It's early in the morning. This is a very important week for this book. If you want to see the wife book can better growth, create some achievements, then your support is indispensable. No nonsense, all kinds of support, come on! I will use the update to repay you!

Congratulations: at the age of 5 and Mingfeng Ruyue, two children's shoes were successfully promoted to become disciples!

There is an accident in the world. Fate is always in God's hands. You have to endure how he wants to play with you. Since no one will know, Chen Qingyun is at ease. Once his identity is exposed, his life will not be stable. There are too many people in the world who want his head.

After separated from Zhouyi, Youfeng drove back to the city center with Chen Qingyun.

"Boss, this boy is very murderous. It seems that the information provided by Xing Tian is wrong! Do you want me to rush the brothers in the team? "

Chen Qingyun shook his head and said, "don't check again. I already know what I want to know. "

"Where are we going next?"

Chen Qingyun pondered for a while, but there was really no place to go. It's too early to drink now. Looking at the time, he said, "go to Yalong Shopping Plaza!"

Yalong shopping plaza is a popular shopping place in Zhonghai city. Every day the passenger flow here is very large, and today there is a full state.

As soon as I came to the street, I saw many young men and women holding all kinds of signs. The atmosphere was very warm.

"Sister in law is really popular!" The wind stops the car and comes to Chen Qingyun. Standing outside the crowd and looking at the dark head inside, he can't help feeling the strength of the stars.

Chen Qingyun took a look at the surging crowd, want to walk in so swaggeringly, it must be impossible.

He took out the phone and sent a short message to Zhai Lingwei.

After a while, crystal's Royal makeup artist did not know where to come out. Find two people, with them from a side door into, directly to the temporary construction of the stage backstage.

With two people came in, make-up artist to busy.

This afternoon's activity is crystal's new product promotion for a certain cosmetics. Two songs will be sung on the spot.

At the moment, crystal is singing the first song on the stage.

Fans under the stage hold their hands high and swing their arms with the tone of the crystal.

"Boss, I think you should offer flowers and kisses at this time, Doraemon!" Feng leaned against the pillar and touched his chin. He felt that he had come up with a good idea, with a proud smile on his face.

"It's very popular. However, it's easy for me to be dismembered by those guys off the stage. If you don't believe it, you can try it. " Chen Qingyun replied with a smile.

"I don't believe it, but I can't try it! However, someone is ready to test it for me. hey! Look, boss On the side of Fengfa, there is a young man holding a big bunch of roses and a gift box. It seems that he is ready to take action.

Chen Qingyun just didn't pay attention. Now he turned his head and looked along the fingers of the wind. He was happy. He turned out to be an old acquaintance.

Du Zhexing is very handsome today. He is accompanied by two bodyguards. He is very eye-catching in the crowd. In particular, a bunch of roses in his hand earned him enough attention.

Du Zhexing has always had an intention for crystal, which Chen Qingyun knows. I didn't expect that the other party had suffered continuously. Not only did he not lose heart, but he was even more courageous. He also planned to give flowers to the public. Who can't see what it means as long as they are discerning people?

Chen Qingyun thinks that since he is crystal's husband. No matter when and where you are, you should defend your territory. Even if it is violated, it should not be such goods!

From the backstage detour in front of the stage, get close to Du Zhexing.

"Du Shao, why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time!" Chen Qingyun cried out unexpectedly.

Du Zhexing's attention has always been on the crystal on the stage. A shout beside Leng Buding startles him and turns his head to see a face he doesn't want to see.

All kinds of unhappiness between the two people before, immediately appeared in front of us. I remember at the charity party, they broke their faces. Can this guy's memory be so bad that he forgot it in two days? Or later learned about their own strength, some regret their every move, deliberately courted to come?

It is said that to please the emperor, the first thing to please should be the eunuchs who are favored by the emperor, which is the so-called strategy of attracting red men. Although crystal is not the emperor, Du Zhexing can also see that Chen Qingyun is absolutely the favorite little eunuch beside crystal. Many times, crystal not only did not complain, but also maintained everywhere, which is enough to explain everything.

In addition, Du Zhiyuan, his father at home, made a special statement that he wanted to have a good relationship with Chen Qingyun.

In view of the above two points, although Du Zhexing wanted to slap Chen Qingyun's face as soon as he saw it, he had to be tolerant and magnanimous and forget all the gratitude and resentment. "It's assistant Chen! I didn't see you backstage just now. I thought you didn't come here. "

"I've just been on a private business, so I'm late. Don't tell crystal, or I'll be miserable. " Chen Qingyun suddenly nervous to Du Zhexing said, full of regret. The meaning is obvious. I just said it.

Du Zhexing sneered in his heart: hum, you have something for me to catch.

"Of course not. We are friends. How can we betray you? " Du Zhexing replied with a smile.

Chen Qingyun touched his head and said with a laugh, "ha ha, Du Shaoyun is really a good friend. I'll treat you to dinner another day. Eh... You are holding such a big bunch of roses, don't you want to go up and present flowers to express yourself? "

Du Zhexing shook his head with a smile: "where is confession, it's just flowers. Assistant Chen won't mind? "

Chen Qingyun patted Du Zhexing on the shoulder and said with a big laugh, "I'm just a little assistant. I can't manage what Du Shao said. If you want to offer flowers, just offer them. "


Du Zhexing was a little confused. It's really hard to understand how this guy's moral character is. However, since the other party is not prepared to interfere with their own flowers, it would be better.

In fact, before he came here today, he had already made preparations in this respect and specially brought two bodyguards. Not to protect him, but to deliver the flowers to the stage.

"Du Shao, in fact, I think it's a good opportunity to express myself now. In front of so many people, faced with the embarrassment of being rejected, the pressure of losing face and so on, you can also express your heart, which shows how great your love for her is. If I were a woman, I would be moved. "

Du Zhexing hesitated for a moment and asked uncertainly: "is this really the case? Will crystal not resent it

Now Du Zhexing is really confused. No matter what the purpose is, Chen Qingyun should not say this. Does the other party really regret provoking itself?

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