"I've heard of it, too. It seems to be this treatment. I wanted to do that just now. " Chen Qingyun said.

Lin Ruo Niang almost fell down with a somersault. I've heard of it, and you dare to treat it. I have to admire this guy's courage. He really wants money but not life.

"Well, don't disturb me. If I get distracted for a while, it's bad. " Lin wanniang turned around, took a long breath, and was ready to put the needle.

"Wait!" Chen Qingyun grabs Lin ruonang's wrist“ I think there's something wrong with it. "

Lin Ruo Niang was startled and discontented: "can you have something to say together. It's too late to know now. I didn't make it clear to others just now. Now I think it's too late. You told me to stop. It's too late. "

Chen Qingyun said helplessly: "what I said is not right. It's not that. How can I say it's my fault. How can you take risks on your own, so I decided to treat with you. Let's put the needle together. If something goes wrong, I'll accompany you! I can't watch you fall into the mire

Lin ruonang's mouth trembled, as if I was saving you from the mire, right? However, this guy finally said a heartwarming word. It's not in vain to help him.

"Well, don't be ridiculous. Stand aside. "

"No, I can't change what I decide. Come on! Don't delay. I have a lot of business to do

Today, I have to help Dragonfly Ye solve Zhang mubai's problem. If I delay, something serious will happen.

Holding Lin ruonang's cold little hand because of tension, he put it on Du Zhexing's Baihui acupoint.

"Are you ready?" Chen Qingyun asks Lin ruonang.

Lin Ruo Niang nodded helplessly, this guy is afraid that things are not big enough, acupuncture has been made by him. At this point, it is useless to resist. We can only follow his will. In any case, success or failure is just this shot.

Here two people played double acupuncture, but Wang Yajuan was sweating! Is this for acupuncture or for sex! My poor son!

Lin ruonang looked at Chen Qingyun's serious face and sighed. What's the use of pretending to be serious at this time! I feel the temperature from my hand, and I feel quite calm.

It's the first time I've been so close to a man. It's almost in each other's arms. Small hand is also held by the other side, this feeling is very strange, but there is no aversion.

Well, it seems that I have to find a boyfriend!

All of a sudden, Lin Ruo Niang felt a stream of heat flowing through her hand. After flowing through her fingertips, she reached the palm of her hand again. It's strange that this air stream seems to have life, flowing regularly in the palm of the hand.

What's going on? Is he sick, how can this happen.

"All right!" Chen Qingyun said with a smile.

Lin Ruo Niang this just slow over God, found that just in the hand of that silver needle has stabbed Du Zhexing's Baihui acupoint.

"Ah Lin Ruo Niang called softly. How could she be so careless? She was distracted when she was acupuncture. Seeing that the silver needle had been punctured on Baihui acupoint accurately, he said in his heart: fluke, fluke!

Finger out of the silver needle, found that just the kind of air flow disappeared, the hand has returned to normal, now nothing.

Lin Ruo Niang gives Chen Qingyun a white look, but she goes down without her own consent. What if she accidentally goes wrong!

Chen Qingyun smiles, goes forward, pulls out the silver needle and throws it aside.

"Done, let's go!"

Lin Ruo Niang is speechless. She is really a fool of the Du family! Just stick in a needle like this and leave with 50 million?

Wang Yajuan came forward and asked eagerly, "Doctor Chen, what's the situation? Can you just prick it like this? Is it a little simpler? "

Just prick it like this, isn't it a joke. Those old experts are this instrument, that instrument, looking left and right, and they don't see anything in the end. Chen Qingyun just gave him a shot at random and got it done. This gap is too big, too hard to believe, right?

"Isn't it better to be simple? Do I have to cut your son to pieces with a knife? If you really want to, all right! I'll satisfy you. Go and get a knife. "

The people of Du family are not angry. Chen Qingyun is angry first. It seems that he really wants to break Du's heart.

Lin Ruo Niang really admired Chen Qingyun. The fake doctor really had the courage to drink five or six to Du Jiahu at this time.

"Don't... don't... don't be angry, Dr. Chen. I said it at random. Just ask, "when will my son get better?" Wang Yajuan is not only not angry, but also a force to compensate with a smile.

