Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 67 - Jessica (1)

After reading the message, Frank immediately went to the elevator to get down to the parking lot where his car was parked. Frank frantically drove his car to his apartment which he used to temporarily keep Jessica.

Frank received a message from the household assistant he hired to look after Jessica because she repeatedly tried to commit suicide. She tried to do the same thing again by taking the sedative pill given by Frank and then sleeping in a bath full of water. 


"You are the craziest woman I know, Jessica!!" Frank shouted repeatedly while hitting the steering wheel of his car in annoyance.

After returning from the hospital when he was attending Viona's hearing code of conduct, he immediately went home when he read a threatening message from Jessica. She had cut her hand with a knife.

She tried to hurt herself because Frank said that he wanted to let Jessica go and she should live freely without him. Jessica then chose to kill herself instead of obeying Frank's words.

Even though Frank was a maniac, he was still a doctor. So, when he found out that Jessica had tried to commit suicide, he immediately went home. Apparently, Jessica had really fallen in love with Frank because she thought Frank was a place for her to depend on.

It all started when Frank saved her from the streets a few months ago. On the other hand, Frank didn't have any feelings for her and he chose to end his relationship with Jessica because he wanted to focus on pursuing Viona.

Just like what he had been planning for the past year. Frank had fallen in love with Viona since he first saw Viona in Ireland a year ago. It did not take long for Frank to find out who Viona was in order to get her.

When he heard the news that Viona left the hospital in England, he did the same and then went to Canada to chase her.

Shortly afterward, Frank's sports car arrived at his apartment, he immediately entered the house and found the maid who was panicked because Jessica did not respond at all after she called her several times.

Frank immediately took Jessica to the hospital with an ambulance that was waiting in front of the apartment. He had called them earlier. Jessica's body was very cold with a pale face plus a weak pulse forcing the medical officer to install a breathing aid on her.

Frank tried to maintain his professionalism in front of other medical officers because no one knew that Frank had a mistress. In the car, Frank acted like a doctor trying to save a young woman who had tried to commit suicide.

"The emergency room is ready, Doc," said a nurse to Frank as he opened the back door of the ambulance that had reached the hospital.

"Great, come help me!" Frank said flatly.

Jessica's body was then transferred to a stretcher to be pushed into the emergency room because Jessica's condition was getting weaker. Frank then went into the emergency room to save Jessica's life.

"Doc, it looks like this girl has repeatedly tried to commit suicide," said a nurse to Frank, she showed cutting marks on both of Jessica's hands.

"I think so. Our job is to save her right now. So, let's focus on that," said Frank while glancing sharply at the nurse who helped him.

"Okay, Prof," replied everyone in the emergency room in unison.

Frank then did some medical procedures to save Jessica who was getting weaker. After almost an hour of fighting, Jessica's life was finally saved. They managed to pump the water from her lungs. Jessica's condition was very weak and she had to be treated further until her condition stabilized.

When filling in Jessica's personal data for administrative purposes, Frank immediately entered the apartment address, which had now in Jessica's name even though he was actually the real owner of the apartment. Frank didn't want anyone to know about his relationship with Jessica.

"Aren't you going home, Prof?" asked a young doctor name Ammy to Frank who was still sitting in the doctor's lounge near the emergency room.

"I have to make sure my patient is in a stable condition first," Frank replied casually.

"Well then, we'll go home first, Doc," said Doctor Ammy saying goodbye to Frank along with the doctors and nurses who had helped Frank.

"Okay, you guys take care!" Frank said with a smile.

The young doctors then left Frank alone in the ward with a few nurses who accompanied him. They were amazed by Frank's loyalty who seemed to be responsible to his patient.

"If all doctors are like Professor Frank, I would be more than happy to do overtime every night in the hospital," said a nurse as she walked out of the hospital.

Apparently the news about Frank choosing to stay in the hospital and look after his patient had spread among the female staff.

"Agree, I really admire him," added another nurse in response to her friend's words.

"Stop gossiping around. It's already late. Let's go home," said Doctor Ammy, who did not like to see people talking about Professor Frank.

Since the beginning, Doctor Ammy deliberately chose Global Bross Hospital so she could work together with Professor Frank, her senior at her campus.

Hearing Doctor Ammy's voice, the nurses stopped their conversation and then quicken their footsteps to leave the hospital or rather trying to run away from Doctor Ammy who didn't like it when other female staff talked about Professor Frank.

After all the staff left, Frank walked to Jessica's treatment room. He glared at Jessica who was lying weakly. His little heart whispered to ask him to finish Jessica off, but apparently, Frank's sane mind was still working so he gave up that thought.

Frank then chose to sit by the table in the ward while thinking about Viona's current condition. He repeatedly contacted Viona but failed because Viona's cellphone was inactive.

Even though Frank was in the hospital, half of his soul was drifting somewhere else because he didn't get any news from Viona. He finally fell asleep on his desk while wearing his doctor's uniform.

"Prof, wake up!" said a woman waking up Frank who was still sleeping even though it was already early in the morning.

"Oh God, mmmmm, sorry, I overslept!! What time is it, Nurse?" Frank asked, closing his mouth.

"It's 6 am, Prof," replied the nurse kindly.

"Okay, I'll take a shower first. Stay in this room!" Frank asked, walking toward his private room.

"Will do that, Prof," said the nurse obediently.

Frank walked into his private room to wash up in the bathroom, Frank always prepared a change of clothes in his room just in case he had to stay in the hospital like last night.

Frank finally remembered Jessica's condition after trying to remember why he had to stay in the hospital all night.

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