Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 113:Rough Road Ahead

As both hands full of random things, Takeshi closes the door of his locker with foot. He then puts all things in his hands to a big box on the table near him that already full with other random things. Actually there are three big boxes on the table that full of random things. Those things are gifts from his fans. Takeshi is clearing his locker now as he is quitting from the company.

Sound of hurry steps are heard. Soon Azuka and two other employees come to the administration room. "Is it true ?" Azuka asks immediately, "Do you really quit ?" Takeshi smiles and nods. Azuka widens his eyes, surprised. "But why ?" Takeshi shrugs one shoulder. "Some disagreements," he calmly says. "Is it that bad ?" the other employee asks. "I'm afraid so.. at least in my opinion it is" Takeshi answers then claps his hands.

"Would you help me maybe for the last time ? I need some hands to carry this outside," Takeshi asks. "Sure.. sure," the two employees quickly respond and lift a box each.

"What should I write on the website ?" Azuka asks in confused. "That website is belong to the company. So just write what the company will tell you to write," Takeshi answers then pets Azuka's shoulder. "I'm leaving. Thank you for everything," he says goodbye before lifting the third box and leads the other two men leaving the room.


Takeshi sighs. He actually doesn't want to tell her, but he doesn't want to keep any secret from her neither. "It requires me to break up with you." He finally tells her the truth.

"But.. what about your career ?" Xiao Ping's typing comes three minutes after. Takeshi puts a smiling emoji while he himself is smiling. "Don't worry. Kin Momoji is not the only production house in Japan. I will self-manage my self from now on and searching jobs from various companies. I think that is actually a better way for my career," his type sounds so confident.

"How about you ? How is your first day back to school ?" Takeshi changes the topic. "Fine.. nothing special," Xiao Ping answers. "There was no one chasing you, asking whether you are my girlfriend, right ?"

"Hmm.. there were few girls in my class being suspicious. They were asking in joking way, since they knew I was sick and hospitalized on the same time and place," Xiao Ping's answer makes Takeshi frowns.

"Hence, what were your answer ?" Takeshi asks again. He waits quite long before he finally gets an answer, "I denied them." Takeshi sighs in relief. "That's good," he types. "Good ?" Takeshi types yes.

"But I feel so wrong," Xiao Ping says. "It's for your best. We never know how crazy the reaction of my friends when they know about you," Takeshi explains. "I see," that's the only response Xiao Ping gives. She touches her breast area. Her bra is still a little damp due to a glass of orange juice was "accidentally" skidded from Er Hua's hand and went right at her chest.

"Can your friends be trusted ?" Takeshi asks. "You mean ones visited me at hospital ? Yes, I trust them. They will not tell other," Xiao Ping answers. They are talking about Xu Qian, A Lin, and Han Han. She knows they won't make a leak about her identity. Yu Jin has made sure about it. Takeshi gives a hug emoji. "Be strong, Love. There will be rough road ahead us." Takeshi is stunned. Xiao Ping typed the words he wanted to say. Oh.. he really wants to kiss that girl at this moment.


Takeshi just turns off his television when his apartment door's bell rings. "Coming," he says as walking toward the door. He is grateful that he decided to pay the rent fee for this apartment for the whole three years at that time. If not, he might need to move soon.

Takeshi opens the door, curling his eyebrows together as he sees Hiroshi leans on the door frame with red face and strong alcohol scent on his body. "Hey, are you lost, buddy ?" Takeshi says with chuckle but helping Hiroshi to walk to the couch, making Hiroshi sits in a half-sleep position, head supports by pillows.

"I finally finished taking care all of your on going contracts. Unfortunately, half of them decided to replace you with other, most of them are the big contracts, I'm afraid. But at least I saved the other half, right ? They were agree to cancel the contract with Kin Momoji and making new contract with you personally," Hiroshi chats in long but sluggishly way. He then straightens his sit then points to Takeshi that sits on the arm chair. "Am I a good assistant or what ?" He grins. Takeshi chuckles again. "Thank you. You are the best assistant I could ever have."

"Now, in that case.. why don't you hire me ?" Hiroshi offers himself. Takeshi sighs and moves to sit next to Hiroshi, shoulder hugging him. "As much as I want to hire you, I can not afford you, my friend."

"I don't ask much.." Takeshi is hissing to stops his friend. "You are drunk. You can not trust a drunk person's decision," Takeshi states.

"Heeeeyy.. I decided first then got drunk," Hiroshi protests. "Right.. right.. Let's talk about it tomorrow when you are sober," Takeshi calms him down, guiding Hiroshi to make a comfort sleeping position on the couch while Hiroshi is mumbling about he won't work on that cruel company again.

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