Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 84:Secret Relationship

"สวัสดี ครับ (Swasdi khrap-Hello), Bangkok," Takeshi and Ichiba greet together. Vaguely heard hysterical scream outside the press conference. Guided by a Thailand woman, both Japanese idols are doing a Q&A session with the local and foreign reporters. An interpreter helps Ichiba since it is done in English.

"Yes, we did almost all stunts by ourselves. For me, the hardest one is the last scene. we had to fight with sword while riding a horse," Takeshi answers a reporter's question. He slightly leans to Ichiba and whispers on his left ear, then grins before continues, "According to Mr. Sato, the hardest part for him is when he was lost at the Sodom world." Takeshi puts a funny expression. "But I think, actually that's his favorite scene," he says jokingly. Small laughters skip from the audiences.

"Why do you think this series is so special ?" asks a reporter. Ichiba leans forward to the microphone to answer then translated by man next to him, "Because it has him, Mr. Hasegawa, and Miss Song in it." The room is full of laughter again. Takeshi breaks it with a more serious answer. "It has a great story, very unordinary and full of unexpected scenes. The whole story is a puzzle, and every episodes are its pieces. so you can miss no episode to discover it," he says enthusiastically

"Seems like too heavy to watch," another reporter says. "Not really. It's definitely not a simple drama story, but I think it's much more simple than soap opera," Takeshi answers ended with a wide smile.

"Ya .. ya .. and has lots to offer, too. Romance, action and science fiction in one package, right, Mr. Hasegawa, Mr. Sato ?" the MC adds to promote. Takeshi and Ichiba nod. "So.. let's all support and watch Scar Face!" the MC continues in Tagalog then commands audiences to clap.

"Next question ?" she offers as the claps subsides. Some hands raised. The MC gives a microphone to a female reporter. "Since earlier I've watched Mr. Hasegawa looks so happy. Smiling all the time. Though as you said, you both just arrived from Singapore and actually are really exhausted. Mr. Sato looks very tired, but you are not. Is there any secret behind it ?" the reporter asks in Tagalog.

Takeshi's wide smile grows when the MC translates in English. "There's no secret. I'm just happy to be here," he answers. "Or maybe it's because this is the last promo stop over, and after that you will be back to Japan and meet your girlfriend," the MC teases. Takeshi's eyes widen to hear it then scratches his head while awkwardly smiles. "No. there's no girlfriend waits for me at Japan," he denies. "But she's right. You look very happy. Like a falling in love guy," The MC still isn't satisfied to tease.

"Next question ... Next question," Takeshi requests after failing to block a blush on his face. "You are in love, right ?" the MC still pursues. Takeshi can only chuckle while shaking his head. "I'm in love with this series. Next question please... look Mr. Sato is falling a sleep because this conversation bored him to sleep," he avoids then covering his awkwardness by taking a glass in front of him and drinks the liquid in it.


Xiao Ping looks at a picture of Takeshi drinking a glass of water. The picture was taken with a digital camera of a fan who disguised as a reporter at Thailand. Xiao Ping's lips paint a wide smile to see a vivid blush on Takeshi's face.

Xiao Ping feels warmness spreads on her cheeks. Only seeing Takeshi's picture, all memories at the rooftop comes again. She is sure, that is also the reason why Takeshi's smile - according to the fan who took the picture- continuously grows. "Al though he still insists he doesn't have a girlfriend, but he really becomes awkward. Adorable!" the fan wrote on the Takeshi-Tomo forum. The written doesn't change Xiao Ping's lips corner. A wide smile still plastered on her face. Takeshi asked her to keep a secret of their relationship. She didn't mind. Of course she doesn't mind. Before, meeting Takeshi was only a dream. But now, not only she can meet Takeshi, she is Takeshi's girlfriend. His real girlfriend. She dated the Japanese idol all night long, even.. Takeshi kissed her. And that's reality, not just a dream. Even her dream has never been this beautiful. So, she definitely doesn't mind to keep it a secret. Beside.. no one will believe it. Except for Yu Jin, no one will ever believe that she is Takeshi's girlfriend.

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