"Oh?" Mo Xianyue asked curiously, "what did Mo Shou say after I left?"

Even ice soul praises Mo Shou, which is really deep.

Ice soul recalled the situation at that time and said: "at that time, didn't Nangong want to chase you? Later, he was stopped by Mo Shou's words, and then he said a lot of profound words, all of which made the Nangong boy stand there

Then, binghun told the story slowly.

Hear behind ice soul say Mo Shou last of that sentence: ah! I seem to have talked too much today!

Mo Xianyue covered her small mouth and said with a smile: "this Mo Shou looks like ice at ordinary times. I didn't expect that she didn't drop her chain at the critical moment. Well, it's good."

She can imagine Nangong Hao's silly appearance at that time.

Ice soul said: "in fact, Nangong Hao is also because he loves you, he is so nervous about you, otherwise, how can he come out to find you so many times."

Ink string moon just showed happy expression, suddenly and lonely incomparable.

Holding her chin, she said, "I also know that he loves me because he loves me and I love him, so I can't accept it, so I leave him."

Ice soul thought for a while, said: "he always thought you don't love him, just left him again and again."

Mo Xianyue sighed and said: "he is really a fool. My heart has been tied to him. How can I not love him? At first, I left him because I was on a mission. Later, when I gradually liked him, I was afraid that the man would be bad for him. Now I leave him because he is a playboy. That's it."

Ink string moon finally hidden in the bottom of my heart, each time the reason to leave out.

It was a secret she never told anyone.

Ice soul after hearing, frowned and said: "well, all the reasons you leave, he knows?"

Mo Xianyue said: "I'm afraid he knew this time, but he didn't know before."

Ice soul said: "so how many things do you have that he doesn't know?"

Mo Xianyue thought about it and said, "what he doesn't know It seems like a lot. "

"First of all, he only knew that I was the daughter of the master of Mohist villa. This was just a fake identity arranged for me by that man. I used this identity to become the crown princess at that time."

"But how did you choose the princess? If you want to be a princess, it seems that you have to go through many levels of popular talent shows, but if you want to be a princess, you will be a princess. What's the matter? "

Ink string month slightly thought for a while, said: "I'm afraid that man, the woman who should have been the princess and I transferred the bag, otherwise, there is no other explanation."

"Ice soul said:" then was transferred the bag that woman

Mo Xianyue said in a low voice: "it should have been Be locked up by that man in a place nobody knows, or be killed directly. "

It's most likely to be killed, because Mo Xianyue knows that the man can't leave a person who is likely to reveal his secret. In the world, the man's flattering creed is that only the dead can't speak.

Ice soul after hearing, also think it is this possibility, she did not respond, because she knows, that man's means are many, work ruthlessly, how can keep a disaster!

"So who is in charge of this?"

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said, "although I'm the elder in red in the castle, I don't know a lot of things in the castle, but probably people can guess that that person should be the one he trained to die."

Ice soul sighed, said: "such things, he dare to do, this is the king's crime, if let the emperor and queen know, what kind of consequences, I'm afraid Nangong Hao's parents will catch you first."

Mo Xianyue said with disdain: "if I still work for that man, I'm afraid he will save me, but now I'm afraid he'll find a chance to kill me. As for the consequences of being known by Nangong Hao's parents, what can they do? That man should be fearless! "

Ice soul sighed and said: "it's true that the power of Moyang is so huge now. How can you be afraid of a Heavenly Emperor? What's your plan now, moon? In a few days, Nangong boy should go back to the palace. Do you want to go back with him? "

Mo Xianyue said, "I don't know about this. That's why I'm upset."

Binghun said: "now let me deal with the affairs of Mojiabao with Mo Shou. You can handle the affairs of you and Nangong boy by yourself. Mo Shou and I just play a role of guidance. What really decides is you and him. My sister has only one thing to say: that is Cherish the people in front of you. "

Wen Yan, Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "I know, sister Bing, I won't let myself regret it, but now I don't know how to speak to him, it's like I've become a stranger."

Ice soul says with a smile: "silly month son, young couple quarrel is like this, you just wait patiently for Nangong boy to apologize."Mo Xianyue asked incredulously, "this is different from the past. Will he come to apologize? What's more, neither of them is wrong. He has to do this because of his identity. I'm not satisfied with him, but what can I do? "

Ice soul said: "men are people who want face. As long as you show weakness a little, he will review himself. When he thinks he is wrong, he will come to apologize to you. Don't worry, listen to my sister."