This makes Lin ruonang depressed! Are the people of the Du family cheap? The harder Chen Qingyun treats them, the more happy they seem to be.

"I should wake up right away." Chen Qingyun observed Du Zhexing's situation and said.

Just talking, Du Zhexing really slowly opened his eyes and hummed: "Mom!"

Du Zhexing a light call, immediately let Wang Yajuan stay.

"Xiaoxing! You wake up at last. You scared your mother to death! " Wang Yajuan rushes to Du Zhexing's bed and embraces Du Zhexing with confused eyes.

Don't mention Wang Yajuan. Now Lin Ruo Niang is dead. What's the situation? Du Zhexing really wakes up. The problem that the expert group of dozens of people didn't solve was solved by her confused injection.

"Great, great! We cured him. " Lin Ruo Niang was stunned for a little while. After the meeting, she took Chen Qingyun's hand and jumped twice like a little girl, shouting twice.

"Master, you're really good! A needle goes down, a good hand comes back ū N. Admire, admire Chen Qingyun said with a smile. I didn't expect that this event would make Lin Ruo Niang happy like this.

However, things did not end because of this. There was something wrong with Du Zhexing.

Du Zhexing's confused eyes didn't seem to change all the time. He was hugged by Wang Yajuan for a long time before he became clear. Show a coquettish expression, toot up the mouth, coquettish way: "Mom, I'm hungry!"

Although I think Du Zhexing is a little strange, I can't feel where it is. Maybe it was because she had been in a coma for too long. Wang Yajuan didn't think much about it. She asked with a smile, "Xiao Xing, what do you want to eat? I'll let Lao Li buy it."

"I want to eat n ǎ in ǎ i!”


"I want to eat n ǎ in ǎ "I'm sorry!" Du Zhexing saw that Wang Yajuan didn't have any reaction, so he was unwilling immediately. Hands can not help beating the edge of the bed, the foot is also in the bed of a strong random pedal, live off the appearance of a child play splash.

Terrified, Wang Yajuan immediately asked Chen Qingyun, "Doctor Chen, what's going on? How can Xiaoxing become like this? "

"This may be because the brain nerves have been resting for a long time and there is no reason for relaxation. It will take a while for him to get used to it. I'll get better in the future. Don't worry about that. " Chen Qingyun explained.

"How long will that take?" Wang Yajuan asked eagerly. It's amazing. If my son becomes like this, how can I let him live! Now she and his father, if one day they left, then Du Zhexing would not starve to death in the street!

Chen Qingyun sighed: "I'm afraid I can't give you an accurate answer. The patient is in the best condition I've ever seen. After R ì, it depends on the role of your family. When you have nothing to do, you should often chat with him and talk about the things he forgot, which can help him grow up quickly. I have already talked with President Du about this. This may happen. You can talk to him on the phone! "

Wang Yajuan immediately dialed Du Zhiyuan's phone, after a few simple words, her face showed a smile.

But Lin Ruo Niang was scared in a cold sweat. She would never dream of such a time. Just now, he was still immersed in Du Zhexing's sober joy. But after waking up, it turned into a low IQ, and then fell into the ice hole.

She knows the art of medicine, and there is no such thing as Chen Qingyun said. I'm afraid that Du Zhexing will not return to normal all his life.

What can we do? Now we are willing to confess and strive for leniency. Or wrong, with Chen Qingyun continue to cheat Wang Yajuan, at least not yet. But what about R ì? Do you want to live in seclusion in a city nobody knows before the Du family finds out?

Ah, what can we do!

After receiving the call, Wang Yajuan came to the hospital and believed Chen Qingyun's words more deeply. She quickly said, "thank you, Doctor Chen. Thank you, Dr. Chen. On behalf of the whole family, I would like to express my gratitude to you. I will take a big gift to your house to thank you. "

Chen Qingyun waved his hand and said, "forget it, I've got my due reward. I just said that it's the responsibility of doctors to save lives and heal the wounded. Don't thank me. However, my master has come out. How can I say that? "

"Dr. Chen is right. Another day I'll give you a big thank you. " Wang Yajuan said quickly.

