Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Lesson Four: [Golden Palace] First Day

By the power of the Goddess, she was flown into the [Golden Palace].

The first tier of the [Golden Palace] is a vast forest.

And there was a golden temple in the middle of the forest.

Reading the flow of [Qi], it seems that the path leading to the next hierarchy is inside that golden temple.

Dungeons with this configuration are stronger demons in the temple than forests, and furthermore, at the deepest end of the temple are powerful demons.

"Both of you, pull yourself together. It's easy to fight in the woods, but it's the intensity of this temper. At least there's a Rank 3 demon."

"I won't be alarmed. From now on, I'm on alert with my fox ears stretched out with pins."

As the words say, she pins her pretty fox ears and explores what's going on around her.

Excellent hearing characteristic of foxes and Kuna's ability to detect signs using wild surveys is more than mine.

It's hard to think about being unintentionally struck unless Kuna is alarmed.

"I'll keep my mind on that, too. So that you can kill demons at any time."

Anne grips the pattern of the sword strongly.

Their bodies began to change.

Kuna takes in the Spirit and Mana of Fire [Spiritualization] and Anne does [Second Phase Liberation] to strengthen herself by releasing the power of Kvar Beste.

For both of us, these are the previous stages of the trump card.

It is a convenient force that increases combat power with little drain.

That's why it can be activated all the time like this.

In my case, the number of bills varies.

Similar to Kuna, [spiritualization], [crest exterior] is enhanced by wrapping around [qi], using Kuna's perverted magic to become a pseudo-nine-tailed fire fox [Silver Firefox].

However, these wear out.

[Spiritualization] consumes a lot of magic because it is not as compatible with fire spirits and mana as Coona, and [crest exterior] wrapped around [Qi] sharpens the protection significantly.

[Silver Firefox] needs the spoiled magic of Kuna, which is stocked in the body, and is not available.

Combining these makes me envious when I look at two people who can boost their power at no cost, because what situation can they be in, and they can boost their power explosively, but they can't always be activated like the two of them.

Yeah, I forgot what's important.

"Kuna, are there any enemies around?

"Yes, I don't see it at all"

"Good, then."

Hold Kuna over and kiss an adult tangling his tongue.

When the kiss is over, Kuna exhales sweetly.

"No, all of a sudden, what are you doing!

"I remembered that Kuna's stock of perverted magic was gone. Without that, neither [Silver Firefox] nor [Ethereal Silver Firefox] can be used."

The amount of degenerative magic required to fox the pseudo-nine-tailed fire was low.

If I don't stock it this way, I'll be in trouble.

"Ugh, I can't complain because my muscles are coming through properly."

"Sauge, the power I'm getting from Kvar Beste, can't I absorb it with a kiss? It's just a bunch of kuna."

"Anne, why are you hanging out with me about that! It's not good at all!

Kuna turns a bright red face and clings to Anne, who says something absurd with her true face.

"That's just impossible. Only the bearer can wield the power of Kvar Beste."

"That's a shame. Sauge, I've been meaning to ask you about Kvar Beste's [Phase III Liberation]. You know how to do that, don't you? The battle ahead, you might need it. I have heard many times that there is a risk, and I do not intend to use it. But for the sake of what if, I want to be able to free you."

Anne stares at me like she's serious.

"…… I don't know."

"You're lying. Anyway, I'm starting to see through Sauge's lies, too. I know it's dangerous. But Kuna and Sauge are using their risky powers. I don't like foot clumps."

The power of Kvar Beste.

In the [First Phase Liberation], by wrapping the power of bulimia eating everything on the blade, the magic, protection, chi, junction, etc. are cut off and chopped.

In [Phase II Liberation], Kvar Beste undergoes an overwhelming reinforcement by receiving the power he has been rampantly engulfing.

Not so far.

However, [Phase III Liberation] must not be the only one with hands.

