Admonish the faith, watch and win over the crowd! After. There will be fewer people sitting in the ionization dish, and the days are getting closer. However, the evening update continues. A little earlier. It's on time at six.

Wish you a happy new year in advance!

Lin ruonang did not expect that Chen Qingyun xiangdanzi was too big to imagine. 50 million! Actually cheated 50 million, if the police caught, estimated to be able to directly shoot it?

"Don't be ridiculous. Give the money back and apologize sincerely.

They will not pursue you. " Lin ruonang's expression became very serious.

Chen Qingyun chuckles in her heart. This girl is so weird. How can you believe that you are a liar and not that you can cure yourself? However, her mind is good.

"Well, it's too late. I just asked that we have made an agreement with them. If it's not cured, it's a violation of the agreement. If you want to pay it back, you have to pay double. Where can I get the rest of the money? "

"Double! A hundred million! " Lin Ruo Niang all collapsed. Fifty million is enough for her to accept. After a while, it will appreciate to 100 million“ This is terrible! What should I do! How dare you! Ah

"Lin ruonang thought about it again and again, and she felt it necessary to help Chen Qingyun.

"Well, don't talk. I'll take care of the rest. " Lin Ruo Niang orders Chen Qingyun and turns to Wang Yajuan.

"Hello, are you a family member of the patient?" Lin ruonang asked.

Wang Yajuan did not understand the nod, said: "yes."

"It's like this. Doctor Chen has just asked about the patient's condition and thinks that he may not be 100% sure now, so he decided to give up the treatment. Do you think he can give you the money back, and that's all? "

Wang Yajuan was just in the strange, since the doctor into the room, and Chen Qingyun on the side of muttering, do not know what to say? It looks strange and mysterious.

Just now Chen Qingyun has promised treatment. How can he change his mind so soon. Did their conversation make Chen Qingyun change his mind. But what did the doctor say to Chen Qingyun?

"Ah, doctor! No way! Only doctor Chen can cure my son. Is there not enough money? If not, just say it. It's no problem how much you want! " Naturally, Wang Yajuan couldn't give up easily. Du Zhiyuan, however, has personally told him that only Chen Qingyun can cure Du Zhexing.

Don't say 50 million, even if Chen Qingyun wants another 50 million, she will not hesitate to take it out.

Lin Ruo Niang is very speechless. Chen Qingyun actually gives the patient's parents some rice paste soup, and he trusts him so much. I've taken out 50 million yuan and agreed to increase the price. I really think that guy is a miracle doctor!

Lin Ruo Niang is very familiar with Du Zhexing's situation. It's basically been declared hopeless by doctors. We can only use drugs to maintain the condition of the body until the breath of life disappears.

"I think it's better to let it go! If the treatment is not good, the medical expenses are wasted. I think you'd better think about it. We're also thinking about it for your sake. " In order to let Wang Yajuan give up, Lin Ruo Niang used all the tricks, moved them with emotion and explained them with reason. I don't believe you don't give up.

But the fact is on the contrary, Wang Yajuan not only did not have a little grateful look, but some angry“ What's the matter with you doctor? We asked Dr. Chen. You're just a helping doctor. What's wrong with following blindly? You get out of the way. I won't tell you. "

Wang Yajuan pushes away Lin Ruo Niang and comes to Chen Qingyun, who is sitting by the bed watching a good play.

"Doctor Chen, you can't give up at this time! I'm begging you, just treat my son! It's a big deal. After treatment, I'll give you another 50 million. Do you think it's ok? "

Crazy, crazy!

Lin Ruo Niang really can't understand what the women of Du family think. Why don't you listen to your good advice? Do you really want to tell the truth? That would be too bad for Chen Qingyun. If the Du family gets angry, it will do no good to Chen Qingyun.

What should we do? Can't you just watch Chen Qingyun sink in?

"All right! I will try my best! Don't worry Chen Qingyun nodded with a smile and motioned to Wang Yajuan to sit aside without interference.

Wang Yajuan passed by Lin ruonang's side and hummed, "mind your own business!"

"Lao Li, ask the doctor out. We don't need her help. Let's get a new doctor in! " Wang Yajuan told Lao Li standing at the door.

Lin Ruo Niang is so angry!

These idiots deserve to be cheated! You don't want me to help. I'm not willing to help? But what about Chen Qingyun? If he goes out, he can't do anything if he goes on making such a fool of himself. Needle inflammation is not a problem. If you prick the wrong acupoint, you will be killed.

It's no use worrying. I'm going to be driven out. Lin Ruo Niang anxiously looked at Chen Qingyun. How could this guy be so calm? At this time, he still had a smile on his face.

