Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 132:He Loves You That Much

Whaat ?!?! Xiao Ping can't believe what her eyes read. So Takeshi knew it already ? How can everyone knew it except for herself ? Was she that blind ? "How could you know for sure ?" Xiao Ping asks after arrived from her shock. "He told me," Takeshi answers her.

"Even if he didn't tell me, I might realize it from his acts. When you were sick, because of me, he went to Japan, dragged me to face you, even bought me the ticket," Takeshi tells her. Silence comes between them.

"He fled from base camp back then," Xiao Ping types still in a dumbstruck when she realizes how much Yu Jin sacrificed for her that time. It also brings her memory of when Yu Jin asked whether she wanted him to stay or not. She realizes now that he was ready to run away from the military service if only she said she wanted him to stay.

"He has been my number one support, even about our relationship. Wasn't he jealous at all ?" She types her mind out. She forgets that she is chatting with her boyfriend. Takeshi purses his lips. He hates to continue this conversation. He doesn't want to admit to her how big Yu Jin's love to her. It hurts to realize his might not as big. It also scares him that Yu Jin's love might disoriented Xiao Ping's heart. "That's how much he loves you," Takeshi eventually types it, forcing a smile though he knows Xiao Ping can't see it. Doesn't admit it will only show his insecurity.

"I can't believe it.." Xiao Ping mumbles to her self. She was really blind. How could she was not able to see any signal ? Even now, she still can't recall which acts of Yu Jin's that can be a sign of his move. The strangest thing was only the kiss he stealth on her cheek. Everything else seam so.. normal. Natural. But everyone else can notice his feeling. So it is surely her that being blind.

But as guilty it feels, Xiao Ping grateful for being blind all this time. She can't imagine how she would react or how their friendship would turn out if she realized it. She has never had a feeling more than brother to Yu Jin. Would it change if she knew Yu Jin's feeling ? Or would their friendship be ruined?

Xiao Ping sighs. Now that she knows it, she doesn't know how to react. She surely doesn't love Yu Jin, but she doesn't want to end their friendship. "What should I do ?" She asks. Realizing that she literally types it to Takeshi, she adds, "Now I don't know how to act in front of him. I can't return his feeling, I don't have the same feeling to him. But I don't want to lose him as a brother."

"Just act like you used to act," Takeshi answers her. "I hugged him frequently when we met. Now that I know his feeling, I'm afraid it may gives him the wrong signal," Xiao Ping explains. "He knew his position from the start. He knew his love is one-sided. If your gesture gave him wrong signal, he would have stealth you from me that day," Takeshi replies. He then sighs. Why did he defend Yu Jin instead ? This guy is his biggest rival, his most feared insecurity. And yet, instead of gets rip of him, Takeshi tries to reason with his girlfriend to keep him as it is.

"Aren't you jealous at all ?" Xiao Ping asks. Takeshi inhales sharply. She can read his vibe. "I am very insecure against him. But I can't be jealous. He makes no move that gives me a reason to be jealous," Takeshi answers her honestly. "You're scare of him ?" Xiao Ping asks again. Takeshi feels all his pride is crushed. He types 'No' but it's a lie, thus he deletes it. "Yes," he sends the reply with tight lips. "Why ?" Xiao Ping asks again. This is one of the moments he regrets to promise No Lie.

"He is the one who easily capable to win your heart if only he made a move to you." Fortunately, he is not making any move. "Are you saying you don't believe my love to you ?" Xiao Ping asks another question, this time makes him frowns. Why did she think the other way around? His insecurity doesn't have anything to do with that.

"I am not doubting your love, Babe. If I were, I would be jealous unreasonably. I would ask you to end your friendship with him long time ago. It is precisely because I believe in your love, I suggested you to stay the same toward Yu Jin," Takeshi explains to Xiao Ping. He feels exhausted all the sudden.

"I don't want you to be scared to him, Love. Nothing to be scared of. He won't be easily capable win my heart. My love is for you to keep," Xiao Ping responds. She wipes a tear that suddenly falls from her eye. "Even if you don't fight to keep it, he won't be that easily own it," she adds.

"Who said I wouldn't fight for your love ??"

"You said you are scared that he can easily win my heart, as if you don't want to fight against him."

"I was just saying the reason I'm scared. That doesn't mean I won't fight for you. I only said it because you asked me am I jealous or not. Why you even asked me that ? Did you want me to act stupid and be jealous with no reason ?"


"I'm sorry," Xiao Ping types.

"We both are tired. Let's end this conversation and get a rest."


"おやすみ (Oyasumi - Good Night)"

Without waiting for her response, Takeshi goes offline.

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