Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1011 One Hundred Years Later (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Wucai Shenshan appeared in the Star Dou Great Forest, such a huge and spectacle-like building would naturally stir the surrounding storms.

Now that the mainland is unified, the Star Dou Great Forest has undergone such changes, and this place is closely related to the mainland.

Naturally, this mountain was personally named the'Five Color Mountain' by the Wuhun Alliance.

As for why this mountain appeared in the Star Dou Great Forest, there are many opinions, and no one can explain clearly.

In addition, Wuse Mountain is in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is difficult for most spirit masters to penetrate.

Over time, he lost interest in this mountain.

It's just that from time to time, many spirit masters who strayed into the core area to see this five-color mountain would be moved by this spectacle.

The most interesting thing is that this mountain is clearly in the Star Dou Great Forest. It stands to reason that, except for those spirit masters who strayed in, not many spirit masters should dare to enter this place.

But according to those soul masters who strayed into this place, there are rare traces of human smoke in Wuse Mountain.

Especially 50 years after the appearance of the Five Color Mountain, the Wuhun Federation has entered a steady and rapid development state.

There are many talents in the soul master world, and many powerful soul masters have organized a team headed by the Title Douluo level to explore the mystery of this five-color mountain.

Although dangerous, they can often be affected by a mysterious force and return to the mainland from this core area alive.What was even more surprising was that there seemed to be humans living near Wuse Mountain, because according to the memories of these titled Douluo strong men, they saw that there were several human dwelling houses near Wuse Mountain.

Occasionally, I even saw a few celestial figures.

But whenever these powerhouses want to explore in depth again, a powerful soul beast will appear to hinder them, and then they will be sent out by a mysterious force near the five-color mountain.

Over time, this five-color mountain became the most incredible place in Douluo Continent.

Some people say that this is the relics of gods, some people say that this is the powerful soul beast of the sealer, and some people say that this is the gathering place of goddess in the sky.

Some people say that this is the sacred land of the mainland, as long as they can unlock the mystery of the five-color mountain, they will have all kinds of powerful abilities.

That's it.

A hundred years later.

Star Dou Forest, Five Colored Mountains.

A hundred years, for today's Wuhun Federation, passed very quickly.

A hundred years later, the five-color mountain is covered with lush branches and blue silver grass.

From the crevices of various vegetations, we can vaguely see the five different colors of rock.But it has not been decayed by time.


In the surrounding forest, some spirit beasts were suddenly alarmed.

Here is the core area, there are many ten thousand year soul beasts, and there are also many hundred thousand year soul beasts.

It is naturally not easy to be able to cause these soul beasts to sing.

In the forest.

A handsome man slowly walked out of the forest.

He has short blue and silver hair, his eyes are piercing, and he exudes a vast and soft breath like the sea.

Next to the man, there was also a woman who was half a head shorter than him, with a charming face and a pair of smart and sly eyes.

"When will they come?"

The people here were Xiao Wu and Tang San.

The two have been playing in the mainland for a hundred years, and they have also witnessed the changes in the Martial Spirit Federation over the past century, and they are indeed changing for the better.

Now, a hundred years later, when he is about to leave the mortal world, follow the agreement.

Their Seven Shrek Monsters will reunite in Wu Se Mountain.Qishu eBook

Because here is Feng Ge's seal.Say goodbye to Feng Ge and go to God Realm.

"I don't know, but I feel the breath of the gods."

Tang San said with a smile, "A few of them should have become gods? These years, they should have come several times. Feng Ge said at the beginning that after he was sealed, he would not come if he was fine. Otherwise, it seems It’s like he died and we come to worship him..."

Xiao Wu: "..."

Xiao Wu laughed a few times.

A hundred years have passed, her character still seems lively and lovely, and has not changed much.

"I can feel that there are still a few different residual auras here." Xiao Wu whispered, "There is bamboo clear, there is Rongrong... There are also several... even the breath of the pope, oh, it's not the pope anymore. It should be the supreme leader of the Federation... the head of the Twelve Douluo Heavenly Kings in the Central Wuhun Palace."

"They probably come here often."

Tang San couldn't help but laughed: "Brother Feng is still romantic, no way. He has attracted girls since he was a child. When he was at Notting College, most of the girls in the college liked him. However, Brother Feng and these women My child, Rong Rong and Zhu Qing won’t talk about it. I know a little bit about the others.”

"It's not easy."

"Why? Don't you think too?" Xiao Wu hugged Tang San's arm and looked at Tang San warily.

"Definitely not, I have Xiao Wu and you are enough." Tang San shook his head and smiled, "I don't have the abilities of Brother Feng. I can control their relationship with's still's incredible to think about it. "

Xiao Wu snorted and said with a small mouth, "It's good to know. You can only love me in the future!"

Tang San hugged Xiao Wu quickly and nodded repeatedly.

"Hahaha... Xiaosan, why did this affection show up just now?"

At this time, a somewhat wretched voice sounded again and again, "The captain is in this five-color mountain, but where is the lonely person? How do you do this, how will it affect the captain's understanding?"

Hearing this voice, Tang San and Xiao Wu smiled at each other and knew who it was.

Look into the distance.

Oscar and Shen Ling flew together in seven.

Slowly fell on the ground.

Not seen in a hundred years, Oscar's face is a bit more vicissitudes, his face is full of beard, but his appearance is so handsome, he looks very strange, but there is a wonderful sense of fit.

On the other side, Shen Lingqi has a graceful smile on his face, which is like a spring breeze, with an elegant temperament, and a mature woman's style between his brows.

Over the past hundred years, the two of them inherited the gods of the God of Cookery and the Goddess of Nine Colors while visiting the mainland.

Can be regarded as enjoyable.

The God of Cookery is a rare and special god in the God Realm, and the Goddess of Nine Colors are originally married.The two combined, in terms of function, are not inferior to the first-level gods.Coupled with the perfect inheritance of the two, their own potential is outstanding and the future can be expected.

"Hehe, these days, Brother Feng can't feel it inside."

Xiao Wu looked at Oscar and said with a smile, "Uncle Big Sausage, I heard that you have opened a sausage restaurant in the mainland, and the business covers the whole continent. It's so famous, brother and I have tasted it."

"Xiao Wu, cough cough, why do you call me Uncle Big Sausage?" Oscar coughed a few times, "Called Brother Brother!"

"Okay, Uncle Big Sausage."

"..." Oscar.

Several people glanced at each other, as if back to the beginning.Can't help laughing.

"What is my treasure, the Tang Sect of Xiao San, should be considered the first sect of the Federation now?" Oscar winked, "I heard that many young and talented little sisters join every year. Xiao San, when I return to Tang Sect, ...Have you, eh?"

Tang San's expression changed, and he said with a serious face: "Of course not! I'm not a fat man..."

"Damn! Third brother, how can you learn to arrange people? Is Ma Hongjun that kind of person? I am also a god now, why would I be interested in mortal girls?"

At this moment, an angry laugh sounded.

The three of them looked, but it was Ma Hongjunzheng and Bai Chenxiang flying from a distance.

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