Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3776: Tai Zun's legacy

"Okay, Master!" Jing Mumu nodded, then immediately closed her eyes, carefully released her consciousness, and slowly approached the speck of dust with a timid attitude.

Jian Chen's eyes were shining, and he was paying close attention to Jing Mumu's condition.

This speck of dust was so extraordinary that even he had trouble seeing its origin and what kind of material it was made of.

But the sword intent permeated in this speck of dust made Jian Chen's soul feel strong discomfort, giving birth to a splitting pain. If it were someone with weaker strength, the impact and damage would be natural. more serious.

Therefore, when Jing Mumu's soul approached the speck of dust, Jian Chen was also prepared to immediately suppress her if something went wrong to prevent her from being harmed.

But fortunately, Jian Chen's worries were unnecessary. Perhaps Jing Mumu was destined to be in this dust, or because of some other reasons, Jing Mumu's soul was not affected when he approached this dust. Any resistance and harm.

Her soul approached this speck of dust unimpeded, but the next moment, Jing Mumu felt as if she had discovered a new world, a look of shock appeared on her pretty face, and her whole person was in a state of confusion. .

Jian Chen's eyes narrowed and he already knew that Jing Mumu must have discovered something, and he showed a hint of interest.

With his current realm and experience, he can see through the essence of many substances in the world and roughly know what they are. But this speck of dust was completely elusive to him. Not only could it perfectly disguise itself as any substance, but it was also indestructible. This naturally made him full of curiosity.

At this moment, Jing Mumu's entire mind seemed to be immersed in that speck of dust, unable to extricate herself.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the air three feet away from the ground, patiently waiting for Jing Mumu to wake up. He could detect that Jing Mumu was not in danger, but part of the released consciousness disappeared, as if it had entered the grain. In the dust.

Jian Chen waited for several hours before Jing Mumu's soul finally withdrew. As her closed eyes slowly opened, excitement suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, and she said in surprise, "Master , I know what this is, guess what I discovered?"

Seeing the happy expression on Jing Mumu's face, Jian Chen couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face, saying, "As soon as your soul comes close to this thing, it seems to be missing, and you don't know where to go. And when you go It only lasts a few hours, so I infer that there should be a large space within this dust, or even a very large small world."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Master. Master is right. There is indeed a very big world here, but the world inside is very desolate. It is completely bare and there is no sign of life at all." Jing Mumu said.

"It's really a small world." Jian Chen showed a look of appreciation. He looked at the dust in his hand that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and said, "Then did you discover anything?"

"Master, that small world is really too big. My disciple has never reached the border. I was just worried that I would keep Master waiting, so I exited the small world early to report to Master."

"But in the depths of that small world, my disciple vaguely felt a call, but the distance was very far, so my disciple didn't know whether he wanted to go there or not."

Jing Mumu's face revealed

Tangled color.

"Mumu, if you enter that world again, just move in the direction you feel in your heart." Jian Chen said.

"Okay, Master!" Jing Mumu seemed to lack someone to help her make a decision. As soon as Jian Chen finished speaking, she couldn't wait to enter the dusty world again.

"Master, if I read correctly, this speck of dust in your hand should be the remains of a peerless powerful man!" At this moment, the voice of the weapon spirit from Taichu Temple came out.

"What? Is this thing transformed from the remains of a strong man?" After hearing this, Jian Chen's eyes narrowed and he carefully looked at the dust in his hand again, but he still didn't see any clues.

It seemed that the level involved in this thing was far beyond his understanding.

"Absolute Beginning Artifact Spirit, in your opinion, what kind of state is the powerful person who transformed into this world of dust with his legacy?" Jian Chen asked again, he only felt that the dust in his hand was harder than the top-grade artifact. , as for where its limit is, he has no idea, because it requires at least the cultivation level of the Immortal Realm to measure it.

