Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 131:Does He Love Me ?

Less than five minutes later A Lin comes to cafe. She didn't realize Xiao Ping's gaze toward her until she sits down beside her. "What's wrong ?" A Lin asks. "N..Nothing," Xiao Ping is stammered for a second, but then asks A Lin, "A Lin.. are you still in love with Yu Jin ?" It is now A Lin who is stammered. "Wh... Why do you suddenly ask about that ?" Xiao Ping stares at her. "Did you.. know that..," Xiao Ping doesn't have a heart to continue her question. A Lin sighs. "He doesn't love me though.. not even a slightest interest," A Lin tells her lightly, but still makes Xiao Ping gasps. She knew it already, Xiao Ping utters to her self. "I.. I really thought that he is interested to you. I don't know why he didn't," Xiao Ping says to A Lin. A Lin widens her eyes to Xiao Ping then laughs. "You really doesn't know why ?" A Lin asks in between her laughter. Xiao Ping shakes her head. A Lin's laughter grows louder. Xiao Ping is frowning to see A Lin is actually laughing at her. She waits until A Lin's laughter is subsided. "Xiao Ping.. Xiao Ping.. you are either naive or silly," A Lin utters, wipes her laughter's tears while shaking her head. "So, why is it ? Yu Jin doesn't love you.." Xiao Ping asks. "He loves you," A Lin says it straightforward. Xiao Ping bulges her eyes. "No, he doesn't.. he considers me as his sister," Xiao Ping refuses A Lin's statement. The latter laughs again. "Believe whatever you want to believe then," A Lin says then sighs after tired of laughing.

"Anyway.. why did you ask me about my feeling to Yu Jin?" A Lin continues her question. Xiao Ping hesitates. "It's just.. All I know is.. there is someone who loves you," she finally decides not to mention a name. "You mean Han Han ?" A Lin makes a guess. Xiao Ping slightly nods. "He's a moron," A Lin says after clicking her tongue. "Only a little more than a month ago, he asked me a chance to win my heart. Then he rushed me to be her girlfriend. Would he think that my feeling can be that easily change ?" A Lin explains then chuckles. "So.. you turned him down ?" Xiao Ping asks. A Lin furrows her eye brows. "Actually.. I just laughed due to surprised as such a rush," A Lin answers then she pouts. "And then before I have a chance to explain, he just ran away. He has been avoiding me ever since," she continues her explanation, leaving Xiao Ping clueless to say anything.


Xiao Ping is laying on her bed. One of her hand behinds her head while her forehead frowns. She is thinking about what A Lin said few hours ago. Is it true that Yu Jin loves her all this time ? But.. he told her that he considered her as his little sister once. She remembers that her father once also didn't believe that. But.. he has never given a glance of jealousy toward Takeshi. He has been the number one support of her relationship with Takeshi, right from the start. It is impossible for him to remain calm and so supportive if he loved her, right ?


A sound of message notification is heard from inside of her bag. Xiao Ping gets up to take her cellular. It must be Takeshi, since he is the only contact that she has right now.

"Anyway.. why haven't you slept ?" Takeshi asks her after lets a yawn. He leans his tired body to the sofa back. "A Lin told me that Yu Jin loves me. Before it, my father had a doubt that Yu Jin considers me only like a sister. It can't be right, can it ?" Xiao Ping's message immediately swipes Takeshi's sleepiness away. "Tell me, Love.. do you think that Yu Jin loves me, too ?" Xiao Ping asks him.

Takeshi keeps silent for a moment. She finally knows it. His heart beats faster than usual. He realizes that he slightly fears to tell her the truth. How will she react ? Will she be angry to Yu Jin or.. will she suddenly realize that she loves him, too ? No.. Takeshi shakes his head. His mind is too far-fetch. How can you doubt her love to you after all has happened ? He scoffs himself.

"Love.." Xiao Ping calls him as he is too long in silence.

"I don't think he loves you. I know he does," Takeshi finally tells her the truth.

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