At this time, Lin Ruo Niang dared to ask for a thank-you gift. If the other party didn't investigate the responsibility, she would thank God and quickly said, "no, No. When your son is well, that's all. We're still busy, so we'll go first. Stay with him more

Lin ruonang can't help but pull Chen Qingyun out of the ward.

Chen Qingyun has been pulled to the main entrance of the hospital, which stopped.

"You said you were so brave? If I didn't happen to know acupuncture this time, how much trouble would you have caused. I can help you once. I can't help you every time. Don't do that in the future. Now that you have 50 million, live a good life in the future! " She didn't understand how Chen Qingyun's life was so good that she could be fooled by everything she said in advance. Since this is the case, after R ì, there is no need to worry about the investigation of medical malpractice by the Du family.

Chen Qingyun nodded with a smile and said, "it must be thanks to you this time. So the last time I saved you, I didn't owe you anything. "

"Even, can it be the same? I just helped you once yesterday and again today. Now you owe me. Now you have to treat me to dinner. I think it's noon today! You cheated 50 million, how to say to also have to put bloodletting Lin Ruo Niang put down her heart and joked.

Chen Qingyun took out the three huge checks and flicked them with his fingers, making a series of clear sounds“ Brother is rich now. Please have a meal and sprinkle water on it

"That's about the same. What would you treat me to?" Lin ruonang asked with a smile.

"You can eat anything! It's just that the hotel can't find such a large check! Or next time! " Chen Qingyun some embarrassed said.

Lin Ruo Niang almost fell over. What is it? Go to a hotel and get tens of millions of cash checks. You can't find a hotel. Besides, hotels have to accept cash checks!

This guy doesn't plan to invite himself to dinner at all!

"No, I have to eat this meal today. We'll eat for a check. " Lin Ruo Niang got angry with Chen Qingyun this time. This guy is too stingy. He has to be heartbroken once to say anything.

"But I can't eat so much money! Even if we invite the whole hospital to eat for a month, we can't eat a check. What should we do? " Chen Qingyun wants to see what Lin Ruo Niang does this time.

"Take the rest as a tip. You are such a man of status, you should not care about this little money, do you Lin Ruo Niang takes a white look at Chen Qingyun and sees a woman coming from the gate of the hospital.

Blue s è's hair, a hole in the clothes, how to look like a blue s è witch!

No, why does this man look so familiar?

Chen Qingyun also saw a non mainstream woman at the door.

Dragonfly Ye has a lot of experience today because of her dress up yesterday. Green s è yesterday, blue s è today. Not to mention, it's delicious.

I remember that I had already talked to her on the phone in the morning and said that things here were settled, and then I would go to her. Why did she come to the hospital? Was there an accident?

Dragonfly Ye rushed to Chen Qingyun's side and gasped: "the situation is not good! There was an accident. Come with me

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Chen Qingyun patted the dragonfly on the back twice to let the other side's Qi flow smoothly, and then said, "is it related to Zhang mubai?"

Before waiting for Dragonfly ye to reply, Lin Ruo Niang interrupts their conversation.

"Excuse me, ladies. Miss, do we know each other! Why do you look so familiar to me? " Lin Ruo Niang looks at the strange dress of dragonfly Ye. It seems that she has seen it somewhere. But I don't know such a girl!

Just now, dragonfly Ye didn't pay attention. When she was sent to the hospital yesterday, she had to pretend to be ill, so she kept her eyes closed. I didn't see Lin ruonang at all. Now I noticed, but I was surprised. If parents recognize themselves, how can parents trust their children to themselves in the future!

In a hurry, he scratched his hair with his hand and let blue s è's hair cover half of his face.

"Miss, you are mistaken. We don't know each other. "

The more Lin Ruo Niang looked at it, the more familiar she felt about the dragonfly, but she just couldn't remember. This woman is the one Chen Qingyun sent to the hospital yesterday! I didn't expect to change my head so soon. What's her name? By the way, it's Dragonfly leaf!

Dragonflies! Ah, Lin Ruo Niang had an epiphany. Yesterday, I felt strange. The name of dragonfly Ye is strange enough. How can it have a duplicate name.

Now look carefully, surprised repeatedly: "I say you look so familiar, you are really teacher Ye!"

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