Chasing After My Wife


The next morning, Jillyanna woke up with a refreshing energy and full of vigor. Her dream had been answered so she was elated and optimistic with her life moreover, she didn't need to see Travis anymore.

Without any clothes on, she sat up straight, rolled out from her bed and went to the bathroom for a shower.

After taking a shower which lasted for almost an hour, she walked to her wardrobe barefooted and naked with just a towel wrapped around her head to absorbed the water from her hair.

Jillyanna donned a light pink dress with a long sleeves which had a slightly loose cuff. The skirt's length was just right on her knees with red embroidered flowers giving her a youthful vibe.

"It's time to end all this. I might as well visit the place." she mumbled to herself while picking a flat shoes from her collections. "I'll have to avoid heels and wedges for the next eight months." After a while, she picked up the white flat shoes to pair with her dress.

She put on a light make up for a change, checked to see if all the the things were in her bag and went out for her day's scheduled trip.

Travis was currently working and had a lot of piled works from all departments that needed his approval and review when his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw Jillyanna's name on the screen. A smile appeared on his lips upon seeing her name.

Many people would feel weird with their set up but Jillyanna would always be the one to call him first because that's what she wanted. She didn't want him to call her unless she allowed him to.

Travis paused his work and picked his phone to answer it. "Hi my little wife. What can I do for you?"

"You aren't so shameless huh." Jillyanna responded with a straight face. Her eyes were focused on the road as she talked to him through her bluetooth earphone.

Travis laughed and stood up from his swivel chair to stand at the floor to ceiling glass wall.

"I told you before, I am pursuing you with marriage in mind."

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes and made a left turn, going to a suburb road leading her to Travis' house. "You're working right now?"

"Yeah. I'm in the office. Is there anything wrong?" his concerned knocked her heart but Jillyanna didn't entertain such feeling.

"Nothing. Just keep working. Sorry for disturbing you."

"Not at all. I can talk to you all day."

"Well, I don't have time to talk to you all day. I'll hang up now."

Without waiting for his response, the call ended leaving a 'toot-toot' sound in his ears. Travis looked down on his phone while shaking his head.

He went back to his work as Jillyanna continued to drive in a different part of the city.

Not long after, she arrived to his rented house. Somehow, she didn't want anyone to know she was there so she parked the car far from his house.

After making sure that her car won't be spotted immediately, she walked back to the house for a good five minutes.

She opened the gate with the bigger key and walked to the yard. She really like the house and the place but no matter how she likes it, she had to leave him.

The flowers were taken care of despite his busy schedule. She entered the house using another key. It was the set of keys that Travis gave her during her first visit. She never thought she'd use the keys earlier than expected.

Jillyanna observed the interior of the house. It was spotlessly cleaned and there was nothing out of place. Not a single of his or his family picture. The wall was painted white and most of the stuff were either white, gray or black.

"It's really a man's place. It's quite lonely though." she whispered to herself as she made her way up the stairs.

She landed on the second floor and she found the room that Travis mentioned to her before. It was indeed the most beautiful part of the house. It has the amazing view of the sea and forest.

Jillyanna took some pictures as souvenirs and was admiring the scenery when she heard a car approaching the place.

'Bang! Bang!' it was the sound of the car doors being slammed close.

Jillyanna leaned on the room door to listen for any movements and sounds. She heard the main door being opened by someone as the lock made a squeaky noise.

"You're actually planning that! You can't be serious! How will you marry her?" It was Diego's voice. She met him at the park few days ago while making a music video. That was why the voice was familiar to her.

She didn't hear any response from Travis for a minute but his laughter echoed inside house making her heart grow colder.

"Did you really think I'd marry her? I just need her for something, okay? You don't have to be so worried." Travis answered like it was the biggest joke he ever heard in his life.

Jillyanna moved away from the door to stop herself from eavesdropping. She looked around the place to find an escape route.

"I must be nuts for giving you a chance. Heh! How could he like someone like me? He was really good with acting. He should've worked as an actor instead."

Not knowing why, Jillyanna found her vision becoming blurry. "My eyes stings for some reason. It must be because of the wind." she wiped her face and walked to the balcony of the room.

She remembered that there was a gap between walls from the room she was in and the room beside it. There were vines and snaky plants climbing on the walls.

Without any hesitation, Jillyanna left the set of keys on the bedside table and prepared herself. She wrapped her hands with face towels she found inside the room and climbed down from the balcony using the thick vines.

"Time to say goodbye!" She muttered to herself and jumped off when she was just few inches above the ground.

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