Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 420 - WHITE AND GREEN

They didn't waste any more time. Winter sent them to the building where they will stay for the time being with the new recruits.

After letting them rest for an hour, Winter called them out including the new recruits. The only thing that could help you identify them were their clothes.

The new recruits were given camouflage for their training. With the bodyguards' case, they were told to wear their most comfortable clothes.

Winter blew a whistle to get their attention and let them line up in two lines. "To the new recruits, I will train you in close combat. However, before we proceed on that area, I'd like you test these men's skills. Do you have any questions or objections?"

One man came forward and raised his hand. "Is there any specific rules in this duel?"

"As long as you can throw your partner on the floor, you win. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Now proceed to the gym." Winter led them inside their mini gym where several puzzle mats were placed on the floor. "We'll proceed according to your badge number." she announced to bring order to the duel.

The close combat started and didn't last an hour. Why? Because the guards were so easy to fight. They have good strengths and fundamental skills but they couldn't grasp on to the technique used by the military trainees. In short, they lost.

The woman had been watching them from the start. She could tell that the guards got some skills but they couldn't last a fight for more than five minutes.

After a ten-minute break, the groups were divided into two. The guards followed the teacher while the new recruits followed Winter.

"Today, I will teach you two techniques in close combat. You need to practice it for the whole morning and for two hours after lunch. After an hour break, I'll come and test you again."

She let them sit on the floor and showed her two basic moves. First was giving strengths to her claws. It was a gripping technique, pressure point strikes and also to hold your enemy and take them down. You might think it was easy, but without enough force it was equal to breaking your fingers and hands. Second was a move using your feet. It was a grappling technique for you to straddle your enemy before you make your final move. You can straddle them in any part of their body that you think can give you an advantage in a fight.

"We have limited time so I can only teach you things that are easy to understand." she showed it to them twice and let them practice.

She monitored their proper postures, the subtle movements of their fingers, the position of their toes, the angle of their stand; everything. She was very meticulous when it comes to teaching and she wanted to give Jillyanna a better set of body guards.

Since the guards already had a powerful stamina, good foundation and basic fighting skills, they were able to understand what was taught to them in a very short time. It wasn't even lunch yet and the teacher could see improvement in them already.

Calhoun saw their group, practicing under the teacher's tutelage. He frowned while watching them since it was the first time he saw the woman.

"Who's that woman." Calhoun asked one of the officers in the camp.

"Sir, that woman was brought here by Lieutenant Colonel Avery."

"Oh..okay.." he walked further inside to find Winter and the new recruits. He was interested in martial arts but those martial arts masters didn't like taking in someone from military. Therefore, when he saw the woman, his interest flared up once again. But he was soon faced with disappointment.

"No, I won't." Winter refused Calhoun immediately as soon as she heard his request. "My teacher didn't like dealing with men. She will kill me."

"Then why is she teaching those men?" Calhoun retorted.

"That is for Jillyanna's sake."

"How about you teach our men?"

"I AM teaching them."

"Not the new recruits but those combatant in the field already."

"I'll do it once I'm back to work. We already talked that I won't be back, not until after the wedding."

"Hn. I'm keeping that promise." Calhoun stated before leaving her to continue his observation.

They trained for the whole day. The teacher tested them after the training and found that they have improved.

The next day they were introduced to fencing. Practice in the morning and a test in the late afternoon. The day after that, they were introduced to shooting, wherein most of them were good at. On the fourth day, they were having basic first aid education and a practical test using dummies in the late afternoon.

Before the day ends, Winter gathered all the guards once again. "Attention!"

Everyone stood straight and stayed silent while waiting for her instruction. "This ends the training for this week. We will go back to the city tonight so that you can all have a proper rest. Make sure to gather up again on Monday for another week of training."

"Are we going back to our own family?"

"Yes. You can go home to your own family." Winter stated. "Gather up all your things and return the badge once you are on your way out."

"Yes ma'am!"

After dismissing everyone, they all ran towards the building where they stayed and pack up their things. The bus was already waiting for them and they were all excited to go home.

Winter was excited, too. Jackie had been calling her since earlier regarding the event.

In Jillyanna's house, even though they were on guard everyday, it didn't stop them from preparing a little surprise for Jillyanna. Jackie had been going home from school to make sure that she can finish the preparation.

Riley made sure to come back home from the Madrid's house to help her twin. Shein was helping them, too. Brown and Top were already discharged that afternoon, but since they were told not to move so much, they just stayed on the couch while pumping air to the balloons.

The house was decorated nicely and there were different kinds of foods, too. Sky and Alex came in the afternoon after Lucian got off from work and came home to pick Cielo. Instead of driving separately, they used one car instead to save money from gasoline.

Vincent was there, helping with Jackie tying things here and there. The presents were placed on a round table near the Christmas tree that Shein also decorated.

"What time are they coming?" Cielo asked Jackie since she was in charge in contacting everyone to make sure that Jillyanna won't suspect anything.

"Big bro said that they'd be here before seven. He was still wrapping up some work." Jackie answered.

"Okay. We are almost done here anyway."

The living room was littered with white and green balloons to match up the theme that Jillyanna got for her baby's room.

Families and friends started coming over with their gifts in hand for the baby.

"I bet she would never expect this." Riley commented with a huge smile hanging on her lips. She was so happy that they made it even after the little accident in the hospital. "Now, let's just wait for our sweet couple to come home."

"I have readied my cameras in all corners." Shein proudly stated while holding his laptop. He wanted to capture this precious moment and let the child watch it in the future.

"You sure know your thing." Gabriel commented.

"Of course." he grinned happily. "Are you happy watching your girl through the cameras?"

"Hn. She's dazzling." When Winter left for the skills test, Gabriel called Shein to set him up a monitoring equipment so that he can watch Winter from home.

"My girl is more dazzling." Shein cut him.

"No, my girl is the most dazzling." Vincent told them with a smirk.

"Stop your stupid argument. Jillyanna is here." Wynwyn informed the three men who only looked indignant towards each other. 'Oh god! What's with these stupid fools?' she sighed internally while watching Jillyanna came out of the car.

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