Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 880: quarrel arrest (4)

  Chapter 880 Quarrel and arrest (4)

"The gang of black-robed killers hunted down Rong Qing last time, and they withdrew their troops when they chased them to Liaocheng. Thinking about it, they still didn't want to be discovered by the Xiliang government. The subordinates first sent people to Nanjiang to see if Suhuo was right. Back to the palace." The leader in black analyzed.

Xuan Yin rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Since he wants to eradicate Rong Qing, he shouldn't give up so easily. The large army is withdrawing... Maybe it's a blindfold, you leave a few people to search in the capital. "

   "The king of the county suspects that Suhuo has come to the capital?" That Suhuo is too courageous!

   "Let's look for it first, look for the capital, southern Xinjiang, and the road!"


  The leader in black stepped back.

  Not long after he left, Xuanyin called Dongba: "My grandfather's death day is three days away, go and buy some paper money and incense candles."

"it is good."

  Dong Ba went to the incense candle shop non-stop, and asked the boss to bring each of the most expensive and best paper money incense candles in the shop.

  The boss wrapped it up and handed it to him, "It's fifty taels in total."

  Dong Ba paid the money, twisted his things and was about to leave, but bumped into a young eunuch.

   "Yo, it's Mr. Dong, what a coincidence, you also come to buy paper money?" Xiao Lizi said with a smile.

  I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, Dongba always thinks that Xiao Lizi is very girly, she speaks with rouge, the corners of her mouth twitch, and said: "Yes, buy some paper money and incense candles for my old prince, how about you?"

  Little Lizi smiled and said: "Me too, my wife's death day will be three days later, my lord asked me to buy some things for my wife."

  The wife he was talking about was naturally not Liu Wanyu, but Sikong Shuo's biological mother.

   What a coincidence, Mrs. Sikong's death date is the same day as the old prince's.

   That day was also the day Mrs. Lan Zhen ran away from home.

  Dong Ba asked: "In what year did Madam Sikong pass away?" Could it happen to be the same year as their old prince?

  Little Lizi smiled, but did not speak.

   Dongba scratched his head: "I'm being abrupt."

  How can such a question be asked casually? Aren't you mentioning other people's sad things?

  However, thinking about the coincidences between his young master and Sikong Shuo, there seems to be quite a lot of coincidences. They are both **** and have no mothers, and the mothers all happened on the first day of December.

  The only consolation is that Sikong Shuo's mother died, but Mrs. Lanzhen just left.

  He always believed that one day Mrs. Lan Zhen would come back.


   Xuanyin stood at the gate of Tangli Courtyard, took a deep breath, dealt with his emotions, and walked in energetically.

That annoying little goblin had teased him almost crazy before, but he was exhausted before he could do half of it and cried out for being tired. Looking at her weak little appearance, he was afraid of breaking her, so he withdrew, and It took an hour to suppress the evil fire.

   After resting for an hour, I think I feel better, and I can finish the unfinished things.

  He hooked the corner of his lips and went back to the room.

  People are absent.

   Definitely went to Rong Qing's side again.

  Xuan Yin walked to Rong Qing's door, and sure enough, he saw that annoying little fairy.

  The little goblin hasn't noticed him yet, and is seriously playing chess with Rong Lin. The candlelight shines through the octagonal glazed lamp and casts a faint glow on her fair face, which is instantly charming and lovely.

  Rong Qing sat beside her, holding carrot and spinach puree, and feeding her spoonful by spoonful.

  She eats very deliciously, and occasionally licks the corners of her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, which is indescribably playful.

Ever since they moved to Tangliyuan, the daily life of the siblings has become one who feeds and one eats. Rong Qing feeds Ning Yue whenever she is free. If things continue like this, within half a year, they Xiao Yueyue is about to become a little fat man like Qingqing.

  (end of this chapter)

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