"I think we've talked about this before, but the third stage is not a risky force, a power that will surely ruin. Kvar Beste is the fiercest and worst demon king sealed in the shape of a sword. The [bulimia] of [Phase 1 Liberation] is only a by-product of the demon king eating outside power to break the seal... and Phase 3 is to give the body of the bearer to the demon king to manifest itself as the demon king. Don't wield the power of the Demon King. Be the Demon King himself."

"……… What happens to the sorcerer when he becomes the Demon King?

"I can't help it. My mind and body are eaten up. The worst part is that [Phase III Liberation] can be used whenever you want to. You just have to entrust all of that to the Demon King. If the Devil King's vessel was small, he would just fly off and throw away his power for nothing, so he wouldn't tempt me now, but if he were rank 4, he would at least be regarded as the vessel that the Devil King could manifest and call out from the other side. And then you can follow that voice."

I know what happens to those who lose temptation and give their bodies back to the Demon King.

More importantly, I'm experiencing it.

"Very well."

"Look, never use that power. Don't ride even if the Demon King has tempted you. There's no point in using that power to win, if Anne disappears."

Anne snorted.

Kuna, too, pushed me to never use it, and I pushed again to make sure I was a vanishing force, not a risky force.

To put it this far, you wouldn't do anything unscrupulous.

But the Demon King is cunning.

For example, when all three of us face a death crisis, the Demon King brings us a contract.

"If you let me go, I will save this place. Now, give me that soul and body to save your people. '

Given Anne's character, she threatens to ride the invitation at self-sacrifice.

All I can do is not create a situation like that.

If we didn't make a pinch of absolute fate, we wouldn't be on the invitation of Kvar Beste.

As I proceeded through the woods for the golden temple, Kuna's fox ears moved tingly.

"Sauji, Anne, I'm coming from up there!

When we looked up, we were covered in green hair and had a monkey with no hair but our head.

Rank 3 demon, Goblin Monkey.

It's a goblin that's got the characteristics of a monkey.

Its greatest features are overwhelming manoeuvrability and attacks in flocks.

There is a tremendous grip and arm power in the long hand, flying from branch to branch with the force of the arm.

It's so fast that you're kidding, and the movement is 3D and doesn't narrow you down.

... was tormented by monkey demons before. Highly intelligent demons are troublesome.

"Anne, Kuna, they're coming. Shut up!"


When moved in a herd, it becomes more difficult to deal with a few steps than it is to deal with the whole thing.

I'm already surrounded by about seven bodies.

Hanging with one hand, they magically create a large iron sphere and throw it with a long arm.

Its speed lightly exceeds the speed of sound.

If you want to take an iron ball that exceeds the speed of sound, you can smash your wrist.

The muscle strength itself is different from the monkeys that once fought, and throwing them is iron, increasing their power by a few steps.

First of all, we have to outrun the rain on this iron ball.

Synchronize the spirit and consciousness of the wind to see all directions.

Then read through the orbit from the incidence angle and velocity and tilt the body slightly.

Looking sideways at Kuna and Anne, she's responding properly. There is no need to cover this.

A few moments later, the ground explodes with an iron ball landing that exceeds the sound speed.

When I saw them, I grabbed a new ball of iron.

Unlike last time, I'm not throwing stones on the trees beforehand, so I can attack from any tree and the attack is hard to predict. Besides, it's just magic that produces iron bullets, so it consumes less magic and you can't expect to run out of bullets.

It's a pain in the ass to make.

"Kuna, Anne, you can protect yourself."

"Of course."

"Stupid question. We're getting stronger too."

At the end of their special training, they were both distracted if their swords were within reach, so that they could feel what they were going to break into.

The speed exceeds the speed of sound, but with the power of the two, evasion is possible even after entering the sword zone.

"Okay. Then I'll focus on the offense. Break through this siege net."

If Anne and Kuna can defend themselves, I can move freely.

Then there is one thing to do. Reduce the number of enemies and prevent team play.

They are used to acting in the herd, creating efficient enclosures and throwing iron balls simultaneously so as to avoid them and make them hard.

That is why action and placement are easy to read. Poke there.

Set up the mechanical demon spear Vajra to prepare for the assault.

