Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 143 - MORNING CHECK UP

The next morning, Jillyanna and Travis woke up earlier than usual. It was the day for her check up and she needed to be on time for the appointment in case there are some tests that she needed to take.

"What do you want to eat?" Travis asked her while changing his clothes.

"2 boiled eggs, fruits and a glass of milk."

"Okay. I'll go down first to prepare your food. Will you be fine here?"

"Hn. I'll be done in a bit."

Travis closed the door behind him and went down to the kitchen so he can prepare her breakfast. He also made a sandwich for himself to eat.

Back in their room, Jillyanna chose a simple black shirt and jeans for her outfit which matches the same shirt that Travis wore. She picked up her rubber shoes and socks before sitting on the bed to wear them.

Her hair was dried by Travis earlier when she came out from the bathroom so that she won't get tired from raising her hands. She combed her long hair and formed a braid from the top to bottom. She rolled it at the back of her head and put some pins to hold it up. She placed some hair accessories and made sure that her fringes were in place.

Even with just a simple shirt, she still look elegant and beautiful. She put on some sunscreen cream and lipbalm before going out to find Travis.

"Do you have to be so beautiful for a check up?" Travis asked her when she arrived at the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes at him and sat on the chair opposite him. "Excuse me. I am beautiful as always."

"I agree." Travis commented and placed her food in front of her. "Are you sure you only need that?"

"I don't want to scare the doctor. She might see my tummy full of food instead of a baby."

Travis laughed at her remark before he started eating. "Let's just stay at home for today after your check up."

"How about your work?"

"I'll have Savannah pick up my things from the office."

"Okay. I don't mind staying at home." She finished eating her food and drank the glass of milk.

Savannah came down to get a glass of water and saw them. "You guys are going out?"

"We'll have to go to the hospital for her check up." Travis answered. "Savy, can you get my things later in the office. I'm planning to work on them at home."

"Sure. I'll get it before lunch." Savannah responded positively.

"Thank you."

Jillyanna just smiled at her since she didn't have anything to say. After they ate their breakfast, Travis prepared the car that they'll be using.

There will be four body guards who will be coming with them today. Travis had assigned the others to check on different people and to make sure that they're all safe.

He had to make sure that his father and the people at the mansion are safe which was why he assigned his elite guards to act as the driver, gardener and security chief.

One was following Jenny secretly and the other one was following on Cielo. Since Lucian had to go to work, it would be difficult to monitor his wife. He wanted to make them feel at ease when they're out of their houses.

Some of the guards were having their day off which was why she could only bring four with them and left the other four in Jillyanna's house.

Soon, they arrived at Senyu Medical Center. The doctor who checked on her was the same doctor that examined her during her excessive bleeding.

"Good morning Dr. Chua." Jillyanna greeted the woman who opened the door for her.

"Morning doc." Travis also greeted her.

"Morning Travis. Hi Jillyanna. How are you?"

"I am doing good doc." Jillyanna respondes happily.

"It's good to have a a good and caring husband, specially during pregnancy, isn't it?"

"He isn't my husband." Jillyanna stated which stunned the doctor. Somehow, Travis got a bad feeling about this. "He's the sperm donor."

Travis just smiled evilly at her and the doctor smiled awkwardly, shifting her gaze between the couple.

"Don't mind her doc. My wife didn't want to call me husband yet." Travis stated.

"Sigh. Young couple these days." The doctor was shaking her head as she walked back to her seat. Jillyanna and Travis sat on the chair in front of her table. "Don't stress your wife or else she'll never call you husband."

"Yes doc. I'll remember that." Travis acknowledged her and put his hand around Jillyanna's waist.

Jillyanna knew exactly why he was doing that. In fact, she was just teasing him. Since they met, he was fond of teasing her. This time, she wanted to do the same thing to him.

The doctor let her undergo some test to check on the baby. She had an ultrasound which made her so happy to see the form of her little child.

"Your child is very healthy though we can't identify the gender yet, we can already see ita form." The doctor moved the device on her stomach and pointed on the monitor. "This is your baby's head. Look at how small and cute this little fella is."

Travis looked at Jillyanna who was holding his hand before looking at the monitor. She looked so happy while staring at the little life reflected in the monitor.

"You have to make sure that she eats healthy food. She can also start doing light exercises to help her during labor." The doctor advised them. "Make sure that she takes her vitamins on time."

"Noted doc." Travis and Jillyanna voice out at the same time.

The doctor wiped away the jelly liquid on her tummy and let her fixed her clothes. "Congratulations the both of you. Be careful always okay."

"Yes doc."

The doctor left them for awhile since Jillyanna was still fixing herself.

"I'll punish you later." Travis whispered close to her ear which made her blush. "You need to learn your lesson."

"I won't do it again hubby."

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