Listening to the powerful analysis of peach blossom, dragonfly ye and Zhouyi are all dumbfounded.

Dragonflies are about to collapse. How clever is the child! If you can see that the other party is not a good person, you can count it as Zhouyi from the beginning.

Zhouyi didn't expect that a teenager could be so tough. If it's an adult saying this, it's not surprising that he does these things. But it was a child who did all this, and it had to be amazing. I saw that I had been cheated early, and I could keep calm. In the end, he made a pit of himself. What a devil!

"That's not right! Although the 30% probability is great, there is also a chance of failure. And how do you do it next time. You know, that's more than 60 times! " The dragonfly thought that things were too weird.

Peach flower vomits tongue again, way: "this all owes to the first luck.". Didn't you notice that when I first hit the lover card, I was happy to kiss that card? I have lipstick on my lips. Hehe, when I still can't be sure after using the elimination method, as long as I lean a little, I can see some oil stains on the back of the card through the refraction of the sun. In this way, I can hit 100%

Collapse! Vomit blood!

Zhouyi almost didn't fall down on the spot. He wandered by the river for many years. This time, he finally got his shoes wet because of peach blossom. In fact, with his technology, can completely disrupt the peach blossom's feet, let it smoke. Or, as long as you use a little snack, you will also find these little movements made by peach blossom. It's just that he didn't use it from the beginning. Playing with a child and using so many means will make people laugh to death.

I didn't expect that it would cost me a lot to look down on a child these days.

Twenty two Golden Tarot cards in the hands of Zhouyi become extremely spiritual, just like the God of gamblers in the hands of poker, flying up and down. All kinds of difficult movements are dazzling.

When Dragonfly ye and peach blossom are still immersed in the superb technique of Zhouyi, the other side suddenly stops and quickly spreads the tarot card on the table.


The twenty-two card is as like as two peas. And after the superb shuffle of Zhouyi, it's really hard to find the emperor's card.

Two people bet is life, a very crazy way to play. However, the atmosphere is not a bit depressing. It's all because the atmosphere was so good that dragonfly Ye doesn't feel nervous until now.

Looking at Chen Qingyun and Zhouyi, they seem to be playing ordinary desktop games.

Chen Qingyun is not in a hurry to turn over the cards. Instead, he looks at it for a while, and then reaches out his index finger to push the first card. Pause, then push the second one.

Third... Fourth... Fifth

It took Chen Qingyun nearly five minutes to push each card so small.

Zhou Yi's expression is calm, but his eyes show admiration. He has roughly guessed that Chen Qingyun wants to use the cracking method. It's very practical, but it's very bold. It's not something ordinary people can do.

The process of waiting for the result is the longest. Looking at Chen Qingyun's moving cards one by one, dragonfly Ye is so anxious that she can't help it. But I dare not disturb each other.

Peach blossom is very open to see, holding a pair of gills, arm support on the table, seriously watching the duel between the two.

Chen Qingyun lit a cigarette, gave a smile, stretched out two fingers and dragged a card to his face.

"I'll take this one!"

Zhou Yi smiles: "you win."

"It seems that your plan still has to be delayed. You already owe me two lives." Chen Qingyun took a puff of his cigarette, threw it away and got up to hold peach blossom's hand“ I have something else to do. I'll go first. "

"Do as you please. But remember, protect yourself and your family. Your life only belongs to me. I hope you will live a healthy life before I pay you back. " Zhou Yi said.

Today's all, can only be regarded as a positive intersection of the two. The reason why Chen Qingyun is not in a hurry to come here is that he guesses that Zhouyi has no intention of moving peach blossom and dragonfly. For nothing else, he saved his grandmother. He owes himself a life. How can he help Dragonfly ye once.

From another perspective, if the book of changes wanted to start, it would have done so long ago. Why should it have been so troublesome. The death of Li Anshan and the policeman is the best proof.

Chen Qingyun, a man who attaches great importance to family affection, is optimistic about Zhouyi even though he stands on the opposite side.

"You'll get what you want." Chen Qingyun laughed and said, "Oh, yes. Help me pack all the cakes and send them to my home


Chen Qingyun and his daughter walked in front, while Dragonfly Ye frowned and followed. What happened today is too weird. I not only saw a bad person who didn't look like a bad person, but also saw the power of the peach blossom devil. I really wonder how the child was educated.

Out of the playground, Chen Qingyun gives the peach blossom to the dragonfly.

"Mr. Ye, I have something else to do. Please send peach blossom to school."

Dragonfly leaves helpless way: "I am your nanny?" This guy has stood himself up twice in a row. He hasn't settled with him yet. Now he's making himself a coolie again. What a thick skin!

"I seem to have hit a purple ghost axe yesterday. You must like it very much, don't you? " Chen Qingyun threw out a condition that dragonfly could not refuse.

Ghost axe is a rare all class artifact in Fengmo continent. Dragonfly Ye has long wanted to get one. It's just that you can't get it because you can't get it.

When Chen Qingyun got it, his heart moved. If it's night, I'm afraid she jumped up, right?

But during the day, just a little change in eyes, just a faint response: "deal!"

Peach blossom and dragonfly leave. Zhouyi comes to Chen Qingyun and they stand side by side.

Chen Qingyun took out a cigarette, threw it to the other side and asked, "is your goal me or crystal?"

"You." Zhouyi didn't hide it either.


"Because your head is worth 100 million euros."

Chen Qingyun smiles. How can his life, which has been quiet for two years, suddenly become a pool of muddy water, so that one can know his identity?

"How do you know?"

"Jazz, knight and heaven kill, three masters come to Yanhuang at the same time, there must be a major task. I was curious, so I stared at them. Jazz failed. I didn't suspect you at that time. Then, knight and sky kill changed their plan halfway, which let me know your identity. Don't worry, no one will know about you except me. "


PS: next Monday, we'll push all week. Let's rush down the list with the strong push! Update in the early morning, online brother must help me vote! Who voted? Come to me and get Jinlian.

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