Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 421 - BABY SHOWER

Jillyanna and Travis arrived home around six in the evening and everything was all set according to their plans for the surprise. "Oh? Who decorated the house? It's been a long time since I last saw the house being this lively." Jillyanna commented as she walked on the pavement with Travis holding her hand.

"I heard that everyone helped out to decorate the house, except you and me." Travis responded to her.

"Don't make me feel guilty."

"I am not. I am just letting you know that even when you can't do it, someone will help you do it."

They walked towards the porch and Jillyanna noticed the interior decoration through the glass window. Her eyes lit up and her heart was coated with something sweet and warm. And she wasn't disappointed. When she opened, the door, the smiling faces of her family and friends greeted her.


Jillyanna stood in the middle of her living room. The house was full of life and it felt so good to be true. Not knowing if she was dreaming or if she was really awake in reality, she pinched her cheeks until she couldn't bare the pain.

"What are you doing?!" Travis immediately took hold of her hand and rubbed her face. Tears started welling up in her eyes from the love and support she got from all of them.

"I am so happy. Really happy. Thank you so much." Jillyanna mumbled, holding back her tears but they still fell on the cold floor. "I didn't know you guys would prepare this. I thought you were up to something naughty again." She spoke towards the twins and Shein, who were smiling foolishly at her.

"I am so glad that big brother kept you occupied in the hospital." Jackie murmured.

"Huh?" Jillyanna asked in confusion. "Travis was part of this?"

"Uh huh. With all the things that has happened, we aren't sure if you forget that we haven't celebrated the baby shower. So, with everyone's effort, we came up with this surprise before you get to hold your wedding." Riley added. "And there's another surprise for you later."

"Congratulations on your baby and on your upcoming wedding. I wish you to have a good health." Thomas commented to his daughter-in-law. "Previously, I was really anticipating to match you up with Travis. I almost gave up with the idea when I found out that he got someone pregnant. Who would have thought that the woman would turn out to be you? It only means that you are really destined with each other."

"I agree with that Uncle." Cielo added. "I could still remember the time that she cursed Travis in front of you. In the end, she fell in love with him again after more than a decade had passed."

"Wait." Jillyanna placed her palm in front of them as she spoke. "Are you really congratulating me or are you recalling my dark past?"

Everyone was thrown into a fit of laughter because of her statement. What can they do? She just had so many dark histories and they enjoyed teasing her with it.

"Congratulations for giving us a nephew sis." Jenny stated with her soft voice. Even though she had stayed with them for a long time, she still tends to shy around them. "Here's my small gift." Jenny handed her a green paper bag. 

"Thanks Jen." Jillyanna opened the bag and found a mint green soft sole leather moccasin. "Wow! I like this color. The interior is really soft."

"I am glad you like it." Jenny responded with a smile. She moved to the side and let the others speak to Jillyanna.

"How about we let her sit? Did you forget that she's frail?" Savannah interrupted their gift givig ceremony.

Jillyanna just chuckled and walked to the nearest couch. There were so many balloons with white and green colors. She really liked it and thought it was refreshing. Just as she got herself to sit, Shein immediately approached her with a gift.

"This is my gift." His stupid smile already gave him away and Jillyanna knew that he was up to something again.

"Young man, what is it your planning again?" Jillyanna asked him without opening the small box.

"Huh? I am not planning anything. But, I really suggest that you open my gift later."

Jillyana just nodded her head and put the small box inside her bag. Everyone started giving their gifts to her as well. Cielo and Lucian got her a crossbody diaper bag. Her parents gave her a bundle of green and white blanket and pillows. Riley got her a baby carrier-holder. Jackie gave her a bunch of cute animal cocks and mittens. Savannah and Hawk gave her a cotton washable organizer. Gabriel gave her a cute Patagonia Baby Furry Friends Hoody which was good during the cold winter. Wynwyn and Zachary gave her a hooded towel, and cute animal-printed blanket. Cheska gave her a set of board books for kids.

"Eh? What's this?" Jillyanna asked when she opened Diego's gift. It was something she didn't expect at all. What was lying inside the small box was a card. A real bank-card! There was even a letter stating the password of the card. "I don't think we are in need of money."

"Of course, you don't." Diego mumbled. "I was planning to shower your baby with money but I can't do it now. So, keep that and buy him a lot of things in the future."

Jillyanna didn't know whether to laugh of cry at his reasons. Nevertheless, she can feel that Diego was wishing her baby well. "My child will never feel hungry with this money.'

"Right. Right. Feed him well."

They were all holding their laughter at him. It was obvious that he didn't have any idea when it comes to this kind of events.

Valkyrie and Brown presented the gifts that they bought with joy for the baby in mind. They had the biggest gift among everyone and inside the huge box were different kinds of toys. There were stuff toys of furry animals, transformers, cars, airplanes and helicopters, rubber ducks, magnetic fish toys, puzzle blocks, activity cube with different shapes and colors, and a whole lot more.

"I guess, you only wanted my child to play so much with these toys." Travis commented while watching the bunch of toys from them.

"Of course, a child should enjoy his life, He needed to play while he still can since he will grow up and by then, he would have to work and do serious stuff. Your child can't be like you." Brown responded. They all knew that Travis was sent to different schools when he was young.

"I won't send my child to those boring classes." Travis responded with a snort.

"Hey! I am still here. Don't indirectly badmouth me." Thomas argued back. After all, he was the one who sent Travis to those 'boring classes'.

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