Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 114:Defamation

With a loud sound, Hiroshi is slurping down the last spoon of clam miso soup in front of him. He lets a big burp before sighing in relief. "Feeling better now ?" Takeshi asks, putting a bottle of Pocari Sweat in front of Hiroshi then lifts the empty bowl. "Yeah.. thanks, man," Hiroshi answers with a big grin. He woke up with a severe headache due to hangover. But Takeshi had made him an instant clam miso soup as cure. After finishing a bowl of it, his headache is gone. Hiroshi gulps his Pocari Sweat while walking to the kitchen.

"I was serious about being your assistant," Hiroshi says to Takeshi who is still washing his bowl and spoon. "And I was serious when I said I can't afford to pay you," Takeshi responds, turns off the faucet before putting the bowl to a dry rack.

"I don't need a fixed salary. I will take commission instead," Hiroshi speaks his idea, tailing Takeshi who walks out of the kitchen then sits on the couch.

"You know that you have only gotten 50% of the value of the contracts you signed all this long ?" Hiroshi asks then immediately answers it by himself, "No. Of course you don't know that." He is confirmed by the blank look on Takeshi's face, lets him chuckles and continues, "So the rest 50% goes to Kin Momoji. Now, that means..after you are not with Kin Momoji, you still can get the same income with lower value of contract, right ?" Takeshi nods. "But you are bad at legals," Hiroshi mocks him.

"So, here comes my part. I will be your legal, marketing, and assistant at once. You don't need to pay my salary, just give me 30% of every contract value you will get from me. So if I fail to get you any contract, you don't have to pay me anything," Hiroshi explains his offer. Takeshi still in silent. "It still be beneficial for you. Let's say for one hundred thousands yen income of yours, at Momoji the contract value offered to the client would be two hundred thousands. While with our own management, the contract value will only be 143 thousands. So it's a cheaper contract. It will be advantage for every parties," Hiroshi adds, thinking that Takeshi still needs to be convinced.

Takeshi stares at Hiroshi long and deep as he thinking hard of something. "Why are you doing this ?" Takeshi finally asks. Hiroshi raises one eyebrow to tell Takeshi he doesn't understand the question. "Just because I quit from Momoji, you don't need to quit, too. They will assign you to other idol. I wasn't your first idol neither. So, it's not like you're gonna..."

"I can't work at that cruel company anymore," Hiroshi cuts Takeshi. "I was still going to bare working for them after you quit. They were about to assign me for a new comer after I finished taking care of your left matter. But this left matter really made me had enough of them."

"What do you mean ?" Takeshi asks. Hiroshi sighs. "You will find it out today. They're going to have a press release about your resign. And you know what they're going to state about the reason ? They turn it upside down. They're going to say that they don't know anything about you and Miyu's fake relationship prank. They would definitely forbid you if they knew it. Then.. they will say that you are forced by your girlfriend to resign from the company," Hiroshi's answers widens up Takeshi's eyes.


"It's okay, Love," Xiao Ping types followed by a smile emoji to calm him down. "Let them say anything they want about me. I don't care," she adds. "I care," Takeshi defies. "I know you do.. but what will you say for the reason instead ? The truth ?" Takeshi is replying with a yes. Xiao Ping smiles.

"Since my parents and my boss know about our relationship, I can discuss with them more freely. Of course it is not my initial reaction. I was crying out of upset reading the press release. Then my boss caught me, and we discussed about it. It is all his advice," Xiao Ping admits. "You are so lucky being surrounded by people who love and support you," Takeshi says. "I am. But mostly because I have you," Xiao Ping replies. "Now. are those sweet words your boss' advice, too ?" Takeshi teases her, makes them both laugh at the same time.


Together with Hiroshi, Takeshi goes down with the elevator to the lobby of his apartment. Today he has a work to do and he is sure there will be reporters waiting for him at the terrace. He has thought about his statement carefully with Hiroshi. He still doesn't want Xiao Ping to take the blame. After all, she really is never told him to quit from the company.

When he comes out of the elevator, his taxi that is waiting in front of the terrace barely seen, hidden by the crowd. Takeshi then walks to the terrace and immediately surrounded by reporters.

"I'm not saying that Kin Momoji told lie, but they might wrongly thought about my reason to quit. My girlfriend has never urged me to quit from the company. She even knew it only a day after I quit," Takeshi loudly making clarify statement. "The reason ? No.. there was no dispute between me and Kin Momoji. I just want to broaden my chance. By being independent, not owning only by certain company, I thought I might have larger opportunities to work with lot of companies," Takeshi explains more. "Yes, the exclusive contract was already ended and because of the reason I said earlier, I don't want to extend it," he replies a reporter's question while entering the taxi. "Now, I'm sorry. I need to rush to work," Takeshi closes the taxi's door.

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