Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 879: quarrel arrest (3)

  Chapter 879 Quarrel and arrest (3)

  After the midwife told the prince that Xiao Yin was not Lan Zhen's first child, the prince was so angry that he almost killed Lan Zhen, but he held back. In his own words, he would torture her day and night until she regretted provoking him. But no matter how much he tortured, Lan Zhen always acted as if he was not in the world, which made him jump endlessly.

   Once, he really couldn't think of any way to torture Lan Zhen, so he hid Xiao Yin and lied to Lan Zhen that Xiao Yin had been stolen.

   That was the first time that Lan Zhen got angry with him, especially, especially big.

   Lan Zhen broke all the things in his house, scratched his face, and scolded him as useless, not even able to protect his own son.

   That was the longest time Lan Zhen stayed in his house after she fell out of favor.

   But no matter how Lan Zhen scolded him, beat him, or wronged him, there was no trace of impatience on his face.

  He and Lan Zhen had a fierce quarrel in the room.

Who was responsible for Xiaoyin's accident, who did Xiaoyin beat up recently, and then they all looked at each other's places that were not pleasing to the eye... until his voice became hoarse and Lan Zhen coughed up blood, he just He carried Xiao Yin out.

  Since then, he has quarreled with Lan Zhen every now and then, and every time he makes Lan Zhen cry before giving up.

   She used to think it was an expression of extreme disgust, but now that she thought about it, it might not be the case at all.

   Just like she came to him in a fart, was it really just to question something that she already knew the answer to? No, she just wanted to take the opportunity of the quarrel to talk to him.

  And he...has been stingy with giving her such an opportunity.

   "My lord, do you know who Lan Zhen's father is?"

   King Zhongshan asked irritably: "Why do you mention her every time? You said don't mention this woman to me again!"

   "My lord, if Lan Zhen hadn't died, would you have married her?"

   "I don't have time to accompany you here to think wildly, you go home!" Zhongshan Wang said coldly, and walked away without looking back.

  Damn Guo Yu, dare to mention that woman in front of him!

  If he doesn't leave again, I'm afraid he won't be able to resist beating someone!

  Princess left the barracks with a cold heart, the cold wind dried the tears from the corners of her eyes, and also blew away the last trace of hesitation in her heart...


  In a carriage outside the back door of Ma's house, Xuanyin saw the leader in black. He looked at the scar on the opponent's right palm and said, "What happened to your hand?"

   "I was slashed by that person. At that time, he was going to kill Rong Qing, but I blocked it." The leader in black replied truthfully.

   "That person? Who?" Xuanyin asked.

   "It's an old man in a black robe."

"Suhuo." Xuanyin gave the answer without even thinking, sneered, and said, "That old fox is really guilty of all kinds of crimes. I think he was the one who killed Old Qu last time! Is he crazy? He will kill and blame me later, Assassinate Rong Qing in a while, obviously we both have no grievances against him."

   Suhuo killed Rong Qing probably because he was afraid that Rong Qing would favor him in front of the queen of Nanjiang and steal his position, but why did he blame the king of Yinjun? The leader in black couldn't figure it out.

   Xuanyin couldn't figure this out either.

   It is not unreasonable to say that Qu Lao was killed by Suhuo because he offended Suhuo, and he happened to rescue Xuan Bin that night, so he became Suhuo's scapegoat.

  But he always felt that things were not that simple.

   "Your Majesty, do you want to investigate?" the leader in black asked.

Xuan Yin waved his hand: "You can put this aside for now, no matter why he framed me, anyway, I wrote down the account, and I will ask him to get it back someday! The most urgent thing is to find out his whereabouts, I need him The bodhi seed in your hand."

  (end of this chapter)

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