Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode Five: Demonstrating the Leadership of Erotic Gitney

I've been hunting again and again. The sun is falling.

I managed to get to the front of the temple.

I decide to go into that temple tomorrow and start preparing for the camp.

I don't have any prior knowledge of the dungeon this time, so I'll keep the boundaries as tight as possible and the incense that avoids demons cooked strong as well.

"You're a big fisherman today."

"Yeah, the demon was a mess."

"There are no other adventurers here at all. I didn't think I'd be able to take down too many demons to secure room for demon stones."

Our backpack is tightly packed with demon stones.

So I have no choice but to use some demonic stone every time I take a break.

The Demon Stone can be strong, and if you remove your temper, there's no harm in it, but whatever, you learn something close to sexual excitement, and that's how you feel, and if you suck, you lose your hips.

In particular, Kuna is vulnerable to demonic stone pleasure. Giving him such a big demon stone could render him incapable of combat.

So with great care, I consumed only the least necessary demonic stones.

"You look forward to the evening. Thinking about tomorrow, we have to empty it all."

"Ugh, is it so big, so many? It's broken."

Kuna blushes and rubs her toes together again.

I didn't want to push him down.

"Kuna, is it because of your mind that no matter what you hear from anywhere, it only sounds eclectic?

Keep the gavel in your mind if it's not your fault.

"You don't have a choice! It makes me feel better! It's rice more than that! I moved a lot and I'm hungry. It's been a long time since I've had chicken."

By the way, dinner this evening is the meat of a Shika demon, a demon named Sapphire Dear.

I'm bringing the best back leg in Sika.

The blood had already been [purified] into drinking water.

"Okay, I'll make it right away. It's your first day, so let's cook something that'll cheer you up."

For today, I will take out the mixed spices that I have created at best with trial and error.

I bought spices in various cities and finally had a satisfactory formulation.

That mixed spice is curry powder, to put it more plainly.

Curry powder is excellent. Anything will eliminate the odor and make it taste good. With all this, you can eat anything you want with food.

Furthermore, it is good for health due to the spice effect.

Only omnipotent, nutritional, potency and flavour restrained it and it was slower to complete.

While sprinkling the mixed spices with water and dissolving them in a pan, cut the chica meat like a steak, rinse the mixed spices in here and then cook them in a frying pan.

Curry-specific, appetizing aromas surround you.

"It smells so good. But this smell doesn't work. I'm extra hungry. This is the kind of life you kill."

"There are a lot of strange things about sausage dishes, but today is the day. I've never smelled like this before. But it does look delicious. Who's coming out?"

"Jiuru, I'm looking forward to it."

Neither of us seem to know Curry.

Changes began to occur in the pan. The spices melt and I can have brown soup.

It is not Japanese style, it is Indian style, so I will not take stock and it will be completed in a short time. Here's powdered milk and the chicken fat that came out when I baked the steak, seasoning to taste and it's done.

Cut the roasted chica steak like a bite steak and put it in the pan. Don't forget to put all the gravy in the pan either.

The rest simmer and tame for a while.

Even for a short time, the steak is rubbing mixed spices before baking, so the curry and meat get along well.

"Done. My favorite. It's a food called curry.

dishes and pass the dried bread to Kuna and Anne.

"We can finally eat! I already smelled too good to be patient! It doesn't look like a very delicious shade, but it smells so good that it's delicious."

As Kuna says, brown soup doesn't look very good.

Even more so from two people who don't know Curry.

However, the scent easily overshadows the appearance of the handles.

"Sauge, how do you eat this?

"It would be good to have plenty of juice in your dry bread."

Just say it with your mouth, so demonstrate it.

When you hit the bread that contains plenty of juice, the flavors of various spices explode in your mouth.

Thanks to the addition of powdered milk and chicken fat, the flavour is enhanced and the flavour is mellowed.

After eating the bread, spoon the steak of the sika meat, cut into large bites, into your mouth.

I only simmer for a short time, so if I chew, the gravy spills. It's great to have spices and meat mixed in your mouth.

I think I can eat as much as I want.

"I'll eat, too. Ha, hey, hi! I don't know anything about it."

"Yeah, it's delicious. It's my first experience. This soup is delicious, but so is the steak of chica meat"

Kuna and Anne seem to like it too, they eat more and more.

"Sage, it's your turn! And extra bread."

"Can I have one, too?

"Curry is better, but no bread. I only brought it for a week. You can eat a lot of meat that can be sourced locally, but you have to save on staples."

