled with strong hatred.

Xishan Yan Lie shrank his neck and did not dare to say another word.

Xishan Zhanyun, the ancestor of the Xishan family, stood there with his head down and said nothing, with an attitude of resignation.

"Yan Lie from Xishan destroyed his body and imprisoned his soul in the Soul Forbidden Palace for a hundred thousand years." Tan Yuxianzun was like a judge of Yama, and with golden words, he directly sentenced a famous immortal king of the Xishan family.

Xishan Yan Lie's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes filled with despair.

The five Immortal Lords who were sentenced to the extremely cold ice prison were also secretly shocked. Not only were their physical bodies destroyed, but their souls were also imprisoned in the Soul Forbidden Palace for 100,000 years. This punishment was so severe that it was simply a punishment for a heinous evildoer. .

Finally, Tan Yuxianzun's eyes fell on Xishan Yue. His majestic eyes were filled with endless coldness, and he said, "Xishan Yue, if you lose your cultivation, you will never recover. Your Xishan family should know how to deal with the rest." .”

As soon as he heard about the cultivation of the ruins, Xishan Yue collapsed to the ground and cried out, "Spare my life, City Lord, please spare your life, Lord City Lord, just spare me."

Come on, don’t waste my cultivation. I beg the Lord of the City to have mercy and don’t waste my cultivation.”

"Hmph, you unfilial descendants still have the nerve to ask for mercy. Our entire Xishan family has been harmed by you today." Xishan Zhanyun made a voice of hatred and slapped Xishanyue directly, scattering all his possessions on the spot. The power of cultivation.

Logically speaking, with the strength of the Xishan family, even if their cultivation is abolished, they can still practice again. But Tan Yuxian's dignity will never recover.

This means that Xi Shanyue has no chance of immortality in this life, and is truly knocked down from the mortal world.

"From now on, Xishan Yue is no longer a disciple of our Xishan family. He will be deprived of all status, fame and fortune, and expelled from the family." Xishan Zhanyun said coldly. He is the supreme ancestor of the Xishan family, and his words are more effective than the head of the family. .

Xi Shanyue's eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul, and all his thoughts were silent.

"Zhan Yun, you also declare yourself a cultivator and go to the Ice Prison to be imprisoned for ten thousand years on your own." Tan Yuxianzun said.

"Yes, brother, Zhan Yun is willing to accept punishment." Xishan Zhan Yun said.

"Also, the commander-in-chief of the city guards of our Fengxian City should also be changed, and his past deeds should be strictly investigated. If there are any violations, he will be severely punished. In addition, a thorough investigation of the whole city should be started to see how many violations there are. Once something like Xi Shanyue is discovered, it will be dealt with according to city regulations. Qiu Wanqian, it is up to you to handle this matter." Tan Yuxianzun said to Qiu Wanqian again.

"Yes, City Lord!" Qiu Wanqian bowed to accept the order, but secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that the commander-in-chief of the city guard was really doomed now, and no one could save him.

On weekdays, Tan Yuxianzun didn't pay attention to these trivial matters at all. Today, it was the turmoil at the Treasure Appraisal Society that made the city lord, who always ignored trivial matters, begin a major cleansing of the city and rectify it himself.

"Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, I wonder if you are satisfied with Tan's handling method." Tan Yuxianzun cupped his fists at Jian Chen and said.

"Let's end this matter here." Jian Chen said calmly, and after giving a fist to Tan Yuxian Zun, he took Jing Mumu and Jing Feng and left the treasure appraisal meeting.

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