Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 52:Breaking Down

After a taxi passes across them, A Dao and Xiao Ping cross the street then walk down the sideway. "You are so quiet today," A Dao breaks the silence between them. Xiao Ping turns to him an faintly smiles. "Sorry," she says shortly then staring back at the paved way. Her thought returns to the news she read back then. It was not a news from J-Aidoru magazine, but from local paper and it was a headline for the entertainment segment. "Can Not Be Found, Takeshi Hasegawa Boycotted His Own Show".

"What is it, Xiao Ping ? Are you upset because we can't read the magazine today ?"A Dao asks carefully. Xiao Ping shakes her head. A Dao stops his step. "Then, what's wrong ? Tell me," he begs.

"I.. I just worry about someone," Xiao Ping says. That is how far she can tell A Dao. A Dao squints. "Who is it ?"

Once again Xiao Ping shakes her head and walks with head low. She wants to know Takeshi's condition. She wants to know what has really happened. Not from the news, nor from anywhere else, but directly from Takeshi. She needs to find a way to contact Takeshi. Xiao Ping is too busy with her own mind, she ignores A Dao's words. Her feet bring her to turn on the small alley to her home.

Being neglected, A Dao halts Xiao Ping's steps by holding her shoulder and turning her body facing him. "Tell me, Xiao Ping, who makes you to be come so worry like this ? Is there a member of your family sick ? Or your friend ? That Er Hua ?" A Dao urges while shaking Xiao Ping's shoulder. But still, with a head stays low, Xiao Ping shaking her head as an answer.

"Who is he ?" A Dao asks, whispering above her head. "I'm sorry, A Dao, please don't make me," Xiao Ping answers again with head shaken.

"No. I mean him. The guy in front of your house," A Dao explains. Xiao Ping pulls her head from A Dao's shoulder and turns her body. Her eyes are aimed to a figure who stands in front of her house. The person walks approaching her. When he comes under the street light, she finally is able to recognize the person's face. Though still with tears, Xiao Ping's eyes are now sparkling.

"Yu Jin.." she whispers with a wide smile.


Plaaakkk !!!!

The silence is still holding on quite long after the echo of slap sound vanished. Takeshi is standing still, leaving his head to the right with some hairs cover his eye and cheek that was being slapped. The slap was not hurting him at all. It even hurts his mother more since the woman that he loves so much is now standing in front of him with her left hand covers her right hand under her chin and cries.

"Why, Takeshi ?" Mrs. Hasegawa asks weakly. "Why did you say those words ? Have I ever taught you like that ?"

Slowly Takeshi stretches his hand trying to reach his mother, but she refuses. While staring at Takeshi, the woman asks again, "Have I ever, Takeshi ?" Not daring to look back her sight, Takeshi weakly shakes and drops his head down. His eyes catch the headline of a newspaper that lies on the floor. "'I feel like a dairy cow of a greedy farmer', A Farewell Speech From Hasegawa to Kin Momoji, Inc. ?"

"Ask Mr. Hamada's forgiveness," Mrs. Hasegawasa requests. Takeshi heavily sighs. He raises his head but still avoids his mother's gaze by looking at the window. "I don't want to," he rejects.

"Takeshi..," his mother warns him.

Takeshi exhales in upset. While walking toward the window he says, "I do feel like a dairy cow, Mom."

"Takeshi !"

"He tells me to work everyday..."

"Takeshi !"

"This contract, that contract, non stop.."

"Takeshi !!"

"He has taken over my whole life ! He doesn't even care.."

"TAKESHI !!" This time his mother's roar makes Takeshi silenced and turns, still angry, toward his mother. "Should I slap you again ?" His mother asks with hand has raised beside her ear.

His anger immediately subsides. He does not want to hurt his mother again. "Forgive me, Mom," Takeshi says then pulling down Mrs. Hasegawa's hand. "I.. I.. just really piss off to him, Mom," he says.

"I understand. I also thought that your works are too much. But.." Takeshi's head turn cuts the sentence. "I don't mind working hard, Mom. You know I like to work hard. but he told me to go to USA at your birthday. I have managed my schedule so I can come home at that day, but he didn't care even a bit. That's what piss me off," Takeshi explains his resentment.

Mrs. Hasegawa smiles as softly as her grab to Takeshi's cheek. "You really are a good son," she praises. Her thumb rubs her son's skin gentle. "But this is what you do. He is your boss. You are supposed to follow his order," Mrs. Hasegawa continues.

"But, Mom.." Mrs. Hasegawa shakes her head to order her son to not argue. "It is only my birthday. Do you remember your dad ? He also had to set sail when you were born. I was not disappointed. It was his duty," Mrs. Hasegawa reminds him.

Takeshi falls silent. He will never forget the story of his late father. His mother always tells about his father with a proud look. Mr. Hasegawa was a marine. When he was accompanying his wife to labor, Mr. Hasegawa had an order to immediately sail. There was a problem at the sea border. After kissing and whispering on his wife's ear, he went on duty. Mr. Hasegawa came home in a coffin. He lost his life in the battle on the sea. His whisper was the last message from him: Name him Takeshi.

"You told me once, Mr. Hamada is like your own father," Mrs. Hasegawa's voice is calling Takeshi back from his daze. "Will you ever scold your father like that ?"

Takeshi stares at his mother deeply. Her words really hit his heart. No. Of course not, he says in his heart.

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