Chasing After My Wife


Valkyrie's heart faltered in its beat. He knew how important to Jillyanna the young girl was. They couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Jenny!" He put his hands around his mouth and called out her name. At the same time he was trying to open the door of her house forcefully.

'Bang!' he kicked the door when he couldn't open it.

"What happened here?!" A shocked voice of a woman coming from the outside stopped Valkyrie. He went back on his track and found her standing in front of her house. "Sir Valkyrie? What are you doing in my house?"

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked anxiously or he'd be dead in the hands of Jillyanna.

Jenny was confused but she still nodded her head. "I heard someone calling my name from here so I came back. I went to grandpa Shan's house to cook the chicken."

"Chi-chicken?" Realization hits him and relief surged through his veins. "Thanks god! I thought it was your blood." he was pointing at the dark liquid on the ground.

"Oh that. I was planning to butcher it inside but I'm afraid to mess up my kitchen so I did it here. It was a wild chicken that grandpa Shan got." she beamed happily at him. For her, Valkyrie was like a reliable big brother just like Travis and everybody else in Jillyanna's house. "What brings you here by the way? And you broke my door."

"I'm sorry to have damaged your house. I thought something happened to you. Jillyanna had been calling you earlier but no one picked up so she asked me to check on you. She also wanted you to go back there with me."

"I actually left my phone here." Jenny said and went inside her house. She couldn't help but sigh with the mess she caused. She couldn't really blame Valkyrie because of the misunderstanding. It was her fault for leaving such bloody scene in front of her house.

Valkyrie waited for her to come out. When she came back, he tried putting back the door by tying it with ropes just for the sake of closing it.

"I'll have someone fix that later." Valkyrie stated while scratching his head awkwardly.

"No need. I'm planning to move out from this house." Jenny responded without any expressions at all.

They walked together back to Jillyanna's house where she received an earful of scoldings. "I told you to always bring your phone. I was really anxious when you weren't answering. What if something happened to you?"

"I'm sorry sis. I won't do it again. I was in a hurry and I forgot it." she said with a guilty face. She owe Jillyanna a lot and she shouldn't add more stress which was the reason why she finally decided to move out of the house.

"I don't really know what to do with you. I've always told you to move with me. Jen, let's be honest here. Your mother won't be coming to see you. How many years has it been? Did she even show her shadow? No! I know she's your mother and I've no right to judge her. What I want to do is for you to have a good life instead. If she comes back then good. If she won't, just live your life as usual."

"Sis, stop hitting my sore spots. I have decided to move out already. I will be staying in the apartment while studying and I'll come to the Madrid's mansion during holiday and weekend."

Actually what Jillyanna said to her was right and she wasn't mad at all. She was even happy that she truly cared for her. "I can't stay here because the rooms are occupied." she whispered which was enough for the two of them to hear.

"I understand. By the way, I won't be staying here in a month or two. I'll lend you my credit card to buy groceries for grandpa Shan." Jillyanna handed the credit card to her which Jenny was already used to. "When you have things to buy, just buy it."

"What about you?" If it was before, she can just return the card after buying the things she needed but now, she'll be away for a month or two.

Jillyanna turned to Travis who was busy reading some documents. The three of them were in the study room to save Jenny's face from scolding. It looked as if he wasn't paying attention to them but he was actually listening to her voice.

Jillyanna approached him with an evil grin. "I remembered someone telling me not to worry about money. I remembered the black card in my wallet, too. So it's fine."

"Oh? So you will use my card now?" Travis teased her again.

"Why not? It's got money in it and you gave it to me."

Even though she said that, she's actually thrifty. She didn't like spending money over nonsense things.

Jenny smiled as she watched them. She never thought that one day, her big sister will meet a man who could change her. 'Should I tell her about my suitor?' she asked herself mentally but dismissed the idea as well. 'It was just a suitor not a boyfriend yet.'

Seeing that she's busy with Travis, she didn't stay any longer and left the two of them in silence.

"I'm going to start over with my life. I won't think about my mother anymore. I will just live and spend time with the people who truly cares about me." she murmured to herself as she went down the stairs. She saw Auntie Sisi and followed her to the kitchen. "Auntie Sisi, is there anything that I can help?"

"It's fine Ms. Jenny. We're almost done here."

"Just call me Jen or Jenny auntie. No need to add miss before my name."

"If you say so. Just take a rest in the living room. We'll call you out for dinner in a few minutes."

"Can I arrange the table instead?" she insisted to help them since it would be easier and would make her comfortable.

"Okay. Go ahead."

And just that, the misunderstanding of Jenny's welfare was solve. Valkyrie apologized to her again over dinner for ruining her door.

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