Ink string on a smile, looking at ice soul, hard point a head.

Ice soul looked at the sky outside, dark, rain has been under, will not know when to stop.

Ice soul said: "now it's time to go to bed, I'll go back first, remember! Don't think too much. "

Then she stood up.

Mo Xianyue cleverly nodded her head and said, "mm-hmm, I know."

Binghun left her room at ease.

As soon as the ice soul left, only Mo Xianyue sat alone in the room.

She Lengleng looked at the oil lamp on the table, constantly beating flames.

My thoughts are floating back to Mohist castle.

It was a fine day on a hillside covered with dandelions.

"Moon! Don't walk too far. Slow down. Don't run so fast. "

A crisp sound with the breeze, rippling the whole hillside.

A beautiful woman is standing on the hillside. The ground is full of white dandelions that grow to knees. When the breeze blows, countless dandelions float in the whole sky like snow falling from the sky.

The woman has a beautiful face. She gently pulls up her hair and looks around anxiously.

At this time, a little girl stood up under the dandelion not far away from her. The little girl said happily, "mother, I'm here. Come and catch me quickly."

The beautiful woman smile, said: "you ah, really naughty, come quickly, we should go back." Then he went to pick up the little girl and went down the hill.

The little girl's face was full of reluctant look. Suddenly, she pointed to a bigger dandelion on the side of the road and said, "mother, I want that flower."

The beautiful woman looked in the direction of her little hand and saw the dandelion not far in front of her, so she said with a smile: "OK, just like Yueer, you wait! I'll pick it for you. "

With that, he put down the little girl, then walked over alone, squatted down slightly and took off the bigger dandelion. As soon as he stood up, he heard a childish voice saying: "mother She robbed me of my dandelion Then he began to cry.

As soon as the beautiful woman looked up, she didn't even know what happened, so she was slapped in the face. The crisp sound of slapping accompanied by the breeze spread far away.

Even the little girl who was watching from a distance was frightened.

"Bitch, why are you robbing my son?" A pungent voice came.

Then there was an ugly voice of abuse. The beautiful woman held back her tears, put the dandelion in the hand of the little boy, and quickly walked to the little girl.

When the beautiful woman holds the little girl, the little girl can clearly see the bright red handprint on her white face.

The wind, suddenly become big, the whole hillside dandelion are blowing up, covering the whole sky.

The surrounding environment once again became a room, outside the sound of rain tick.

In front of my eyes, the beating candlelight became blurred

Because ink string moon's eyes are full of tears.

She clenched her fist and bit her teeth, or she would cry.

She knew that she could not show her cowardice on her face again, which would only show that she would only cry to vent her feelings.

But she couldn't stop the tears in her eyes.

Mo Xianyue's mind is full of the things of that day now. The slap seems to hit her. She is sad.


Mo Xianyue couldn't help crying on the table.

She resented that man, why she didn't like her mother, and why she would marry her back, and why he could let his other wives bully her at will.

Ink string moon does not understand!

Although the woman who beat someone has been punished, what's the use?

Her mother has gone.

Never see that day.

Mo Xianyue doesn't know how to climb to the bed in the end. She only knows that she is tired as never before. After she falls on the bed, she falls asleep in a daze.

Meanwhile, Nangong Hao's room.

The oil lamp on the table was faint and yellow, which reflected on Nangong Hao and binghun's face.

Originally, ice soul out of the ink string moon's room, wandering in the door for a while, finally chose to go in to explore the bottom of Nangong Hao's heart.It's mainly for Mo Xianyue's sake. Binghun wants them to make up quickly. Now she wants to figure out how to deal with Mo Yang, which is the most important thing. She doesn't want Mo Xianyue to waste too much time on these things.

Nangong HaoDuan sits on the stool, pouring a cup of tea for binghun, but is stopped by binghun.

"I just drank a lot in Yueer's room, so I won't drink here. That is to say, I'll leave in a few words." Ice soul facial expression serious to South Temple Hao say.

Nangong Hao took the teapot back, poured a cup on his cup, and then asked, "what does Master Bing want to say?"

Ice soul said with a smile: "look at your current situation, it seems that you don't want to know what yue'er thinks, does it?"

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