Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 50:Numb Heart

Takeshi sluggishly walks to the shooting set. His face looks so murky. Miyu asks the reason why he is so murky but Takeshi only shakes his head. "What's wrong ?" Miyu again asks to urge. Takeshi once again is just shaking his head. "I'm just tired, " he shortly says.

Miyu raises her eyebrows while observing Takeshi's face. "Really," Takeshi confirms feeling a bit annoyed. "What would you expect when I can only touch my pillow less than couple hours a day ?" he adds.

Miyu smiles to cheer him. "I know it feels heavy now. But believe me, there will be time when you wish you can have it again," says the woman who is three years older from Takeshi wisely.

Takeshi sighs. "I'm not asking much. I just want ...," Takeshi postpones his sentence when he heard Mr. Kawabe calls Miyu. She pats Takeshi's back. "Mr. Hamada is hard, Takeshi. But believe me, he just wants us to develop," she says before leaving Takeshi.

"I'm not sure about that," Takeshi complains while having a long exhale. He does not realize a photograph camera has captured their conversation since the beginning.


Hiroshi puts off the call a bit rough. "Don't they have something better to do ?" he asks and swears at the same time then sighs to calm his emotion down. After he manages his emotion, the sissy man walks out his room to go, to the room next to his and rings the bell. In short Takeshi's crumpled face is shown from the slightly opened door. He definitely just woke up.

"Come one, we only have half an hour," Hiroshi tells him to hurry. He then tightens his coat. It is winter at Australia so the hotel aisle's temperature is very low. The door in front of him is fully opened to let him in.

"You know, there is a photo of you and Miyu spreads at Japan," Hiroshi reports to Takeshi who walks sluggishly to the bathroom. "I don't care," Takeshi replies shortly.

"I'm sure Yamamura will be in rage. Really, what is it they up to ?" Hiroshi is still nagging then sits on Takeshi's bed. Takeshi responds him with closing the bathroom's door.

Five minutes after the door is opened, presents a much more fresh Takeshi. Without word, Takeshi dresses up and sets his hair.

"Why are you not saying anything ?" Hiroshi asks finally realizes Takeshi's silence. One who is asked only looks at him through the standing mirror while combing his hair. "Takeshi ?"

Takeshi sighs. He walks to a chair on the corner of the room then sits there and takes the shoes under. "I don't have time to deal with that kind of stuff," Takeshi mumbles while wearing his shoes.

"With all this hectic, all I can think of is work, work, and work. Now you want me to think about those reporters ? What do you think i am ? Superman ?" Takeshi says in full sarcastic. He looks at his bag pack beside the chair. He even does not have a time to feel sorry for not reading his fans' letters. It seems like his heart has become numb. "Come on," Takeshi urges Hiroshi who still staring at him in wonder.


"Mom, I'm home, " Xiao Ping greets while closing the door. As usual, one who first greet her is Bai Zi. Out of nowhere the big white dog runs approach her and puts its front legs on to Xiao Ping's chest then licks her face.

"Ouch.. Bai Zi.. I haven't washed my face but you don't need to do it for me," Xiao Ping says while trying to loose her self from Bai Zi's 'kiss'. Bai Zi drops down her legs and stands beside Xiao Ping waiving his tail.

"Where's mom ?" Xiao Ping asks to Bai Zi. Of course it can't answer her but the back door does. Once she closes her mouth, her mother comes out from that door.

"You're home," Mrs. Yuan greets her with a smile. Her right hand carries a big plastic basket that full with a detergent fragrant clothes. Xiao Ping is about to help her mother, but she refuses. "You better take a bath."

Xiao Ping does not argue because she also wants to immediately showering after going out all day. She is about to take her towel when her mother says, "I almost forget. Yu Jin called" Xiao Ping happily wides her eye but then she chuckles. "Ah, I missed it again. Why did he always call when I'm not home," she says upset to her self. "What did he say, mom ?"

"He said he will be home in a few days," her mother answers. Xiao Ping becomes happier to hear it. A phone's ring is heard from the living room. "I'll get it," Xiao Ping says then walking to the living room.

"Hello," Xiao Ping greets the caller. "Oh, A Dao. What's up ?" Xiao Ping asks while sitting on the sofa. "No, you are not disturbing anything. I went walk to mall with my classmate today. Oh, you waited for me ? I'm sorry, I don't know that. Hm.. when will it be ? Maybe tomorrow. But I may come with my girl friend. I will introduce you ..."

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