Ice soul sighed and said to Nangong Hao in the rain: "you are good. Seeing you two like this, I feel pain in my heart. If you love Yueer, go after her. If you don't really love her, let her go. If you dare to hurt her, even if you hide in the end of the world, I will kill you. Don't think I'm joking, OK Now, Mo shou Let's go. "

With that, he turned around and walked in the direction where Mo Xianyue left.

Nangong Hao didn't come back until their figure disappeared in the huge rain.

"No matter what, I won't let go. Just watch."

With that, Nangong Hao also turned away.

Until his figure disappeared in the rain.

Now there is no pedestrian in the whole street

After a while, he went back to his original place and said, "this will go in the wrong direction. The rain is really heavy." With that, he went to the direction of binghun and Moshou.

One afternoon, the whole sky was covered by rain.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was evening.

Mo Xianyue took the tea cup, tasted it, and said, "the top Maojian taste is really good. Where did you pick it, sister Bing?"

Binghun said with a smile: "it was a long time ago that brother Zhang and I accidentally went to an unmanaged tea mountain. There are a lot of Maojian tea growing on it, and all of them are top Maojian tea. So brother Zhang and I picked a little and saved it. Until today, we suddenly thought of it and took it out to give you a taste. If you like, I'll give it to you. Anyway, there's still a lot More. "

Mo Xianyue said with a smile: "I really have a good mouth today..."

Binghun suddenly looked out of the window and sighed, "I don't know when the rain will stop? When it rains, the whole person feels lazy. "

It's raining more and more outside. It's almost new year's day. How can it rain so much? It's really strange.

Mo Xianyue went to the window, then closed the window to avoid the rain wet the room, and then returned to the original stool.

Mo Xianyue lying on the table said: "next, it doesn't matter, anyway, I like this kind of feeling now."

"That's because you're in a bad mood On rainy days, people will feel decadent. As long as they are decadent, they will think a lot of things, and eventually lead to autism, and then they can't think about it, and then they will commit suicide. " Ice soul put the porcelain cup on the table and said.

Mo Xianyue looked at the small porcelain cup, sighed and said: "sister, you think too much, I just suddenly feel the rainy day just right, and didn't want to commit suicide. The world is so beautiful, how can I want to commit suicide?"

"Don't underestimate these emotions. Many things are impossible. But when things happen, if you can't think about it for a moment, everything is possible. This kind of thing can be taught in the school. Didn't Moyang teach you?"

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said, "how can he teach us this kind of thing? What we learn, besides mechanism and swordsmanship, are all kinds of killing skills and means to achieve our goals."

Binghun sighed, "Moyang has made tens of thousands of disciples of the whole Mohist School into mechanisms that can only kill people and achieve their goals. It's crazy."

Mo Xianyue said, "yes! The strictness of the internal system of Mohism is really beyond the ordinary people's ability to bear. I'm afraid that no more than 100 people can stand out from so many people, and the rest are waiting to die at the bottom. "

Binghun said: "it's hard to guess when Moyang's plan will start to make big moves. If we know his detailed plan, we may have a chance to stop him, but now we only know that his goal is to rule the whole continent..."

Mo Xianyue took the tea cup and put it to her mouth. She was about to drink tea, but after hearing binghun's words, she put it down again, frowned and said, "sister, do you think that man's detailed plan is in the castle? Maybe the people closest to him will know, but not necessarily

Ice soul knows that Mo Xianyue wants to say: start with the closest people around Mo Yang, then get the plan, and finally destroy the whole plan.

However, this is impossible. Take Moyang's martial arts as an example, they can't cope with it.

Ice soul waved his hand and said, "do you want to start with the man around you and take the plan?"

Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "that's right."

"It's impossible to have no written plan for such a huge event. If we can get this plan, we can know his next action. As long as we destroy it step by step, won't his goal fail?"

Ice soul said: "moon, what you think is too simple. If there is such a plan, how can there be no one to guard it? Just the importance of the plan can imagine how terrible the strength of the people who guard it needs. I'm afraid these people are the direct bodyguards of Moyang."

Mo Xianyue sighed and said, "it's also true that the man has trained some dead men who even our elite disciples don't know. We don't have any hope at all."Ice soul said with a smile: "silly moon, you don't have to be so sad. This is not the only way to stop him. We can think of other ways. But now, let's put this matter aside and talk about another thing. "

"Another thing?" Mo Xianyue looks at the ice soul for unknown reasons.