Taichu Weapon Spirit was silent for a while, and after a full moment, he slowly said in a heavy tone, "He is a saint, a very powerful ancient saint, even more powerful than my old master Taiqing Saint."

Jian Chen's hand shook violently, and the speck of dust in his palm almost fell to the ground. The Taichu Artifact Spirit's words were like a thunderbolt passing through his mind, shocking him and making him stunned.

saint? Is this speck of dust in your hand the remnant of a saint?

Such a result caused Jian Chen to feel a storm in his heart.

"This girl Jing Mumu actually found the remains of the Supreme Master in a small place like the Treasure Appraisal Association?" For a moment, Jian Chen didn't know what to think. The key was this thing or Jing Mumuhua's Hundred Thousand Best Immortal. Jing bought it.

Jian Chen fell into deep thought, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

"The dust transformed by the remains can still remain in such a solid state after endless years. From this, it can be inferred that the saint's physical body must be extremely powerful."

"Once this dust comes close to an object, it can be perfectly camouflaged, and its color and breath will change accordingly, blending almost perfectly with all things in the world. This should be the great path that this saint has realized, or it may be a kind of innate ability. "

"Once the dust is contaminated with Jing Mumu's blood, strong sword intent will permeate the air. This is the law of swordsmanship."

"From this point, we can see that this saint was also a sword **** back then. As for why Jing Mumu's blood can awaken the sword intention in the dust, it should be because of the divine sword body."

Through some clues, Jian Chen quickly deduced a lot of information.

In the blink of an eye, Jing Mumu's soul had entered the dust world for three days. After Jian Chen waited patiently for three days, Jing Mumu finally withdrew from the dust world. Her brows were filled with exhaustion, and she looked It looks like the soul has been consumed excessively.

However, her mood seemed very depressed and she looked very sad.

"Disciple, what have you experienced inside?" Noticing Jing Mumu's emotional changes, Jian Chen frowned slightly.

"Master, Mu Mu arrived at the place where he called me. There, Mu Mu found a withered skeleton." "Okay, Master!" Jing Mumu nodded, then immediately closed her eyes and carefully released His consciousness, with a timid attitude, slowly approached the speck of dust.

Jian Chen's eyes were shining, and he was paying close attention to Jing Mumu's condition.

This speck of dust was so extraordinary that even he had trouble seeing its origin and what kind of material it was made of.

But the sword intent permeated in this speck of dust made Jian Chen's soul feel strong discomfort, giving birth to a splitting pain. If it were someone with weaker strength, the impact and damage would be natural. more serious.

Therefore, when Jing Mumu's soul approached the speck of dust, Jian Chen was also prepared to immediately suppress her if something went wrong to prevent her from being harmed.

But fortunately, Jian Chen's worries were unnecessary. Perhaps Jing Mumu was destined to be in this dust, or because of some other reasons, Jing Mumu's soul was not affected when he approached this dust. Any resistance and harm.

Her soul approached this speck of dust unimpeded, but the next moment, Jing Mumu felt as if she had discovered a new world, a look of shock appeared on her pretty face, and her whole person was in a state of confusion. .

Jian Chen's eyes narrowed and he already knew that Jing Mumu must have discovered something, and he showed a hint of interest.

With his current realm and experience, he can see through the essence of many substances in the world and roughly know what they are. But this speck of dust was completely elusive to him. Not only could it perfectly disguise itself as any substance, but it was also indestructible. This naturally made him full of curiosity.

At this moment, Jing Mumu's entire mind seemed to be immersed in that speck of dust, unable to extricate herself.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the air three feet away from the ground, patiently waiting for Jing Mumu to wake up. He could detect that Jing Mumu was not in danger, but part of the released consciousness disappeared, as if it had entered the grain. In the dust.

Jian Chen waited for several hours before Jing Mumu's soul finally withdrew. As her closed eyes slowly opened, excitement suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, and she said in surprise, "Master , I know what this is, guess what I discovered?"