"Ugh, too bad it's the best way to eat bread. But meat and soup alone are delicious enough to replace it!

"I'll do the same."

I seem to like the curry with a great deal for both of us.

Since spices are less used in a single dish and are not sticky, there is room for them.

Water and meat are available in large quantities.

But the only thing I really have to do is take care of what I bring in bread.

This kind of thing always bothers me when I stay longer.

The staple foods are important. Become direct energy. I can't just eat a lot on the first day and then put up with the meat alone.

"Welcome! Sauji, I liked this dish. Make it again tomorrow."

"That's good, but don't you get tired of going on for two days?

"You can do this every day!

I'm giggling.

I can't believe I curry every day. It's like a child.

"Is that okay with Anne, too?

"Yeah, not only is it spicy, but it tastes complicated and boring. It gets really hard every day, but I think I'd like to have it tomorrow."

"Okay, we'll make it tomorrow. But it's a different way to have fun today."

I also have a small amount of rice.

Now when you make a curry risotto, it has a different appeal than bread.

You'll be happy tomorrow.

Set up a tent, wipe your body with hot water, then finish dressing in an easy outfit, and it will be Demon Stone Time.

If you don't finish off the mountainous demon stone in your backpack by the end of the day, you'll be in trouble tomorrow.

Again, I think it is good that it has been [purified]. If I wanted to [purify] this number of demonic stones of this size, it would only take a week.

"Ugh, I'm nervous. I can't believe it's this big, this big."

"You just heard that line, didn't you?

While I was nervous, there was anticipation and excitement in Kuna's face.

Still full of porn.

I love Kuna like that. All the boundaries are crawling around, and safety is secured.

As it is with Kuna, who was exasperated with demonic stones, I make the decision in my heart to love each other. When I was thinking about it, Anne looked at my face and sighed.

"... Kuna wasn't the only one who got laid. How could they both be so on their faces?

"It's not eclectic!

"Out of heart."

Me and Kuna protest Anne together.

It's a terrible argument.

"Anyway, I give you two demon stones. Prioritize getting the two of you to rank 4 first. In that case, there will be many more things you can do."

Already in rank 4, I don't use Demon Stones and only the two Demon Stones I earn today.

"Hey, come on. Sage."

"I'm ready."

Two people in sleeping clothes look up at me.

To those two, with their right and left hands, simultaneously press the demon stone against their foreheads.

"Ahem, that's coming in. Wow, so hot"

"Ew, that's an amazing demon stone. Run around in your body."

The two of us breathe roughly.

Kuna's spine stretched pins and cramped.

Anne also brings back the inner.

"…… we both have one and twenty more. Not yet."

(d) When I hear ten, their expressions harden.

But I kept ghosting my heart and giving away demon stones.

"Oh, my God, I'm so frightened."

Anne was holding on to Kuna with a bright red face as the curdle completely stopped turning.

We both have messy clothes and eye poison.

"Don't run, Kuna. I put up with you, too, so hang in there."


Kuna tries to escape, but her back is crushed and she is not able to resist.

Guilty, but I shove a demon stone at such a kuna.

There are two left.


Bikun Bikun and Kuna make her spine wiggle.

How far is Kuna from being an erotic guinea pig?

Giving another of the stops to Kuna, who had a nagging eye, he glanced at his spine as much as he could and cramped his whole body.

and the fox tail swept up to its limit, trembling as it stretched toward heaven.

This is what happens when the kuna is at its peak.

"Well done. That's it."

Hmm, does this go on every day? Oh, my God... it's tough.

We were going to love each other with the exasperated Kuna, but we wouldn't be able to do just that when things got this far.

Today I decided to go to bed with a lot of people, and when I reached into my bag to get dressed, I suddenly got a shock from my back.

"Sauji, my body is hot, hot, I can't help it, calm down"

With the eyes of a carnivore completely, Kuna was pushing me down.

And stare at my lower abdomen.

... I think I always took the lead.

Sometimes it might be a good idea to be pushed down. Rather exciting.

"Sauge, I can't stop you anymore. I was eaten by adults."

"I'm eating!

Kuna attacked me boldly, and I was ruined.

Well, I haven't been willing to resist.

In the end, he was only ravaged by Kuna that day, where Kuna was satisfied, he made a turnaround offense and tried to bully him until he cried.

Anne also cooperated at that time and enjoyed it immensely.

After it was all over, when you made fun of me for pushing me down, it was also adorable that I turned my face bright red and stuffy.

After all, Kuna better be attacked than attacked.

Good refreshment.

Let's try again tomorrow.

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