Chasing After My Wife


Travis just ate a piece of bread and drank his black coffee while Jillyanna ate her mushroom and chicken soup. She drank her milk and vitamins after eating.

"Shall we go?" Travis asked her when she was no longer doing anything. She drank another mouthful of water before standing up.

"Is it really fine that I'm tagging along?" she hesitated and stopped walking. Travis looked at her with a raised brow. "I know that we've talked about this's..."

"No buts Jill. We've talked about this, yes. I'd rather have you wherever I can see you than take my eyes off of you." he stated calmly before reaching for her hand. He held it with enough force to make sure that she won't escape from him.

Jillyanna stopped struggling and just followed him towards the car. Four pairs of men in black, got inside on their own car. Two drove out first before Jillyanna and Travis. Then, another two followed behind them.

"I can feel your wealth now. Still, It won't blind me. I have my own money as well." she commented while glancing at him from time to time.

Travis didn't know whether to laugh or cry with her statement. Somehow, he's happy that she grew up as a brave, beautiful and independent woman. However, he also wanted her to rely on him from time to time.

"Where are we going today?" she inquired him after they drove for a while already. They were already outside the city and was heading to the capital.

The place they lived was like a mini city but there's also the capital city where you can see tall building every where.

"I just realized that today is the monthly meeting for J Entertainment. We'll be heading there today." he smiled faintly at her since he forgot to inform her about this trip beforehand.

Jillyanna nodded her head again and looked outside the window where the sceneries started to change.

Earlier, she could still see a lot of trees and plants at the roadside, this time it turned to more stores and buildings.

"Will it take long? I want to look around this place." she muttered to him while taking a glance from her left to right.

Travis loved watching the expressions flashing across her face. There's curiosity and wonder in her eyes.

She had been to many places already but she never looked at the place for more than a minute. For her, she would only do her work no matter where she was. There's no time for vacation.

"We can stay for a few more days." as he promised, he will give her anything she wants, indulging her was one of his favorite things to do.

Jillyanna looked at him in surprise and smile. "Are you sure I'm not hindering you?"

"You are not a hinder or a bother to me. Let's take it as a short vacation."

"Okay. I'm definitely fine with it." she agreed instantly with a bright smile, showing her left dimple again.

Travis drove for almost an hour before they reached a very twin building which was connected with a sky bridge in the middle. It's like a mini Petronas Tower of Malaysia since it's smaller compared to it and the design was quite similar to it.

"Wow! This is your building?" she exclaimed while looking at the picturesque in front of her. "If you're planning to park the car in the building's basement, don't do it. Park it somewhere else where I can see the place."

Travis chuckled while watching her. She was in awe that she can't stop praising the place. "That's a really nice design. You must have spent so much for this."

She looked around again while Travis looked for a parking space. "That tilted cube over there is a work of art. I salute to the people who made this."

When Travis finally parked the car, she got out on her own and walked to him. "I must be imagining things but don't you think that the cube looks like the toy I have at home?"

Travis pulled her close and rubbed her head gently. "It's based on your toy."

"Really? That's awesome!" she exclaimed while fixing her hair into a ponytail right in front of him.

The sun was bright but it wasn't very hot since there were white and fluffy clouds hovering above them.

Two men were left to stay and guard the car and the remaining six dispersed to different areas but were still monitoring them and the people around them.

Jillyanna and Travis walked some distance from the building but she was enjoying the scenery. The place that Travis built was really one of a kind. There were so many plants and trees around the building.

He was holding her hand as they got inside the premises. She behaved herself and walked closer to him, ignoring the stares that they received from all direction.

"Oh my gosh! That's my goddess YNA! She's here." one of the employees whispered to her co-worker with joy and excitement.

"Is she going to sign a contract here?" an artist questioned with her raised eyebrow.

"I don't think so." another person responded to her. "It's more like she's showing her claim towards the boss."

Different words and speculations were coming out from their mouth but Jillyanna didn't care about it and just walked with Travis.

"Your artists don't look friendly with each other." she commented in a whisper to him.

"They don't look friendly to new comers. There were were instances in the past were spies came in as an artist scouted by talent managers. In the end, they only came here to get resources and left when they got famous. Of course, we dealt with them as soon as we can. Because of that, our artists here started to become vigilant against a new comer. They might be thinking you're signing here." he answered her patiently just in time for them to arrive at the elevator door. Travis pressed the 22nd floor when they got in. "However, they are very intact and close with everybody here. I don't tolerate people with nasty attitude."

"I have a nasty attitude." Jillyanna stated with a daring look.

Travis kissed her head with a smile. "You are feisty. Not nasty."

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