Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 85:Whaat ?! He's Leaving ?!?!?!

Yu Jin throws his body beside the bag. The throw makes some of his hairs cover his eyes. Yu Jin takes a pinch of the hair and tucks it between two fingers, lets it slides until the end of the hair. In 48 hours, he will not have them anymore. That thought brings a crooked smile on his face. He feels between sad and amused to imagine he is about to be bald. The hump on his head definitely will be shown. Yu Jin touches the part of his non-hairy head then smiles to remember his childhood memory that caused it. A beautiful memory. There was no pain. No fell in love. No broken heart. No lie.

Yu Jin empties the whole content of his lung within a long exhale. Xiao Ping called him this afternoon to ask the reason he didn't come to the cafe. Yu Jin had to lie, telling that he had to do some graduation administration at campus. The truth is he attended the last technical meeting. His health checkup is at level B which means he is good enough to be put at the active duty military, and the drawing lot told him to go to the Army. Tomorrow he will start his basic training for 3 months before going on his service at the Army for the rest of 19 months.

Yu Jin doesn't want Xiao Ping to know. At least not until his departure. He realizes Xiao Ping might be angry to him, but he has no option. If she knows now, she will be very sad. Yu Jin doesn't want to see her sad. Her sadness definitely will melt his determination and makes him change his mind.

Yu Jin covers his face with both hands. Just to imagine Xiao Ping being sad makes his willpower looses a bit. No, his mind firms followed by head shaken. This time, you need to be selfish. You are hurt, and that needs to be healed first. Xiao Ping doesn't need wounded man beside her. Hearing the last sentence of his own mind makes a wry smile sticking out of the corner of Yu Jin's lips. Actually, she doesn't need you at all now, his heart corrects him in full of sarcasm.


A tinkling bell on top of the door turns Xiao Ping's head to it. "Good day," Xiao Ping greets a man with parachute jacket on and helmet on his hand. The young man replies and smiles friendly. "You must be Xiao Ping, right ? Yu Jin-ge often talked about you," he says.

Xiao Ping raises her eyebrows. "Oh, you are Yu Jin's friend ?" she asks then turns to a small table behind her. "But unfortunately, Yu Jin hasn't come. You can wait if you want," Xiao Ping continues.

The young man, which is Han Han, is dumbfounded until to let his mouth open. "Eh.. don't you know ?" he says with a squint, he thinks that Xiao Ping only joking. "Know what ?" Xiao Ping asks.

"I work here to replace Yu Jin-ge," Han Han's answer is successfully making Xiao Ping's eyes wide shot. "Wait.. what ?! Since when ?! Why didn't he tell me anything ?! Is he sick or something ?!?!" Xiao Ping asks thunderingly.

"Well.. as I know Yu Jin-ge joins the military service. You really didn't know about it ?"

"When ?! When is the departure ?!!" this time Xiao Ping has stood from her seat. Han Han scratches his head. "You really didn't know anything. He departs today," Han Han answers then glances at the clock, "If not mistaken he said he must arrive at the military office before 3 PM."

Xiao Ping turns to the clock behind her. 2:20 PM. Without a need to be coordinate, her hands quickly grab her jacket and bag while his legs run out from the cafe, leaving Han Han who stares at her confusedly.


"Thank you for delivering me, Uncle," Yu Jin says while in Mr. Bai's embrace. Mr. Bai is patting his back. "Take care of your self," Mr. Bai requests. Still in his hug, Yu Jin nods, then releases the hug. His sight then shifts a few degree to the right, to a Lin who stands still pouring an unwilling sight on him. Yu Jin approaches her while giving her a consolation smile.

"I'm not dying," he says jokingly. "Does it has to be like this ?" A Lin asks, still not giving up to asks Yu Jin to withdraw his intention. Yu Jin answers her with a glare that makes her sighs in disappointment.


Xiao Ping puts all her energy pedaling her bicycle. She is least care about her disheveled hair since her rubber tie was lost somewhere in the middle of the journey, nor the sweat that has soaked the back of her shirt, also almost doesn't care of a man that is about to across the street few meters in front of her. While her hands deflects the bicycle handlebars, her lips say sorry to the man. She finally is forced to hit the brake when the traffic light's red light is on. Xiao Ping glances at the tower clock in the middle of the cross road. 2:45 PM. Please, or I will not make it, Xiao Ping prays while anxiously stares at the traffic light.

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