Chasing After My Wife


Travis forgot some important documents in his study so he decided to come back and get it. On his way, he found Diego and talked about his plans.

Diego was never against his plans since he would benefit from it in the end, but he wanted to make sure that everything will go accordingly knowing that there's another woman involved.

After talking, Travis went to his study and got the document before he went back to his office to continue working.

The day ended without any calls or messages from Jillyanna and he missed her more after talking to her.

He removed his suit and was just wearing his white shirt with few opened buttons from the top.

His muscled chest can be seen and it made him look so sexy. He was looking at the view from his floor. The city was gradually dotted with lights as the day turned to night.

At the same time, Diego who just got home from work felt that he missed something. He knew that there was something very important that he forgot to tell Travis.

His father saw him standing in the middle of the living room in a daze.

"Dee? Are you okay?" his father called to him, bringing him back to reality.

"Yes dad. I am fine. I was just thinking of something. Where's mom?" Diego retorted as he walked to his room.

"She's on her way home. I'm cooking for dinner. Is there anything you like to eat?" In their home, it's actually Diego's father who cooked for them. His mother was a pharmacist who was working at the biggest Senyu Medical Center.

"Anything you cook dad."

"By the way, Cheska will be coming home with your mother." This statement made Diego stopped walking. His eyes lit up and he immediately ran to his room.

"Right! Cheska! Good thing dad mentioned her." Right after entering his room, he locked it and walked to the shower room with his phone.

He scrolled down through his contacts and found Travis' number. He dialed and waited for a while but there was no one picking up the phone.

This time of his call, Travis was in panic. He got home around 8 o'clock and found something wasn't right in his house. It must be his instinct working but he felt it. He checked his room and his study immediately but it remained the same as he left it.

He went to the other room and found some markings on the floor. There were several torn green leaves on the balcony and some parts of the plants were ruined.

He was about to leave when something caught his eyes. It was the bunch of keys that sitting on top of the bedside drawer.

His heart started pumping with unease. He couldn't describe what he was feeling at all as different emotions started swarming his heart. One thing he could tell was fear. He was afraid that what he was thinking would come true.

Blocking his thoughts, he ran out of the house without even bothering himself to lock it. He got inside his car and accelerated on the road.

He went to the only place where he sent her home but was disappointed.

"I'm sorry, sir. However, Ms. Jillyanna didn't stay here that night. She left after an hour." the guard stated when he inquired about her.

"You mean she isn't going home here?" Travis asked with his heart in his throat. His emotions were choking him.

"Nope. She stayed here whenever Ms. Cielo and Sir Lucian are here. But these past few days, they haven't been home."

"Do you know where they are living?" he still asked even though he was about to go mad. She was driving him crazy!

"No sir."

That's it. His world crumbled down and he lost his calm. He punched the wall and left in silence, leaving the shocked guard at the apartment building.

The moment he got inside his car, Diego's call came but he didn't want to answer him. He didn't have time for him. He must find her immediately.

He tried calling Jillyanna but it made his heart sank in a deep pit even more.

"The number you are calling is out of coverage are. Please try your call later." It was the system operator.

He dialed once again but the same voice came. He dialed it again and again but the same voice disappointed him. His fear was growing and his eyes were red from anger and fear.

He drove back to Venus Industrial Plaza and parked his car right in front of the Summer Cafe's main branch where he found Jillyanna before.

The staff were busy serving customers when he came in. The cafe would be opened 24/7 and during the night it was the store manager who was responsible for the operation.

"Good evening." Travis greeted one of the staff who was working as the cashier. Lucky for him, it was the stuff who saw him with Jillyanna before.

"Are you looking for Ms. Jillyanna?" the cashier asked him with a smile. This gave Travis a new sense of hope.

"Yes. Is she around?" Travis smiled back at her with the question.

"Hmm not anymore. After she fainted last Sunday, she didn't come here anymore." the cashier responded to him.

'Sunday? The day I had dinner with her? Why didn't she tell me? Am I really unreliable?' His mind formulated questions that nobody can answer but the woman he was looking for.

"Do you know where she lives? The place I know that she used to stay mentioned that she moved." It was a lie. If a lie can help him get information he would do it but it was still pointless.

"Nope. No one here knows where she and Miss Cielo lives. But we know that they live together." she responded to him before entertaining another customer.

Travis left defeated. He was never this disappointed and afraid his whole life. The last time he was afraid was when the little girl he used to bully left him but it was not the same intensity.

This time his heart was ripped open. His fear was beyond he could imagine. He had this feeling that if he let go of her, he will never find her in this lifetime.

"Where the hell are you?" Travis gripped his hair from frustration while kicking the wheel of his car.

This was the time when Diego's fourth call came in.

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