"Wait, I've worked with her many times. If you are not used to other people, just use her!, Chen Fengyun also ignored Wang Yajuan's face. To scare Lin ruonang

Lin ruonang was surprised to find that Wang Yajuan didn't object. It's really unexpected. She can clearly feel Wang Yajuan's resentment towards herself. When Chen Qingyun said that, she pressed down her anger.

Now, Lin ruonang really wants to know how Chen Qiyun did it. The people of Du's family worshiped him as an immortal. They didn't dare to say a word of resistance. It's amazing!

He came to Chen Qingyun again, frowned and said in a low voice: "just now, why didn't you say anything. She asked you why she didn't refuse. Now, what do you do? "

"What? Of course, treatment! Otherwise how to cheat money! It's OK. I've learned a little bit about needling. I can't figure out where to tie him up. " Chen Qingyun said with a smile.

Lin Ruo Niang is very speechless, but she can't point to it. What if she is killed? Ah, do you owe him in your last life! Seeing that Chen Qingyun had picked up a silver needle, he came to the front and pressed Chen Qingyun's hand.

"Forget it, I'll do it! How to say, I've learned, and I'm better than you. Lin ruonang can't help but snatch Chen Qingyun's silver needle.

"Are you sure you want to give me an injection? If the needle is broken. It's all trouble. Chen Qingyun asked with a smile.

Lin Ruo Niang sighed and said helplessly: "I really don't know if I owe you in my last life. Can I watch you go to the dead end. How to say I have learned, can only fight, I hope God will be sentimentally attached to us once

"All right. Since you want treatment so much, I'll give you this opportunity. If he is cured, I'll treat you to a meal, Chen Qingyun said with a smile.

Now he really reexamined this seemingly weak, actually very autonomous woman, she has a warm-hearted. I helped her, but I never thought of getting something in return. I never thought that she would take such a big risk for herself. You know, if this thing is really like what Lin Ruo Niang imagined, you can imagine how difficult it is for her to do this.

Looking at Chen Qiyun's smiling face, Lin ruonang was very helpless. This guy is really small. He cheated the Du family's 50 million yuan and helped him so much that he had a meal to eat after it was finished. He shook his head with a smile and said with a bitter smile, "I hope we two have another chance to have this meal.".

Lin Ruo Niang finished, came to the bedside, ready to start.

Lin ruonang is willing to replace Chen Qingyun, but how can Wang Yajuan agree. This is to treat disease, how can children play, who all needle inflammation?

"Wait, what's going on? Doctor Chen, aren't you treating me? How did she become a healer?. Wang Yajuan stops Lin ruonang and asks Chen Qingyun who is standing beside her.

Chen Qingyun shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "her treatment is much better than mine. You know, she is my master! How many people can't ask her for money, but you still refuse

"Master?. Wang Yajuan did not believe it. If so, how come she had never heard of it before?

"If you don't believe it, I'll give you the money back." Chen Qingyun is not reluctant, will check out to Wang Yajuan in front.

Wang Yajuan immediately silly, Chen Qingyun if regardless, Du Zhexing how to do? Forget it, as long as you can treat Du Zhexing well, everyone will be the same.

In her heart, Wang Yajuan comforted herself and stood aside worried. She can wantonly let Chen Qingyun treatment, because Du Zhiyuan told in advance. But let Lin Ruo Niang, she can have no confidence at all. She would never believe that Lin Ruo Niang is Chen Qingyun's master.

But looking at Chen Qingyun's appearance, if Lin Ruo Niang is not allowed to burn, it seems that he has the intention of returning money and leaving.

Ah, why are doctors so weird now? My poor son, just put up with it and get a few injections as a mosquito. If the female doctor doesn't treat you well, Doctor Chen will do it. Wang Yajuan prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the girl would do it gently.

Lin ruonang naturally saw Wang Yajuan's worry and sighed sadly in her heart. No wonder there are so many people who are cheated now. It's too stupid, too stupid!

I know that I'm a fake. In order not to make that liar angry, I can bear it. It's so admirable.

Chen Qingyun came to Lin ruonang's side and asked, "where are you going to put the needle?"

"Baihui acupoint.

This is the most sensitive acupoint in human body. It is hoped that Baihui acupoint can be stimulated to activate the nerves in the brain. Lin Ruo Niang didn't have much confidence in what she said.

If Du Zhexing can be treated so easily, where can they still stand in front of the hospital bed.

Chen Qingyun nodded. It seems that Lin Ruo Niang is not a girl who is impulsive when her head is hot. She really knows something about medicine. Because Du Zhexing had been given acupuncture once in advance, there was no special treatment this time, just a needle on Baihui Point.

However, if this needle is pierced by Lin Ruo Niang, it will not work..

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