Seeing the happy expression on Jing Mumu's face, Jian Chen couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face, saying, "As soon as your soul comes close to this thing, it seems to be missing, and you don't know where to go. And when you go It only lasts a few hours, so I infer that there should be a large space within this dust, or even a very large small world."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Master. Master is right. There is indeed a very big world here, but the world inside is very desolate. It is completely bare and there is no sign of life at all." Jing Mumu said.

"It's really a small world." Jian Chen showed a look of appreciation. He looked at the dust in his hand that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and said, "Then did you discover anything?"

"Master, that small world is really too big. My disciple has never reached the border. I was just worried that I would keep Master waiting, so I exited the small world early to report to Master."

"But in the depths of that small world, my disciple vaguely felt a call, but the distance was very far, so my disciple didn't know whether he wanted to go there or not."

Jing Mumu's face revealed

Tangled color.

"Mumu, if you enter that world again, just move in the direction you feel in your heart." Jian Chen said.

"Okay, Master!" Jing Mumu seemed to lack someone to help her make a decision. As soon as Jian Chen finished speaking, she couldn't wait to enter the dusty world again.

"Master, if I read correctly, this speck of dust in your hand should be the remains of a peerless powerful man!" At this moment, the voice of the weapon spirit from Taichu Temple came out.

"What? Is this thing transformed from the remains of a strong man?" After hearing this, Jian Chen's eyes narrowed and he carefully looked at the dust in his hand again, but he still didn't see any clues.

It seemed that the level involved in this thing was far beyond his understanding.

"Absolute Beginning Artifact Spirit, in your opinion, what kind of state is the powerful person who transformed into this world of dust with his legacy?" Jian Chen asked again, he only felt that the dust in his hand was harder than the top-grade artifact. , as for where its limit is, he has no idea, because it requires at least the cultivation level of the Immortal Realm to measure it.

Taichu Weapon Spirit was silent for a while, and after a full moment, he slowly said in a heavy tone, "He is a saint, a very powerful ancient saint, even more powerful than my old master Taiqing Saint."

Jian Chen's hand shook violently, and the speck of dust in his palm almost fell to the ground. The Taichu Artifact Spirit's words were like a thunderbolt passing through his mind, shocking him and making him stunned.

saint? Is this speck of dust in your hand the remnant of a saint?

Such a result caused Jian Chen to feel a storm in his heart.

"This girl Jing Mumu actually found the remains of the Supreme Master in a small place like the Treasure Appraisal Association?" For a moment, Jian Chen didn't know what to think. The key was this thing or Jing Mumuhua's Hundred Thousand Best Immortal. Jing bought it.

Jian Chen fell into deep thought, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

"The dust transformed by the remains can still remain in such a solid state after endless years. From this, it can be inferred that the saint's physical body must be extremely powerful."

"Once this dust comes close to an object, it can be perfectly camouflaged, and its color and breath will change accordingly, blending almost perfectly with all things in the world. This should be the great path that this saint has realized, or it may be a kind of innate ability. "

"Once the dust is contaminated with Jing Mumu's blood, strong sword intent will permeate the air. This is the law of swordsmanship."

"From this point, we can see that this saint was also a sword **** back then. As for why Jing Mumu's blood can awaken the sword intention in the dust, it should be because of the divine sword body."

Through some clues, Jian Chen quickly deduced a lot of information.

In the blink of an eye, Jing Mumu's soul had entered the dust world for three days. After Jian Chen waited patiently for three days, Jing Mumu finally withdrew from the dust world. Her brows were filled with exhaustion, and she looked It looks like the soul has been consumed excessively.

However, her mood seemed very depressed and she looked very sad.

"Disciple, what have you experienced inside?" Noticing Jing Mumu's emotional changes, Jian Chen frowned slightly.

"Master, Mu Mu arrived at the place where he called me, and there, Mu Mu found a withered skeleton."

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