Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3775: a speck of dust

As a slight spatial fluctuation was heard, the figures of Jian Chen, Jing Feng and Jing Mumu disappeared.

After Jian Chen left, the gentle look on Tan Yuxian Zun's face disappeared in an instant. He stared at the people in front of him with a frosty face and said: "Today's incident must be taken as a warning. In the future, we must not do anything in our Immortal City." It happened in one place. If Yang Yu Tiandao hadn't been talking to you in a friendly way this time, instead of being acquainted with you, and had been replaced by some weird and violent old monster, then your Xishan family would have faced a disaster, even me. I can’t save you.”

"Lord City Lord, in fact, we have also investigated their situation. How could we have imagined that the two Jing family members from Luoyun City would have such powerful people behind them?" Xishan Yan Lie also felt extremely regretful in his heart. He never expected that this incident would actually happen. As a result, even my ancestors were punished so severely.

"Do you think that because they come from a small family and a small power, you can bully them at will?" Tan Yuxianzun stared at Xishan Yanlie coldly.

"Isn't this the way this world is?" Xishan Yanlie muttered in his heart, but he would never dare to say such words in front of Tan Yuxianzun, so he could only stand there obediently and accept the teachings seriously.

Since then, one of the two Immortal Emperor Realm ancestors sitting in the Xishan Family has completely disappeared, and several Immortal King Realm elders have disappeared from the world, and will not be seen for a long time in the future.

The eight major forces in Fengxian City are of the same spirit. The ancestors of the Li clan are all close friends of life and death who share weal and woe. When such a big event happened to the Xishan family, the remaining seven major forces are naturally extremely concerned. Therefore, the ancestors of the seven major forces in the Immortal Emperor Realm have I went to the Xishan Family to find out.

But not long after, all of them left the Xishan family with heavy hearts. Many of them shook their heads and sighed, their hearts filled with helplessness.

The commander-in-chief of the city defense army has also been changed. The eight major forces appointed an elder from the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm to serve as the commander-in-chief. Under the personal investigation of the deputy city lord Qiu Wanqian, the original commander-in-chief discovered a large number of serious violations of the prohibitions of Fengxian City. , was captured on the spot by Qiu Wanqian, and after his cultivation was banned, he was imprisoned in the Extremely Cold Ice Prison.

Almost all of his subordinates who held various positions in the city guard were strictly scrutinized. In the end, some were dismissed from their official positions, some were expelled from Fengxian City, and some were imprisoned.

Several people were even killed on the spot!

Xishan Yue, the eldest young master of the Xishan family, was officially expelled from the Xishan family. He lost his cultivation, carried only a small amount of wealth with him, and lived on the streets in despair, looking like a beggar.

His father, Xishan Tu, was also deposed as the head of the family.

After this incident, the entire lineage to which Xishan Yue belonged was severely hit, and their status within the family plummeted.

What happened at the Treasure Appraisal Meeting was strictly sealed by Fengxian City, resulting in many people not knowing the inside story. They only knew that this series of changes in Fengxian City started from the Treasure Appraisal Meeting.

A small treasure appraisal meeting can actually cause a major earthquake in almost the entire officialdom of Fengxian City. This caused quite a stir in Fengxian City. Many small and medium-sized forces rooted in Fengxian City all felt chills running down their spines. He quickly began to restrain his disciples.

As for Jian Chen, the instigator of all this, he showed no concern for external affairs. He was staying in that quiet manor, studying the broken sword tip that Jing Mumu bought from the Treasure Appraisal Society with great interest.

"Master, what kind of treasure is this? Isn't it very precious?" Jing Mumu stood beside Jian Chen, staring at the tip of the sword in Jian Chen's hand with shining eyes, her delicate and pretty face Exuding excitement and anticipation.

Jian Chen held the tip of the sword and looked at it carefully for a moment, then said in deep thought: "The appearance of this object is indeed a low-grade artifact, but its preciousness lies in the fact that something unique has been added to its core."

Following the words, Jian Chen exerted slight force on his palms, and with a "clicking" sound, the low-grade artifact fragments in his hands were crushed into pieces easily like tofu. With the friction of his fingers, he could see that The fragments of the artifact turned into fine grains of sand and slowly fell from his palms.

In an instant, the hard sword tip was crushed into powder by Jian Chen. When he spread his palm again, only a grain of dust that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye was left in the palm of his hand.

Not to mention the naked eye, even spiritual consciousness is difficult to detect.

Because when this speck of dust lies in Jian Chen's palm, its color seems to be integrated with Jian Chen's palm, and even its aura becomes exactly the same as Jian Chen's palm. If you don't carefully observe it, it will be extremely difficult to detect it. exist.

Immediately, Jian Chen grabbed a handful of soil from the garden and mixed it with the grain of dust in his hand.

When the two came into contact, the speck of dust immediately changed. Whether it was color or aura, it was exactly the same as the handful of dirt in Jian Chen's hand.

It seemed as if this speck of dust had turned into part of the soil.

Then, Jian Chen took out a few fairy crystals from the space ring. When the fairy crystal came into contact with the dust, the dust immediately turned into the shape of the fairy crystal.

Even the color and scent of the colorful immortal crystal can be completely imitated by this speck of dust.

It feels as if it comes into contact with any object and can disguise itself as part of the object.

Of course, this only changed the appearance and aura, but in fact, this piece of dust was extremely hard. With Jian Chen's current strength, he felt that this thing was indestructible.

"Mu Mu, how did you find this broken sword?" Jian Chen asked.

Upon hearing this, Jing Mumu showed a confused expression and said, "I don't know either. Anyway, the first time I saw the tip of the sword, I had a strange feeling in my heart. I can't explain it. In short, I felt a strange feeling in my heart. My only thought was to get it."

Jian Chen looked deep in thought, then handed the piece of dust to Jing Mumu and said, "Mu Mu, drop a little blood on it."

"Yeah!" Jing Mumu responded and immediately bit her finger.

When a drop of her blood fell on the dust, the dust that had become ordinary suddenly erupted into a sword light, and a strong sword intent enveloped the entire manor in an instant.

If Jian Chen hadn't already laid a space barrier around the manor in advance to prevent the sword intention from leaking out, many immortals in Fengxian City would have been alarmed by this time.

"This sword intention." Jian Chen was moved by it. In this sword intention, which was not very powerful, he felt a mighty momentum that was as powerful as the power of heaven and earth. There was also an ancient and vicissitudes of time mixed in it. feeling.

Judging from the intensity, this sword intent may be dying due to the washing and destruction of the years, and it has become less powerful than before.

But from a level perspective, the sword law that this sword intention touched was so high that even Jian Chen was frightened.

"This sword intention is repelling my consciousness, Mu Mu, try to release your own consciousness and see if you can get close to this thing." Jian Chen suddenly said to Jing Mumu.

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