You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Talent." Wang Feng said.

Bibi Dong glared at Wang Feng, with a thrilling blush on his cheeks.

After harvesting the plum, Bibi Dong lay down slightly, relying on Wang Feng's arms.Quietly enjoying this tenderness.

"The former word secret, and the other word secret... You haven't told you those little beauties?" Bibi Dong asked suddenly.

"Not yet." Wang Feng nodded, "When they become gods, you..."

"Do you want me to tell them?" Bibi Dong looked at him with a faint smile, "Why, worry about some of your little beauties? Do you want me to watch it in secret?"

Wang Feng coughed a few times, don't be so blunt.

"Don't worry." Bibi Dong said lightly, "I won't let your little beauties have an accident. You can seal it with ease in a few days."

Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong Jiao's body shook, and her tone became a little bit more embarrassing, "Why haven't you finished?"

"I've said it, talent." Wang Feng whispered in Bibi Dong's ear, "Dong'er, go and put on your papal uniform."

Bibi Dong was taken aback, and it took a few seconds before he could react.

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to kick the bastard out of bed.


But when I heard the phrase "Dong Er", Bibi Dong felt sweet and numb in his heart.

A ghostly messenger, Bibi Dong wore the papal costume that once symbolized the supremacy of Wuhun Hall...


A few days later, the Star Dou Great Forest.

Wang Feng came here with a refreshing look.

At the same time there are five great kings.

This will be his sealed place.

Why choose this place, because according to the prediction of the five kings.

The seal could not completely suppress the life energy that was surging from Wang Feng's body all the time.

Over time.Every time in the world, there will always be some spills.

Although these spilled life energy is very rare and very weak, under the influence of the world, it will represent a lot of changes to the mainland.

According to the Five Great God Kings, the life energy spilled from Wang Feng's body, although very weak, was like the residue in the residue.But it is extremely likely to change the Douluo world.

Because these energies, even if they are the residues of Wang Feng's life origin, are also a high-level energy to this world!

The Star Dou Forest is also in the center of the continent, with the center as its source and spreading around it, the effect is naturally best.

Of course, these are just speculations.

It was the first time they met because of Wang Feng's situation.

Specifically, we still have to look at the situation after sealing.

In fact, the god of destruction and the god of Shura refused to be in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although this is the center of the mainland, it is also the center of countless soul beasts.If it is sealed here, after countless years, the first to benefit is the soul beast of the Star Dou Great Forest!

These spirit beasts will become stronger once they absorb the residual energy overflowing after Wang Feng's seal.

For the God Realm, this is naturally unwilling to see.Three K Novel Network

But Wang Feng still convinced them.

"You are afraid of soul beasts, but you are afraid of the situation of dragon gods again."

Wang Feng looked at the five god kings and said, "If I can become the source of the god of calamity, even if there are a few more cases of the dragon god, I shouldn't be afraid? Besides, you are also the god king at any rate, why bother Afraid of spirit beasts? Let me just say that. Once I wake up, I will definitely change the deformed cultivation system of spirit beasts and spirit masters."

The five kings looked at him in astonishment.

"As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse." Wang Feng looked at them, "It is not impossible for soul beasts and soul masters to coexist. According to what you said, if there is a catastrophe in the God Realm, soul beasts are also creatures. He has their characteristics, and No worse than us human beings. You have restricted their becoming gods, which is essentially a great help."

"I know what you are worried about." Wang Feng looked at the Destroyer God who was about to speak, "You are worried that if the Dragon God appears again, a powerful existence that does not accept the constraints of the God Realm Committee?"

Wang Feng and the five gods have learned about that period of history.

The Dragon God and many soul beast gods were unwilling to accept the constraints of the God Realm Committee and wanted to replace them.

So the war started.

Actually, this is the one-sided word of the five kings.

History is always written by victors.

If it were in the mouths of those ancient spirit beasts and gods who were still alive, it would be another kind of history.

For example, in the mouths of soul beasts back then, it may be the great dragon god who created the god realm, and then tolerated these human beings and allowed them to become gods. As a result, these human gods did not know the rewards of grace, but wanted to replace the dragon god. So launched the Dragon God War and so on, this kind of rhetoric.

For the time being, let's not worry about the history.

"Actually, the most essential reason is that you can't find the way of coexistence between humans and soul beasts. It's also that you are not strong enough." Wang Feng shook his head. The possibility of growing together."

"You can't do it, I can do it." Wang Feng said lightly.

The five kings looked at Wang Feng.

The Destruction God King couldn’t help but sneered, “You have not yet become the Origin Tribulation God King. Do you know how difficult it is to change the cultivation and promotion method of a world? Of course, we have the world of Douluo. It took a secretive change. Only now is the system of soul beasts and human beings. But the essence is that this world autonomously does not know how many years have passed since it evolved."

"It was a long and long time."

"You can change if you want to change? Just the prejudice between soul beasts and humans, passed on from generation to generation, can't be changed easily. If I destroy the king, I will leave the words here. Without us, you can only rely on one person. , To be able to change the cultivation system of Douluo World. You don't need to be the King of Origin Tribulation. I will see you three times and nine bows later."

"Also, soul beasts cannot become gods. This is the iron law of the God Realm Committee. If you want to change this, let's talk about it when you really become the God King of Origin Tribulation! This seal is not necessarily safe for many years. Maybe the seal will explode in the middle, and you will die. Are you still in the mood to consider this?"

Destroy the King of Gods and said every word.

"The five of us use the law of origin to seal you, and you will have to recover for at least many years in the God Realm. But we have no ability to reinforce the seal for you."

The god Shura said, "After sealing you, I can be considered as accomplished and retired, and pass on the position of the king to the next. As for the things of the soul beast, if you can really do it, you have the ability."

The evil god smiled.

It was him and the King of Destruction that suppressed the Dragon God.

"Me too." The evil god said with a smile, "After sealing you, Shan Liang and I plan to go to other unknown worlds or continents to play, and find an heir by the way."

The goddess of life smiled and said:

"It seems that in the world of Douluo, you have made a great wish, and the person who inspired the God Realm should be you. Although Xiao Zi's words are a bit sharp, the soul beast is just a double-edged sword. With your hands, you can resist threats, but you can also hurt yourself. But you don’t need us to sell them. If you can really create a common practice method between soul beasts and humans and change the world’s rule system. Then you really have the ability."

Wang Feng was silent.

Came to the center of the Star Dou Great Forest.

core zone.

"Do it."

Wang Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

The life energy in his body at this time began to riot again.

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