Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1010: The Real Godhood! (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The five great kings looked at each other, standing in five positions of Wang Feng, as if they were separated by several kilometers, showing the position of a five-pointed star in the air.

In the next moment, the power of five different laws gushed out of the five people.

The power of laws that surpassed the Douluo world, once used, would cause the Douluo world to fall apart.

But what is strange is that the power of the five people's laws at the same time turned into five different beams of light, and they were miraculously restricting each other, and did not cause the world to fall apart.

Five pillars of light soaring into the sky rose from the five bodies.

In an instant, all the powerhouses in the entire world watched this scene one after another.

It seems to know something.

Whether it was Tang San who was playing with Xiao Wu on the mainland at the moment, or the other Seven Shrek Monsters, or Ning Rongrong's third daughter in the far north.

Bibi Dong from Wuhun City, Qian Renxue.

they know.

This is the seal.

The power of the five different laws turned into five different powers, falling from the sky.

It's like a big mountain pressing down.

When each beam of light fell on Wang Feng, the life energy in the body was sealed.

After the five pillars of light fell, Wang Feng only felt that the power of his whole body was completely sealed.

Especially the life source of the heart, there is almost no life energy gushing out.

Wang Feng mobilized his mental power to look inside, but he was able to enter this life source and explore the infinite law.

at the same time.

After each beam of light fell on Wang Feng, it turned into a big mountain, containing the power of the law of the king.


The entire Star Dou Great Forest seems to be in an earthquake!

Wang Feng was inside at this time, and he had a clear perception of the outside world and was a little speechless.

What's this... why is it so like Wuzhishan?

It's a bit like.

Five bodies of different colors are thousands of meters high.

Become the only mountain in the Star Dou Great Forest!

The purple sacred mountain represents the god of destruction, the blood color is also the red sacred mountain represents the power of the law of the god of Shura, and the green represents the goddess of life.

Black represents the evil god, and white represents the good god.

The seal on Wang Feng's body comes from the inner power of the five sacred mountains.

With the passage of time, the power of the law imparted by the five great gods will dissipate...Of course, this time will be very long.

As long as there is no Xiaosan, Wang Feng can't get out of this, he can only comprehend the law of life here.

According to the gods and the others, the law requires a long period of careful comprehension.

The power of their laws cannot flow at will, otherwise it will cause a devastating blow to the world.

It can only be sealed in a fixed place.

Moreover, the life energy in Wang Feng's body is too huge, so he can only use this method to seal it for a long time.

If it is just sealed on the body, it will be quickly impacted by the energy of the life source.

So build these five sacred mountains and hide the power of the law in them.In order to seal Wang Feng's life source for a long time.

The five great god kings were in mid-air, their faces pale, obviously they had used the powerful law of origin, which consumed a lot of them.

This kind of seal must be performed by five people, otherwise one less, the law cannot be balanced, and it will destroy the world.

"Boy, do it for yourself. Don't let me down..."

The voice of Destroying God King came from outside.

The five god kings had already torn apart, returning to the gods to recuperate.

Wang Feng took a deep breath and sat quietly in the inner space constructed by no sacred mountain.

This is a hollow zone.

In the future, he will be in this five god mountain, I don't know how many years have passed.596 Novel

Wang Feng didn't have the first time to understand the origin of life in his body.

Because the power of the laws of the five great gods is still suppressing the energy riots at the source of life.

When it calms down in the future, it is not too late to realize it slowly.

As for the spirit power level, Wang Feng didn't care either.

Although these five people were isolated from all perceptions outside, Wang Feng could still absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

It's no problem to upgrade to level 100.It's just that the power is sealed and can't be used.

But it does not prevent him from practicing automatically.

Although there are still eight levels, the rest of the time is calculated based on a hundred years.Wang Feng's soul power was compressed even harder, and it was not a problem to cultivate to the 100th level after being placed on-hook for a hundred years.

Wang Feng's first comprehension was the first part of "One Qi Transforms Three Clears" from the system!

This thing is not easy.

To talk about the origin.

In the ancient mythology, this is an allusion and the highest method of the saint.

In many fantasy novels, this is also an extremely powerful peerless supernatural power.

When comprehending this method, Wang Feng felt that it was easier than simply comprehending the law.

Such things as the power of the law are too mysterious. Generally, you need to reach a very high level to understand this kind of thing before you have the sentiment and strength to understand.

Therefore, Wang Feng planned to spend some time directly and wait for his soul power to reach the hundredth level before considering trying to comprehend the laws of life origin.

Now Wang Feng comprehends this method more.

The first part means that there may be a middle part and the second part.

After a rough glance in his mind, Wang Feng roughly had some thoughts.

This thinking is just a few days.

This method is divided into several realms.In essence, you can cultivate the avatar outside the body, and the clone has the same strength and potential as the body.

However, it is necessary to cultivate a clone with a strong life force and soul force.

The clone is the same as the main body, Wang Feng can switch between the clone and the main body at will.Carry out control practice, practice, etc.

Strong is very strong.

Very strong.

According to Wang Feng's estimation, the content of the previous article is to cultivate a clone.Only two at most.

The content of the second chapter, the three will be one, as long as any one is not dead, Wang Feng will not die.Both can continue to practice in clones.

This is truly a peerless magical power, even if it is placed in the top martial arts world, it is the highest method.

And the content of the next part is that the three are united to exert their supreme power.More perverted!

After reading the last article, Wang Feng knew.

This chapter of becoming a god is not... the so-called Douluo's becoming a god.

Just as the system says.God, the top of the universe, the ancestor of all things.

This is the chapter of becoming a god at the top of the universe.

If nothing happens, the system says that this method of transforming the Sanqing together can make Wuhun evolve into an entity.

That is, Chaos Qinglian and Pangu Axe.

According to Wang Feng's estimation, the body and the two clones were both cultivated to the highest level.

Then, the three are one, the trinity, the Chaos Qinglian and the Pangu Axe evolved!

The highest achievement!

Wang Feng misunderstood the so-called becoming a god of the system!

"Then next, I need to refine the first clone before breaking the seal... and then attach ten spirit rings to the light and dark angel martial arts to raise it to level one hundred. Then I will refine the second clone and use the Pangu Axe. Attach ten spirit rings and raise it to level one hundred. If the body and clone are both cultivated to the highest realm of the god king, and then merged, I can blow the realm of the gods in one breath?"

Thinking of this, Wang Feng sighed slightly, his eyes brightened, and the road to the future seemed to be clearly visible.

In this way, under this colorful sacred mountain...Wang Feng opened his second chapter of the road to comprehend cultivation...


Ps: Tomorrow there will be a few chapters to transition... and then there will be a new chapter.

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