Chasing After My Wife


Jillyanna and Travis was starting to get used to their living arrangement. They don't argue as much as before and Jillyanna learned to listen to him since he's always putting her well-being first before his.

The outside world was their complete opposite. The news of Travis Madrigal taking part of a music video spread far and wide. Many businessmen were questioning the authenticity of news since they knew him as a person who would shut down a company if his picture was shown in public.

Now, it wasn't just a picture but a music video together with an Internet idol. Diego had anticipated this to happen since he saw them doing this music video weeks ago. He just didn't know it would be so intense.

Wynwyn de Leon, the head of their PR department was having a headache. She was currently sitting in Diego's office, massaging her temples from the stress.

"I know this is sudden but I trust you to solve this issue. You can call Travis directly as well. In any case, he isn't planning to hide this fact." Diego stated as a matter of fact to the beautiful woman in front of him.

"You guys should have told me at least. I am so bombarded with questions from our artists and from the directors. They should have gone to you." she complained whatever she had on her mind. "Since when did you guys start keeping a secret from me?"

"We are not really planning to keep this a secret from you. Ask Travis everything. I guarantee that he will tell you the details that I can't." Diego responded to her with a sympathizing smile. He totally understand what she's feeling since he was also shock with this progress.

Wynwyn stood up and from her seat. "I'll go and ask him today."

"No. Not today." Diego called out to stop her. "His wife just got out of the hospital. You can ask them tomorrow since he'll be coming over for the monthly meeting."

"I see. Then, I'll wait for tomorrow then." she walked out of the room and went back to her office.

Wynwyn was Diego's classmate in one of his subjects during college. She was very good when it comes to communication and public speaking. When Travis established the J Entertainment, Diego asked her to become the head of PR department.

She was also the first one to get married out of the three of them but still wanted to focus on her career. Her husband was one of the shareholders so they got along so well.

The next day, as previously planned, Jillyanna and Travis will go to the company together. He woke up earlier than her so he came down to the kitchen and prepared her breakfast.

When he finished cooking, he let it cool down and started preparing for the day's work. It wasn't until 9 o'clock in the morning that Jillyanna woke up.

For the first time, she was wearing clothes while sleeping in her own room. Travis just got finished taking a shower when she woke up.

"Good morning wifey." he walked towards her and stole his morning kiss.

"Morning." Jillyanna responded and walked to the bathroom, still half awake and half asleep.

Travis was worried for her. He followed her inside the bathroom and prepared her bath for her. "Don't take too long in the bath tub. It's not good for you. You can only spend 15 minutes at most." he reminded her since he had noticed that she loves soaking in the tub for almost an hour.

Jillyanna nodded her head and started taking of her clothes. Travis walked out and closed the door behind him.

As agreed, she only stayed for 15 minutes and Travis came knocking on the bathroom door. "I'm done. Just wait a moment." Jillyanna called out who was already full of energy. She came out with just her bathrobe tied around her.

Travis beckoned her to come to him so that he can dry her hair. Her clothes were already prepared and he put them all on the bed.

"Why do you know so much about fashion? You picked my clothes and matched them." Jillyanna commented as she sat on the chair in front of her vanity mirror.

"My mother likes styling her clothes. She bought so many fashion magazines both for men and women. I learned it from her." Travis answered her while drying her hair with a blow dryer.

Jillyanna didn't say another thing after that and just waited for him to finish his task. After 10 minutes, her hair was almost dry so she started dressing up.

"Can you go out for a while?" she asked him hesitantly. Even if something had happened to them, she was still shy and embarrassed in front of him.

"What's so wrong about me staying here? I have seen you naked several times."

Jillyanna turned instantly red upon hearing him. "It's still embarrassing."

"Do you want to get dressed on your own or do you want me to dress you up?"

"There's not even a proper choice!" she stomped her feet on the ground and sat on the bed. "Just give me time to adjust, okay?"

He just wanted to tease her a little so he conceded to her when she's looking helpless. "Fine. Come down as soon as you're done. I'll be at the kitchen."

Jillyanna nodded her head and watched him leave the room with his laptop and cellphone. She made sure to lock the door before stripping of her robe and get dressed as fast as she can.

She opened her closet to get a bag even though there's nothing important for her to bring.

When she came down for breakfast, she was in disbelief. There were several men stationed outside her house and some of them were even installing security alarms and more cameras to ensure her safety.

"Good morning madam." Two woman in their forties greeted her with Savannah.

"They will be the one who will take care of the house while you guys are gone." Savannah introduced. "This is Auntie Fei" she motioned the woman with shoulder- length hair, "and Auntie Sisi." the woman who kept her hair in tidy bun.

"Hello nice to meet you." Jillyanna greeted them warmly and reached out to shake their hands. "Just call me Jillyanna or Yanna."

Travis came out from the kitchen with a smile to her. "Are you satisfied?"

"Hn. Very satisfied." she responded to him before taking the last step down the stairs.

"Are you guys leaving soon?" Savannah asked them since they were all dressed up.

"We'll leave after breakfast." Travis commented.

"Okay. Enjoy your meal. I'll talk to these people for orientation first." Savannah left them alone. Travis held Jillyanna's hand gently and pulled her to the kitchen where her breakfast had been prepared.

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