Binghun approached her and said, "it's about you and Nangong boy..."

Her words haven't finished, obviously feel ink string month a Leng, then the facial expression is also forced to smile.

Binghun gently picked up her hand, put it on the palm of her hand and said, "are you still angry with Nangong boy?"

Mo Xianyue chooses silence

Binghun sighed and said: "in fact, it's not entirely wrong with Nangong boy. If you think about it, he will be the king of a country, his mother and father. Of course, he hopes that he can have more grandchildren, so the palace will be happy, so he will have a lot of wives and concubines. It's inevitable. At the beginning, I told you that since you made this choice, you won't be happy To regret, there is no regret medicine in this world. "

Mo Xianyue nibbled her lips and said, "sister Bing I have no regrets. "

"You're worried now. You're not sorry. What's that? Are you still happy? "

"Sister Bing, I really don't regret loving him. I'm willing to stay with him forever, but every time I think about him If he doesn't belong to me in the future, my heart will be very upset. If he can be as affectionate as brother Zhang, I won't be so upset. Sometimes, I really envy you Sister Bing Mo Xianyue said, with an envious look in her eyes.

Binghun said with a smile: "Nangong Hao is also a rare good man. It's just because of his status that he will be like this! If you have to think like this, my sister can't say it, so you can make it clear to him and see what he plans to do and how to choose. "

Mo Xianyue sighed, "I also want to know what he thinks in his heart, but it's impossible. If I ask him directly, he will say that he is willing to love me. That's what he says in the present. What about in the future? Who can predict the future? "

Binghun said: "you know it's hard to predict what will happen in the future, so maybe he will really do it as you said and marry you alone? Don't be too pessimistic about everything. Many people who are more miserable than you don't live in the same world. "

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said: "although it's like this, I can't open my mouth. If he listens to me later and does everything according to what I say, then he is not Nangong Hao, but a man who lacks his own ideas. This is not Nangong Hao I want."

"Ice soul said:" since you dare not ask, that elder sister help you to ask how

She saw Mo Xianyue's worried look and said with a smile: "don't worry, my sister will be very careful. She won't reveal what you mean. That's it.

Mo Xianyue worried and said: "it doesn't matter. I'm just afraid that when the time comes, the answer he says is not the one I want. Do I add trouble?"

Ice soul asked softly: "what is the answer in your heart?"

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said, "I don't know what the answer is in my heart. I hope Nangong Hao can say that he only loves me in his life, but I know it's impossible. If he says he can't love me, I will feel sad. What's the trouble?"

Binghun said with a smile: "it turns out that your trouble is this. It's silly Yueer. It seems that you haven't understood the true meaning of love yet..."

Mo Xianyue asked: "the true meaning of love? Don't two people love each other? "

She always thought that this was love

Binghun said with a smile: "in fact, it's almost the same, but at this point, we need to add a little more, that is Love, must be selfless, otherwise, you will love very tired

"Love must be selfless?" Ink string moon murmured.

"Yes, love is selfless pay, you have to believe him, understand him, let him feel that you are his haven, let him in your side can feel the shelter, then even if he has more women, he will also feel that you are the best, at that time, his heart belongs to you, you are afraid of other women?"

"Is that true?" Mo Xianyue asked perplexedly.

"Really, you can try. Now, you have to accept him selflessly. Otherwise, how can you have selfless love? Also, Nangong boy was very sad just now, you know? After you left, he wanted to chase you, but I stopped him

"Why?" Ink string month don't understand of ask a way.

"Because you were angry at that time, I stopped him and asked him to let you calm down and figure out what to do. If I didn't stop him at that time, I asked him to come up and beg you? Please? I'm afraid you will only be more angry and can't see how things should be done in order to get out of this narrow emotional lane. "

Mo Xianyue thinks about it and thinks that binghun is right. At that time, her mind is on the verge of rage. If Nangong Hao comes to beg her or scold her, no matter what, she can't stand it or listen to it. The final result will be worse."And then?" Mo Xianyue asked.

"Later, after hearing what Mo Shou said, he gave up the idea. However, Mo Shou's performance today is really good, and his speech is so profound." Ice soul thought of the situation at that time, almost did not clap his hand.

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