Once again, they threw iron balls all at once.

Shortly after I threw it, I was synchronizing the spirit and consciousness of the wind, and I read through the orbit of the iron sphere and sprayed the thrusters with all my might.

The reaction is dull and the output inferior. Rapid artifacts turned into crushed outer shells and made in time. Poor performance because it was made without materials and equipment.

But enough to take these guys down.

Pierce Monkey Goblin at an overwhelming rate as he rips through the iron sphere.

Because of its weight and velocity, the pierced Monkey Goblin begins flying with a split upper and lower body.

Good, the Rigiri Demon Stone is not shattered.

"" "Kikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" ""

My buddy gets hit, screams and tries to escape.

Quick decision to withdraw. Perhaps there is a rule that if anyone gets hit alone, they immediately scatter and retreat.

It's a monster.

But Kuna and Anne aren't sweet enough to miss that gap.

Coona was fleshy on the whole high flying Monkey Goblin thing.

Catch up with Monkey Goblin moving in 3D and restraint and smash his head with a kick with that speed by turning his hands back and unleashing flaming magic, as I jump with a thruster spray.

Kuna's shoes are new when she returns to Elsier.

It had excellent functionality, was durable and was manufactured by iron plates.

If you release a kick with a nail tip with an iron plate planted with all that acceleration, you turn it into a vicious weapon.

With the defeat of the second companion, Monkey Goblin's mess gets even bigger.

When another individual tries to fly from tree to tree in an attempt to escape, the mind falls on the flying tip and falls as-is.

Then there was Anne before she fell. When he pulled the knife, Monkey Goblin was severed.

Anne broke both ways, not chasing after the murmur, but identifying the tree that was going to fly away.

Interesting way to knock it down.

"You can't lose. I'll take down the next one, too."

Demons fighting in the herd have lost control.

At that point, the threat dropped at once.

I would be able to defeat it without any problem.

Five minutes later, he defeated all Monkey Goblins to recover the Demon Stone.

I'm surprised to see that demon stone, saying it's a rank 3 demon stone, but the power to live there is beyond rank 4 stuff.

Most importantly, there is no confusion with the Demon Stone. Even if it is not purified, all its power resides in the body.

... I just said the goddess is a bonus stage. More than I ever imagined.

There is no other such delicious hunting ground.

"After all, Rank 3 demons are scary. A chunk of iron flew in, and I thought it would reduce my life expectancy."

"All of a sudden, you've lost your nerves. I couldn't take it, and I just avoided it."

This fight came to a smooth end, but it wasn't an easy win.

One wrong step, someone was badly injured.

Rank 3 demon is the opponent. It can't be easy.

"Indeed, it was a painful battle. That's why we can be strong. Look at this big, cloudless demon stone. This can be used without [purification]. You can use more and more magic stones every day."

The magic required to [purify] the Demon Stone is proportional to the strength of the Demon Stone.

With so many magic stones, [purifying] it was the limit of a few a day, one of my concerns, and if I use magic to the limit, I can't recover my magic after sleeping overnight.

This is why [purification] is not usually available within the dungeon, and enhancement with demonic stones is after going outside, but this time there is no limit to it.

[Purification] I appreciate that you can use it all you want without needing it.

"I look forward to it! If you earn it, you can just earn it and be strong that day!

Kuna was motivated to make a fist grip all the time.

"Shall we go next? I have to make sure I get dinner tonight. Food was minimized in order to bring many of the potions. If you don't defeat a good demon, it will be an unsavory preserved food. I don't mind if I take down Monkey Goblin now."

"I can't goblin! Good luck finding your next demon! With these proud fox ears."

"Kuna, good luck finding your next demon. I don't like preserved food or goblins."

Most demons are now eatable Kuna and Anne, but they are quite resistant to things close to people.

It's hard to get through a week without delicious rice.

There are many demons to eat, I want to secure food while I'm in the woods.

"Oh, I found it. This way. Dinner is over there tonight!

Anne and I are going after Kuna.

The week's special training, apparently, is going well.

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