Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 68 - Jessica (2)

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Frank then headed to the cafeteria to get some coffee. When Frank walked into the canteen, many young nurses and doctors greeted him because he was quite popular in this hospital.

When Frank was enjoying a cup of coffee, he accidentally saw Viona who had just arrived with Nurse Tina. Viona's arrival quickly made the male doctors feel excited.

As a surgeon who was very famous for her skills, Viona was also known for having natural beauty. She did not even need to put makeup on when working in the hospital because her bare face was already pretty.

Frank then walked over to Viona who was getting a salad for her breakfast menu.

"Hey," Frank said softly.

"Oooh, good morning Frank, Ah, right. Sorry, good morning Professor Frank," Viona replied quickly correcting her words.

"Please sit on my table over there, I have something to ask you," Frank said in a whisper, pointing to the table where his coffee cup was.

Viona nodded slowly then returned to her activities to fill her plate with her favorite vegetable salad. After finished picking her breakfast menu, Viona walked to the table where the young professor was sitting nicely waiting for her arrival.

"I heard that last night you stayed at the hospital, Prof?" said Viona opening the conversation.

"Correct. A patient tried to commit suicide," replied Professor Frank, drinking his coffee.

"Suicide?" Asked Viona in shock.

"Yes, she tried to commit suicide in the bath after taking a sedative," said Professor Frank trying to explain to Viona.

Viona was so shocked that she dropped her fork on the table. It made a loud noise when colliding with a plate. Everyone around them turned at her.

Seeing Viona struggling to clean up a messy salad, Frank ordered a waiter to clean up Viona's food. He felt like it was his responsibility because he made Viona shocked.


"Aren't you all educated people?? Why are you mocking her like someone who has never been to school?" shouted Frank while banging on the table to stop the screaming sounds from other staff who mocked Viona.

"Please, stop it, Prof," said Viona trying to hold back Professor Frank's anger gently.

Professor Frank's anger had silent the whole canteen quickly, even people who were enjoying their food stopped immediately. This was the first time they saw Professor Frank got angry even though he was known as one of the friendly and kind doctors.

Professor Frank then pulled Viona's hand away from the canteen when everyone was seemed curious and scared. Feeling embarrassed, Viona voluntarily followed the young Professor's steps.

"You don't have to be angry like that, Prof ..."

"Call me Frank when we are alone," said Professor Frank interrupting Viona's words.

"Sorry," said Viona quickly.

While they were walking, Nurse Tina called Viona to inform her that patients from a car accident just got in. Hearing Nurse Tina's updates, Viona and Frank immediately run to the room where the patient was taken.

Viona worked quickly with the help of Professor Frank. The scène had shocked medical staff in the emergency room because this was the first time they saw Professor Frank wanted to help in the ER.

One hour later all the injured patients could finally be treated properly thanks to the best cooperation between Viona and Professor Frank. The patients were then taken to the treatment room for further intensive treatment.

Professor Frank seemed to have returned to his room while Viona was still sitting in the ward with the other nurses to gain her energy back. After a long rest, Viona finally walked into the treatment room to see the condition of her patients.

Her steps halted when she looked at the patient in room number 401, where Jessica was being treated. The doctors tried to calm Jessica who tried to harm herself again after successfully grabbing some of the scalpels that were brought by a nurse.

"I'd rather die than saying goodbye to you, Honey.. sobs..." Jessica's cries were heard throughout the room. She was pointing a scalpel at her neck, causing all the nurses and doctors in that room to panic.

"Stop!! Don't do it, Girl! Don't act like that," said Viona who was already in the room.

When she heard Viona's voice in the room, Jessica immediately looked at Viona with a look full of hatred which confused Viona even more.

"All of you get out of this room!! Leave me and this doctor alone!!!" Jessica shouted, pointing a scalpel at Viona.

"It's okay, I can handle it. You guys get out quickly. This patient's condition is unstable," Viona whispered to the nurses and doctors behind her.

"But, Doc..."

"Get out quickly. You guys should go!!!!" shouted Jessica in a higher voice.

Hearing Jessica's scream made the nurses and doctors immediately leave except for Viona who chose to stay just like what Jessica previously requested.

Seeing other medical staff leaving had made Jessica smile sarcastically at Viona while still pointing the scalpel. Viona tried to calm her down while preparing herself for all the possibilities that might happen in that room.

She gripped the stethoscope tightly as a tool to protect herself if the knife held by Jessica would really be stabbed at her.

"I hate you, Viona!!" said Jessica full of anger.

"You know my name?" asked Viona kindly.

"Yes, I know you very well and I hate you to the core," shouted Jessica as she kept pointing the scalpel at Viona.

"We've never met before but why do you hate me? After all, we hardly know each other," said Viona while walking backward.

"You must die so I can be with him forever ... You should die Vionaaa...!!!" Jessica shouted as she ran toward Viona while trying to stab her with a scalpel.

Viona who was trapped between the table and the wall couldn't move anywhere.

She tried to protect herself with a stethoscope which she planned to throw at Jessica.

Suddenly, there was a sound of broken glass accompanied by Jessica's scream.

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