Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1012 Seven Monsters (2)

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Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun at this moment, "Your boy's appearance is only one line worse than mine. What kind of god did you achieve?"

At this time, Ma Hongjun, with long fiery red hair, a burly figure and a handsome face.

People are tall and big, giving people a strong sense of oppression.Only those eyes still exude a little wretched aura, especially when looking at the five-colored mountains with different heights, the corners of the mouth always show a weird smile.

Bai Chenxiang on the side pinched Ma Hongjun, and snorted: "The third brother is right. When you imagine you are in the Flame God Mountain, you are not peeking at the flame girl. After a few glances? Do you just want to provoke the flowers in your heart?"

"Also, if you said that you are not interested in mortal girls, it is possible that you are interested in the gods..."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's face changed, and he smiled bitterly: "Xiangxiang, that's not my fault. My eyes see it automatically, and my heart rejects it... I am loyal to you! I am absolutely loyal even in the God Realm. Will not change your heart!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu laughed.

Bai Chenxiang also gave him an angry look.

"Fatty, what are you inheriting from the Vulcan inheritance?" Tang San said with some curiosity, "Vulcan is a serious first-level deity. The seven elemental deities. It's better if you can inherit his deity. Nothing."

"Yes." Ma Hongjun sighed, "Fortunately, during the time in Shrek, Feng Ge urged me to practice cultivation, especially when I was in Sea God Mountain, there was also the bird crested sunflower... hehe, but The physique of Xiangxiang and I have changed tremendously."

Unexpectedly, when Bai Chenxiang heard this, his face immediately turned red, and even his neck turned red.

"You still said it!" Bai Chenxiang screamed shyly, "Shut up!"

The bird crested phoenix sunflower was transformed by Wang Feng with golden lotus, which is very unique.

Once the men's and women's doubles are repaired, the yin and yang meet, which will change the bodies of both parties.After the two were together, during these hundred years, not only Ma Hongjun's talent has become stronger, but also the talent of carrying Bai Chenxiang, and the two martial spirits are very compatible.

Ma Hongjun naturally passed the assessment of Vulcan.

The two can also ascend to the gods together.

Ma Hongjun hurriedly shut up, admiring the captain again in his heart.

The captain is too clever. He feels like he can't bear it.When I waited, I was exhausted.

How did the captain treat all three or four girls subdued, even the one in Wuhun City...

Ma Hongjun couldn't help thinking back to the scene he encountered when he and Bai Chenxiang visited the captain in Wuse Mountain several decades ago... At that time, he couldn't imagine that he saw the highest leader of the Wuhun Federation, Bibi Dong.

Even came to this five-color mountain... Qian Renxue was with him.

Ma Hongjun was so exciting at the time.

At that time, he had not inherited the Vulcan, and he felt that Bibi Dong had a terrifying aura.

There is a saying, I only dare to look far away, a little closer to the other person's momentum, it is overwhelming.

Later, I heard from Tang San that after Bibi Dong became a god, especially after the captain was sealed, his strength became stronger.Even he may not be able to win Bibi Dong.

Such an amazing woman?

Brother Feng can...

The most terrifying thing is that there is also the angel god Qian Renxue. In terms of beauty and temperament, no one in this entire continent can compare her.

It was so defeated at Brother Feng...

'too frightening.'Ma Hongjun secretly said in his heart,'The captain can conquer even this...'


You know, those who can come to Wuse Mountain are all intimately related to Wang Feng.China Book Library

Even if I was in Wuhun City that day, I didn't see it very clearly, but I still had some guesses in my heart.

Decades ago, seeing the two came to Wise Mountain, Ma Hongjun immediately knew the relationship between Wang Feng and them.

"Ahem... Then I won't say it." Ma Hongjun shut up, "By the way, why hasn't Mr. Dai come here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a hearty laughter sounded from a distance:

"Why, fat man, miss me?"

It was accompanied by a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Everyone saw that it was Dai Mubai and Shui Yue'er who flew down from midair.

"Think of a fart."

Ma Hongjun suddenly flashed the wings on his back, and several light wheels flashed on his body. As the red wings of the fire color gleamed, he opened his mouth and ejected a fiery pillar of fire.

Dai Mubai laughed and said, "Fatty, you became a god of fire, did you just float away?"

When the words were over, Dai Mubai let out a violent cry, the same light wheel flashing on his body, the huge white tiger lifted into the sky, spraying white light waves directly at Ma Hongjun.

Two rays of light exploded in the air, setting off countless clouds and smoke.

"Damn, Boss Dai, I didn't expect that if I become a Vulcan, I can't stabilize you?"

As the clouds dissipated, Dai Mubai counted in surprise.

"Mubai should inherit the position of God of War, right?" Tang San on the side pondered, "Although God of War is only a second-tier god, his combat power is not worse than that of first-tier. Oh, Mubai, what is Shuiyue'er? Happening?"

Ma Hongjun was slightly stunned.

It was just a simple trick just now, but it was also able to detect Dai Mubai's extraordinary features.

"Yue'er..." Dai Mubai and Shui Yue'er fell and said with a smile, "Because Yue'er has been cultivating with her sister for several years, she has passed the ice-water double gods in the Extreme North Land. During the Dao test, I took a lot of natural resources and treasures. The talent and aptitude are not worse than mine. When we traveled the mainland, we came to an ancient area called the Zhanhuangzu. There I inherited the position of God of War, Yue He inherits the position of Han Shen."

"You can enter the God Realm with me. Speaking of which, it took a lot of effort back then."

Tang San heard the words and thought about it, the Cold God seemed to be a second-level god, the lower god of the Ice God.

The two gods of ice and water became gods at the same time, but they were like sisters.When Shui Bing'er asked Shui Yue'er to come to the Forbidden Land, he should have wanted Shui Yue'er to inherit the position of the Water God, but unfortunately, Shui Yueer was not qualified enough at the time and was not recognized by the Water God.Even after practicing for several years, it is far from enough.

Water god is too demanding.

Shui Yue'er only got the five tests of Water God.But it was these five tests that made Shui Yue'er approved by Han Shen.

In addition to playing with Xiao Wu in these years, Tang San has also been inherited from the god of Shura, but he needs to use Xiao Wu as an opportunity.

So he also knows a lot of the gods of the gods.

But at this time, watching the partners inherit the position of God one by one, I am also happy for it.

At the same time, Tang San also resurrected the Ming Dynasty in these years.

"By the way, where are Zhuqing and Rongrong?" Xiao Wu curiously asked, "have you heard from them all these years? My brother and I saw Rongrong when we came to Wuse Mountain decades ago. She has become a god of water. Zhuqing doesn't know..."

At this time, Shui Yue'er smiled and said, "Because my sister and Rongrong are the two gods of ice and water, they usually practice together, and they have great gains. A few years ago, my sister told me that they were helping in the far north. Those soul beasts practiced, and later went to the southern seas and said they wanted to see the sea dry and the rocks... Rongrong should also come. My sister said, after the gods, I will practice with Rongrong."

"My sister is the god of water, and after parting with Rongrong, she said she would go to see the other side of the sea."

"Sister Zhuqing inherited the position of Fengshen, I heard from my sister, it seems that they have met... Later, sister Zhuqing seems to have gone to a magical moon area, where there are two gods, one is the fantasy god, the other is Luna..."

Shui Yue'er hesitated and said, "This place was originally found by Bibi Dong, the supreme leader of the Federation... Then Bibi Dong took her apprentice Hu Liena to this place and inherited the position of Illusory God."

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